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Chapter 333

"I've been waiting for you day and night, and finally I've got you here."

The people with tears in their eyes when speaking were Gong Heng, Gong Duan's younger brother Gong Dian and cousin Gong Su.

Gong Su is the son of Gong Nai, Gong Nai's younger brother.

Gong Lu was also a well-known figure and one of the main allies of Shanzuo poetry circle. He passed away more than ten years ago.

Gonglu had four sons, none of whom had any official career. The eldest son and this son had no heirs and had already moved to other places.

Now the third son, Gongsu, is in charge of the family, and together with Gongdian, he manages the official family property.

At the beginning of the year, I learned from Gong Duan that the new army would not be able to get through for a while. After discussions between Gongdian and Gong Su, they both felt that Mengyin County could not be defended. So the family moved out of the county and returned to Gong's old house in the east. Door.

Relying on the dangerous terrain of Yanggu behind the Upper East Gate, Gongshi repelled the attacks of the White Lotus Sect several times. Although he paid a heavy price in casualties, he finally saved his home.

Even so, Gongshi was at the end of his rope.

If the new army doesn't come yet, they might be defeated by the White Lotus Sect next month.

"These beasts have caused great harm to villages all over the country. It is said that there is no one alive in the county. Zuo Shenzuo, you must avenge the villagers."

Speaking of the suffering of the past few months, Gongdian burst into tears and hated the White Lotus Sect to his core.

Although Gongshi has been a minister for many years, he has never lived in the village of fish and meat. On the contrary, he has really done a lot of good deeds. Because of this, he has won the trust of the local people and united to defend their homeland.

"Brother Haruno, don't worry. When our army comes this time, it will definitely wipe out the entire White Lotus Sect."

Zuo Menggeng gave the guarantee, which made Gongdian and Gongsu extremely happy.

"You can rest assured, Zuo Shen, we will carefully prepare for the supply of food and grass, and we will definitely not lose the consumption of the army."

Zuo Mengeng hurriedly waved his hand.

"I would like to teach you two brothers that our army has its own rules and regulations for logistics supplies and never troubles the place. If you are serious, please send some guides."

When they heard that the new army did not invade the area, Gongdian and Gongsu were surprised, but at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past six months, the White Lotus Sect has caused great harm to the local area. All production has been completely destroyed, and the people do not have enough food to eat. If they continue to bear the burden of food and grass for the army, there is no doubt that people will starve to death.

But throughout the history of the imperial court's wars, the common people had to endure such pain.

Apart from anything else, the fact that the New Army did not disturb the local area was enough to conquer the hearts and minds of the local people.

"It is our duty to be a guide."

Zuo Mengeng has other requirements for Brother Formula.

"The county magistrate of the Party wants to take over the county seat. He takes office alone and has no one to rely on in the local area. He also asked the virtuous Kun Zhongxiang to help him."

The local government in Mengyin had been completely destroyed, and not a single official was left. When the party still took office, it was in ruins.

It is not only necessary to reestablish the rule, but also to clean up the people's hearts and minds and the economy.

Without the help of the court and colleagues, we can only seek support from the local area.

Of course, Formula Brothers will not fail to do such good things.

Helping the party to reestablish local order will bring the formula's local influence to a higher level.

Gongsu took the initiative and said, "Then I will accompany the Ming Mansion and go there in person."

After being poisoned by the White Lotus Sect, the local people may not trust the officials sent by the imperial court, but they will definitely be convinced by the people of the Gong family.

Zuo Menggen sent a battalion to follow the party Huan Chun to take over Mengyin County.

The Gong brothers only thought that Dang Huanchun took office alone, and did not notice that there were some high-spirited young people following Dang Huanchun.

These are young people who have recently graduated from the government affairs class, and they will start to practice their administrative skills from the beginning.

The next focus of the New Army's strategy is Meng Lianggu.

This is the only stronghold of the White Lotus Sect in the northern part of the Yimeng Mountains.

If this place is removed, the White Lotus Sect will be blocked on the road to the north, and they can only be trapped in Mengshan Mountain waiting to be surrounded and suppressed by the new army.

"The White Lotus Sect on Meng Liang Gu has about 10,000 people, and its leader is Murong Cai's disciple Bai Dasheng. This guy is very smart and has set up eighteen lines of defense on Meng Liang Gu, blocking all the roads going up the mountain."

Zuo Mengeng looked down at the sand table and asked something else.

"Where's Murong Cai?"

Zuo Fu seeks truth from facts.

"We don't know at the moment, but the most likely reason is that they are meeting up with Zhao Si and Dong Dacheng. Currently, the leaders of the White Lotus Sect have suffered heavy casualties, and the remaining ones can only join the group to keep warm."

Zuo Mengeng was keenly aware of something.

"Did Bai Dasheng and Murong Cai get into trouble?"

