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Chapter 33 Like-minded people

"Brother, come quickly and help us clear up our doubts."

Gong Duan, however, was familiar and impatient, so he pulled Zuo Mengeng to the middle.

Only then did Zuo Mengeng see that what was on display among the crowd was The Wealth of Nations.

This can't help but make his head full of black lines.

Akito's sense of confidentiality is really too much to complain about.

Can such writings be shown to others at will?

If there was a stubborn and conservative person among the people here, if he brought this matter out, wouldn't he, Zuo Menggeng, immediately become a criminal?

Hou Xun noticed his strangeness and said with a smile: "Don't worry, dear nephew, we are all members of my generation."

Zuo Menggeng's death was an accident.

"If Mr. Gu doesn't realize that the younger generation's work is deviant?"

Hou Xun picked up the manuscript as if he were holding a peerless treasure.

"It's a joke, how can this be deviant? The road to governing the country lies within it."

Zuo Mengeng didn't dare to relax and said cautiously: "When I wrote this article, I didn't think about governing the country and bringing peace to the world. I just watched people working hard every day. Although they are conscientious, there are still things that can be improved."

Cao Wenheng stroked his beard and sighed.

"Good nephew, don't think that governing the country is difficult. After all, it is nothing more than money and food. If money and food are sufficient, the country will be peaceful and the people are safe; if money and food are scarce, the country will be in danger and the people will be in difficulty. Those of us who are officials and govern diligently are nothing more than

These are just two words. However, I have worked hard and thought hard, but I can't add any more to it. What my wise nephew said should be my teacher."

Zuo Mengeng didn't dare to do this. He stood up quickly and kept thanking him.

My family knows their own affairs.

Although I had a strange dream, the things I can inherit are very biased, more than military matters.

As for how to be an official and govern the country, he is still a novice.

I don’t think that seeing the scenery of the next few hundred years makes me any better than these political bigwigs.

At the very least, he had a dark eye on how the imperial court of this era was run.

If you really want to enter the officialdom, you will be eaten by others without leaving any bones or dregs.

Gong Heng also said: "My dear brother, I don't know something. The place where the Gong clan is located is overcast, with many mountains and little land, and the people are in poverty. How to survive has never been understood. As my wise brother said, if you create hundreds of projects and accommodate ten thousand people, then

It is actually a good method to reduce the pressure on the land."

Liu Zongzhou nodded and said: "This is the case in the south of the Yangtze River. If there are no prosperous industries, the people will immediately lose their income, and there will be countless people who will destroy their families."

Gong Duan is sincerely asking for advice.

"What my wise brother said is very interesting, but my foolish brother has something that I don't understand. Please enlighten me."

Zuo Mengeng felt a little relieved.

"My little brother, I will tell you everything I know, and I will tell you everything I know."

The official was overjoyed.

"My dear brother said in the article that hundreds of industries can be opened to accommodate thousands of people. Although this can provide livelihood for the people, there are a certain number of fields in the world, and the food produced is naturally fixed. Too many people have left the land, but there is no food to satisfy their hunger. In this day and age

It’s a big problem.”

It turns out that this was the case, and Zuo Mengeng really couldn’t help it.

"The fields in the world are limited, but the output is unlimited. Nowadays, the maximum output per acre is only one or two stones. But what if the output is increased to three or four stones?"

Everyone exclaimed, "How is that possible?"

Zuo Mengeng was at ease.

"Why not? In the pre-Qin period, people mostly used stone and bronze tools for farming. The amount of land cultivated was limited, and the output was less than half of what it is today. Only after the rise of iron tools did we have the current output. Why can't we cultivate more acres?

How about investment and research to increase the yield per mu?”

A group of people looked at each other.

They are all scholar-bureaucrats. Although they are not industrious and do not distinguish between grains, they obviously do not understand how to operate farming.

Zuo Mengeng sighed with emotion, realizing that there was too much to explain when facing these ungrounded people.

"Take seedling cultivation as an example. Is there any progress? The younger generation feels that there is actually some. A piece of farmland, even if the farmers serve it wholeheartedly and take care of everything, some of the crops that can be grown will be good and some will not be good; in the event of a disaster,

Afterwards, some fell down while others remained upright. What's the difference?"

Cao Wenheng scratched his beard and tried, "Maybe it's just a coincidence?"

No wonder he thinks so. Agriculture in this era depends on the weather, and there is no overly professional research at all.

Various agricultural books and books also focus more on the construction of agricultural facilities and the most basic breeding methods.

But the difference between breeding and breeding, without the support of biology and genetics, people in this era simply don’t understand the mystery.

This is what Zuo Mengeng wants to say.

"It's no coincidence that crops are like people, some are strong and some are weak. The strong among people are less likely to get sick or injured and recover faster. The opposite is true for the weak. In this case, the junior thought, in

When breeding, why not choose seeds that grow well and remain intact despite disasters? Will the crops grown from seeds grown in this way be better than ordinary seeds?"

Everyone listened in rapt attention, but did not refute.

Although they didn't understand the reason, it sounded like it was true.

