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Chapter 328 Ocean

"The commander of the Lingshan Guards made Cheng Yan occupy the land of all the military households, and also made the military households sell private salt for him without giving him a penny. The military households of the Lingshan Guards were poor and had long hated Cheng Yan. The military households became small.

The two families had an ancestral jade statue. Cheng Yan had been peeping at it for a long time. He used the excuse that Cheng Xiaoer went to sea privately and violated the sea ban. He wanted to punish him and took the opportunity to seize the jade statue. Cheng Xiaoer was very prestigious among the military households.

They couldn't bear it anymore, so they broke into Cheng Yan's house at night and killed his whole family. Not only that, they also arrested Lingshan Guard Qianhu, Baihu and other officers at all levels, and simply turned the tables on him."

Tang Wenhuan came back well and brought back the reasons for the Lingshan Guards' rebellion.

In fact, Cheng Yan's plan to seize the jade statue was just the trigger.

Over the years, the oppression and exploitation of military households by the generals of the guards is the real reason.

Otherwise, after the rebellion among the Lingshan Guard households, the military households in other guard stations would not have followed suit and caused such a big fuss.

"So, the fault does not lie with these military households. There is no way to survive, and they can't bear it anymore. What else can they do if they don't rebel?"

Zuo Mengeng defined the event.

Of course he has to protect Lingshan Guardsmen.

These are all people who hate the imperial court to the core, so they will naturally stand with him.

Of course Mao Yuanyi had no objection, but just asked: "How to deal with this matter?"

Zuo Mengeng thought for a while and said: "Take all the artillery and retreat ten miles. Let the military households handle the matter of Lingshan Guard themselves. Also prepare a batch of food and send it to them."

Tang Wenhuan left, but the military households of Lingshan Guard were still frightened.

Although Tang Wenhuan acted very restrained and friendly, looking at the eagerly looking army outside the city and the cannons one after another, the military households all knew that if the army attacked by force, Lingshan Guard would definitely not be able to defend it.

What awaits them is death.

"Hey, the army's artillery has been withdrawn."

Someone shouted, attracting everyone to the city wall.

Everyone saw with their own eyes that the officers and soldiers outside the city put away the artillery racks, installed gun jackets on the artillery guns, and dragged them away away.

After a while, the officers and soldiers left as cleanly as if they had never been there.

No, Tang Wenhuan is back again, driving a carriage.

"My general said that if officials are corrupt and immoral, the people will not be held accountable. All the blame lies with Cheng Yan, and you deserve to kill him."

His words caused thunderous cheers from the military households, and they finally understood why the army retreated.

Cheng Xiaoer hurriedly stopped everyone's noise and asked in disbelief: "Brother Tang, your general will not punish our crimes, but what if other officials come and cause trouble for us?"

Tang Wenhuan smiled proudly and said: "It's a mess now. The court is short of officials everywhere. Even the county magistrate can't find enough people. You Lingshan Guards, I don't think the court has time to care about it. Besides, from now on, I

The army is stationed nearby. Except for us, no one from the imperial court will come here. Even if they want to be officials, we won't allow them."

Cheng Xiaoer heard something.

"Brother Tang, aren't you officers and soldiers?"

Tang Wenhuan seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"It is now, but it may not be the case in the future. The Ming Dynasty is ignorant and ignorant from top to bottom. The Tatars outside the pass and the Mongolia in the grassland cannot be defeated. They have lost their troops and lost their land. The people of the world are bullying and bullying, which makes the people miserable. It is impossible to say that for the sake of the world

Safety, what should we ambitious people do?"

When Cheng Xiaoer heard this, his heart beat like thunder, and he couldn't help but said: "Your general is really a hero."

Tang Wenhuan took such praise as a matter of course and pointed to the carriage path: "My general knows that you have been without food for a long time, so he gave me permission to bring food here. You have been hungry for a long time and cannot be full immediately. These should be used to cushion your stomach and recover your body. Wait.

After you get used to it, I will give you food."

He was afraid that these people would have concerns, so he added: "I am right here, eating food with you. If our army poisons you, then I will die with you."

Not to mention, the military households really suspected that the New Army had poisoned the food and then defrauded the city. Now that Tang Wenhuan took the initiative to be honest and stayed to share life and death, he immediately gained the trust of the military households.

They were all very hungry. They entered the city with carriages and immediately set up pots to cook rice porridge.

When the fragrance of rice filled the Lingshan Guard, all the military households burst into tears.

They couldn't remember how long it had been since they had tasted rice.

Cheng Xiaoer helped a girl who looked like a leaf come over, carefully protecting her and sitting on the stone. He also got a bowl with porridge and put it to the girl's mouth himself.

The girl, who was about to die, smelled the aroma of rice and immediately started to devour it.

A huge bowl of rice porridge was all eaten in the blink of an eye.

"Brother, I'm still hungry..."

Cheng Xiaoer went to serve porridge again, but was stopped by Tang Wenhuan.

"My sister has been hungry for a long time, and her spleen and stomach are not healthy, so she doesn't dare to eat more. Take it slow for now, don't worry, there will be more to come."

Tang Wenhuan had already drank the porridge in front of everyone, which eliminated the last doubts of the military households.

With trust comes conviction.