Zuo Fu paused, then smiled and said: "Although there is no information, it seems that it should be so."

At the same time, he also admired Zuo Mengeng's keenness.

How did he know that in Zuo Mengeng's mind, the so-called Jianghu figures, their benevolence, morality, and Jianghu loyalty are all fake. When fighting for power and profit, their methods are more direct and vicious.

This Hundred Dasheng is obviously more sophisticated, otherwise it would be impossible to gather more than 10,000 people.

Intelligence showed that when Murong's Ministry of Finance was driven out of Qingzhou, there were only more than 19,000 people left.

Bai Dasheng has most of the strength in his hands, so it would be strange to not want to replace Murong Cai.

"Then if we say that, if we win a hundred battles, Murong Cai won't come to the rescue?"

Huang Sanhu smiled and said: "Even if he comes, he will only die."

The strength of the new army, against these White Lotus Sect, there is no difference between ten thousand and thirty thousand.

Zuo Mengeng was very cautious.

"Operations in mountainous areas are different from plains. The terrain will make it difficult for us to deploy our troops. In some local areas, we may even be at a disadvantage."

As the commander-in-chief of this battle, Sui Zhizhong expressed his approval.

"At present, the troops of Baida Sheng are mainly concentrated in Lutou Mountain in the northwest, Dayanding and Diaowo in the northeast, and Wanquan Mountain and Huangguding in the southeast. We need to pull out these places one by one, and we must not pull them out.

If it falls, there will be no way to attack the main stronghold of Meng Lianggu."

Mao Yuanyi lay on the sand table and studied for a long time, then asked: "Can't we attack Meng Lianggu directly from the valley in the south?"

Wei Qiyou explained: "Although the valley in the south is relatively close to the main peak of Menglianggu, the height difference between the top and bottom is huge. When you attack halfway up the mountain, you will be attacked from both sides."

The fighting methods at this time were different from those during the Liberation War.

At that time, the range of artillery was very long, so even if the artillery was set up in the valley, it could reach high places. But today's artillery can only look at the top of the mountain and sigh.

In addition, the infantry's cap guns could not be compared with the automatic firearms that were more popular at that time.

The flash cap gun must be used in an organized manner to show its power. Once dispersed, it is not as good as a spear.

After all, in mountainous areas with complex terrain, as long as you fire a shot, other people's knives and spears will come to kill you without allowing you to reload.

If you attack from the top, the advantages of firearms will be offset a lot.

Therefore, the best way to attack Meng Lianggu is to attack from other peripheral routes. Although it is slow, advancing to the top of the mountain step by step can take advantage of the New Army's group operations.

After discussion, the new army decided to start the attack from Lushan Head, northwest of Menglianggu.

Lushantou is not high, only one or two hundred meters, but it is the gateway to Menglianggu. After passing Lushantou, there is a road along the ridge that leads directly to the top of Dagu.

Although this series of mountains is collectively called Menglianggu, in fact the highest peak is Dayuanding, followed by Daguding, and Menglianggu can only be ranked third.

The reason why Bai Dasheng's main stronghold was placed on Menglianggu was because it was flatter than the top of Da'an and Dagu, and could accommodate more people.

Gu refers to a mountain with a relatively flat top.

However, before attacking, Sui Zhizhong raised a question that had to be considered.

"Sen, if we attack, will Bai Dasheng escape?"

The New Army's troops are insufficient, and it is impossible to completely surround Meng Lianggu with only the dissatisfied regiments. If Bai Dasheng wants to run away, the New Army cannot stop it.

After Zuo Mengeng studied the terrain, he said with certainty: "As long as we don't surround him from all sides, Bai Dasheng will not run away for the time being. He also has nowhere to go? Murong Cai, Dong Dacheng, and Zhao Si met at the same place.

He is stronger than him. If he dares to go to Mengshan, Murong Cai will never let him go."

Mao Yuanyi didn't understand.

"Why don't we attack from all sides? Bai Dasheng won't run away?"

Although Zuo Mengeng came here for the first time, he was more familiar with Meng Lianggu than anyone else.

"This is a stone mountain, and there is no water on it. If we surround it from all sides, and the thieves on the mountain cannot go down to get water, they will definitely try their best to break out. If we don't surround it, Bai Dasheng will be lucky. When he wants to run away in the future

, my muscles and bones have been injured for a long time.”

For a military expert like him, the Battle of Menglianggu was naturally a material to study carefully.

I remember clearly that the 74th Division was reorganized because there was no water to cool the machine guns in the mountains.

During the battle, the combat effectiveness of the reorganized 74th Division was greatly reduced due to lack of water. Now, they had to prevent the lack of water, forcing Bai Dasheng to escape early.

Times have changed, and battles have also been deployed accordingly.

This chapter has been completed!
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