Hou Xun is a practical person and said: "I don't know if this method is feasible. When I get to the capital, I will personally discuss it with Sinong Temple. If it is feasible, it will be popularized throughout the world and will be a blessing to all people."

Everyone nodded one after another, feeling that it was a great kindness.

Only Zuo Mengeng laughed, knowing that it was impossible to do it.

Hou Xun had sharp eyes and could see clearly, but he was unwilling to let him go.

"My dear nephew, if you have something to say, why don't you say it? What we all want is peace in the world, peace and prosperity for the country and the people. If there are any omissions in this method, it is up to you to find out and fill in the gaps."

When Zuo Mengeng came to his door, he couldn't avoid it.

I gritted my teeth and had no choice but to take heavy medicine.

"According to the younger generation, regardless of whether this method is successful or not, it is impossible to spread it throughout the world."

Everyone was surprised and didn't know why he made this conclusion.

Liu Zongzhou was even more anxious and said: "Tell me your reasoning."

Zuo Mengeng looked around, even looked around, and realized that the servants were far away, so he spoke.

"In today's world, most of the land is concentrated in the hands of the royal family, nobles, and landlords. These people annex the land to enrich themselves. The current output and exploitation alone can satisfy the luxurious enjoyment. If it is not enough, continue to annex it. Which

What motivation is there to increase the output per acre?”

His words were like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, instantly cooling the atmosphere.

Still no one refuted Zuo Mengeng, because everyone knew that what he told was the truth, and it was cruel.

The reason why the landlord class is an obstacle to progress in this era does not mean how harmful it is to landowners annexing land.

When it comes to issues in all dynasties in Chinese history, land annexation is the focus.

In fact, in Zuo Mengeng's view, there are prerequisites for land annexation to become a big issue.

The most prerequisite is that the majority of people are locked to the land and must rely on the land to survive. In other words, land is the only means of production for the majority of people.

When land is robbed, people will inevitably face pressure to survive.

Secondly, the annexation of land did not bring about the development of agriculture.

Anyone who has experienced agricultural mechanization and large-scale production in later generations knows that doing so is the right way to improve agricultural production efficiency and output.

But the problem is that the purpose of the landlord class annexing land is only to grab wealth and will not make any investment in agricultural production.

Since you can live a wealthy and luxurious life with the land you robbed, how can the landlord class be willing to invest in agricultural production?

When natural disasters occur and agricultural production decreases, the landlord class does not find ways to improve the ability of crops to withstand disasters, but continues to expand land annexation and rely on quantitative advantages to make up for the lack of production.

The last little problem is that the backward feudal society cannot satisfy the needs of a larger population after they break away from agriculture.

The production in agricultural society is relatively simple, there are not many types of industries, and the number of labor required is very limited.

After a large number of farmers lost their land, they were unable to obtain their survival needs from other places, and ultimately had to embark on the road of exile.

This is the cruel reality of this era.

Even if there are ways to increase agricultural production and income, the landlord class that controls the land will not do it.

This is also the biggest difference between the landlord class and the large farmers in the capitalist era.

Although the large farmers of later generations were also engaged in agriculture, they were actually more like factory owners.

Land is their means of production, and food is their commodity.

They sell the grain they produce on the market, and the profits they get back are either expanded reproduction or turned into their own wealth.

Under such circumstances, those large farmers are naturally willing to work hard and conduct research on increasing agricultural production and income.

But the landlord class is different.

The wealth of the landlord class is land.

As for food, it is the fruit produced by the land.

The more land the landlord class owns, the more wealth they have. As for the output of the land, it is only incidental.

This also depends on the feudal society, where the types of wealth are single.

After food is produced, it cannot be converted into various types of wealth, and naturally it cannot stimulate the enthusiasm of landowners.

As a result, agricultural output could not be increased to meet the needs of a larger population. Farmers' land was robbed. Coupled with natural disasters and political chaos, a huge and violent social crisis came.

Zuo Mengeng didn't say much. He just mentioned the issue of increasing agricultural production and income, which already made Liu Zongzhou and others feel troubled.

Of course these people know what kind of virtue a landlord is.

Because many of them are also landlords themselves.

The only difference from traditional landowners is that their wealth is not just land, business occupies a large part.

These social elites who combine agriculture and business have a more comprehensive view of the problems of the entire society.

Naturally, we know how difficult it is to increase production and income as mentioned by Zuo Mengeng.

As for the method of colonial expansion, Zuo Menggeng did not mention it at all.

There is no need to worry about talking to Xu Ruolin, and there will be no consequences. But when facing these people, there is no harm in being cautious.

Since the Zhao and Song Dynasties, the Chinese nation has not been very interested in external expansion.

He has no power at this time and bringing it up will only cause trouble.

Only when these people return to the court and face the Pixiu-like emperor and the deteriorating situation will they understand the right path.

When the time comes, there is no need for Zuo Menggeng to hand over to Corporal Lixian. As long as he performs to a certain extent, these people will switch camps and become his assistance.

This chapter has been completed!
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