Tang Wenhuan warned everyone not to eat too much. Although everyone was extremely greedy, they all only drank one bowl of porridge.

A cartload of rice, such a portion, is just enough for the whole city to eat.

Cheng Xiaoer already regarded Tang Wenhuan as his idol. He pulled him aside and asked quietly: "Brother Tang, did your general say what to do with those officials?"

Cheng Yan was killed by the military households, but there were still several thousands and hundreds of households in the hands of the military households.

Tang Wenhuan pointedly said: "When our army came here, all the officials in the city had died in the chaos. Who killed them was not clear for a while."

Cheng Xiaoer understood and breathed a sigh of relief.

The generals of Lingshan Guard are a problem, and the New Army is not easy to deal with. After all, the New Army has not yet reached the point of openly breaking with the imperial court. Punishing officials rashly will cause trouble.

In this case, it's better to let them die in chaos.

The injustice has no head, the debt has no owner, and the court can't say anything.

Originally, the disaster was successfully subsided and they were able to eat. The military households of Lingshan Guard seemed to be reborn.

"Brother Tang, we will never go hungry again, right?"

Tang Wenhuan looked at the eagerly awaiting military households and said loudly: "Whether you will still starve depends not on others, but on yourselves. From now on, there will be no corrupt officials to oppress you, but what kind of life can you live?

It’s up to you to work hard. Are you willing?”

All the military households showed smiles and were full of expectations for the days ahead.

They are all hardworking and hard-working people. As long as they are not bullied and oppressed, they are confident to survive.

Zuo Menggeng didn't care about what happened at Lingshan Guard. He and Mao Yuanyi led the guard company to Ma Tou Mountain at the southernmost tip of Jiaozhou Bay.

This place and Tuandao on the opposite side are like the two pincers of a crab, tightly wrapping Jiaozhou Bay in it.

Zuo Mengeng held the telescope and greedily looked at the surrounding scenery, his heart was really racing.

"This is a unique port. If it is properly developed, it will become a prosperous place."

Mao Yuanyi was also knowledgeable. She pointed at Tuandao Island at her feet and across from her and said: "As long as our heavy artillery is placed on these two sides, it can completely strangle the entire bay. We are not afraid of foreign enemies at all."

Zuo Mengeng felt that he was too conservative.

"Don't think about defense all day long. The navy is an offensive force and must be attacked. This bay is just a resting place for the navy. When we take over the sea, do we still have to worry about being attacked?


Mao Yuanyi laughed.

"My Lord, you don't even have a boat in your hands, so you want to dominate the entire sea?"

Zuo Mengeng said proudly: "Sooner or later, our warships will always be bathed in the sun."

The earth is round, and when half of it is in the night, the other half must be in the day. If the navy's warships can always bathe in the sun, it means that the entire world's seas are under control.

Mao Yuanyi was also impressed by his domineering attitude and said seriously: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We must win this bay in front of us."

Zuo Mengeng was even more anxious.

"When I went to Jiangnan some time ago, I told the cloth merchants in Songjiang Prefecture that one day, cotton could be transported to them by sea. Once a seaport is built here, ships can be sent directly south. The schedule and cargo volume when arriving in Songjiang Prefecture will be

Nothing can compare to the canal."

Mao Yuanyi looked at the other side of the bay.

"I don't know what happened to Zhang Keda. Did he pacify Fushan?"

Zuo Mengeng pursed his lips and chuckled.

"Let's go, let's go find him and beat the autumn wind. This Fushan place must fall into our hands."

Everyone laughed and returned the same way, heading towards the east side of Jiaozhou Bay.

Within a day, we arrived at Fushansuo.

There is no need to doubt Zhang Keda's ability. He had already put down the rebellion in Fushan Institute. The only bad thing was that he killed a lot of people.

The entire acropolis was riddled with holes and blood flowed like a river. Only less than half of the hundreds of households were left alive.

"These people would rather die than surrender. I had no choice but to attack by force. Look, what a crime."

Zhang Keda also couldn't bear the situation.

He did not order a massacre, and the people who died in Fushan were all killed during the siege. However, although he had strictly restrained his men, the people of Fushan were very stubborn in resisting, which is why the casualties were so heavy.

The remaining living people, even though they were captured, were full of determination to die.

"The people are not afraid of death, so why should they fear death?"

Mao Yuanyi couldn't help but ridicule, of course the target was not Zhang Keda, but the imperial court.

The reason for the Fushan Suo rebellion was no different from that of the Lingshan Guard. They were both caused by the oppression of the generals of the Guard.

Fushan Suo Qianhuo was even more cruel, not only forcing military households to sell illicit salt. When he was caught by the inspection department, he went directly to kill all the military households and used it in exchange for military merit.

Only then did the military households break out, and after killing everyone in his household, they took over the city to rebel.

Although Zhang Keda knew the reason, the rebellion was absolutely not allowed by the court, so he had no choice but to attack by force, which resulted in even greater killings.

This general who has fought countless battles did not dare to look into the eyes of the military households at this time. Instead, he was relieved at the arrival of Zuo Menggeng.

"Sun Zhongcheng has already issued an order for me to return to the army. In this way, the aftermath here will be left to General Zuo."

This chapter has been completed!
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