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Chapter 36 Bloody Battle

Zuo Mengeng stood up unsteadily, feeling like the world was spinning.

My head was buzzing, my eyes were blood red, and everything I saw was blurry.

He knew that this was the aftermath of the explosion.

Being experienced, he quickly slapped his cheeks several times and finally regained control of his body.

Look around again...

Forget it, I can’t watch it anymore.

The place where the explosion occurred was very vicious. It was separated from the intersection into the pier by a row of houses, but the officers and soldiers on the other side of the intersection could not be seen.

When there was an explosion here, the shock wave swept across, and a large area of ​​houses was reduced to nothing. It also wiped out a large area of ​​the officers and soldiers on the other side.

Visible to the naked eye, countless officers and soldiers fell to the ground, obviously dead.

Countless officers and soldiers howled and ran back, obviously frightened.

This is not what Zuo Mengeng wants to see.

In this dock, Feng Lun has the largest number of people, and they are also very fierce. Any more delay will lead to more casualties.

Especially Liu Zongzhou, Hou Xun, Qian Qianyi and others are among them. If they are killed, it will be a big deal.

No matter what, the officers and soldiers cannot be allowed to flee and must be organized to continue the attack.

Thinking of this, Zuo Mengeng was about to go over. When he turned around, there was a confused person next to him.

It was none other than Huang Er.

But at this time, I couldn't care about him anymore.

"Go find a place to hide and don't run around."

Huang Er shook his head violently.

"My life was saved by the young master, so I will follow you."

Zuo Mengeng was furious.

"I'm going to fight."

Huang Er is very stubborn.

"Then I will follow, I am not afraid of death."

Forget it, the situation was urgent and Zuo Mengeng had no time to argue with him.

He turned around and rushed into the broken wall next to him.

Because the house was destroyed by the bombing, it was easy for him to go to the army.

As soon as they passed through, they saw Wuyangyang's army retreating in defeat.

Zuo Menggeng stood on the street and swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger.

"Escape from battle and you will be killed without mercy!"

A group of officers and soldiers looked at each other in confusion, and stopped in their tracks, wondering which part of the song was being sung.

Seeing that Zuo Mengeng was the only one, many people were eager to try.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Zuo?"

Among the officers and soldiers, a small flag came out and looked at Zuo Mengeng carefully.

Zuo Mengeng also remembered him.

"Ah, you are the military commander guarding the gate."

The little flag relaxed and asked: "Master Zuo, why are you stopping me from waiting?"

Zuo Mengeng shouted and asked: "The thieves are wreaking havoc in the dock. If you don't want to kill the thieves, why are you running away?"

The officers and soldiers were noisy and said anything.

"The thieves used gunpowder, and we can't get in."

"General Luo Shen has been killed. If we don't run away now, we will die here."

As Zuo Mengeng listened, his eyes darkened.

"Is your general dead?"

Although Linqing is an important place, there is only one town garrison and one staff general.

As a result, the general was killed in the explosion just now.

The little flag smiled bitterly and said: "Master Zuo, it's not that we don't want to fight. But the generals are all dead and there is no one to command."

Zuo Mengeng still refused to give way.

Just kidding, this is currently the only military power Linqing can produce.

His face was serious, and he was always bluffing and cheating.

"Now at the dock, the Minister of War, the Yin of Shuntian Prefecture, the Imperial Servant Shaoqing, and the Prefect of Dongchang are all here. If they are killed by thieves and the court unleashes the thunderous wrath, will you still have a chance to survive? Not only you, but also your family members will

To die."

The officers and soldiers were stupid, they really didn't know this situation.

But no one thought Zuo Mengeng was lying. Many high-ranking officials had come to Linqing in the past few days, and everyone had heard about it.

Besides, isn't it necessary to engage in such a big battle to deal with high officials?

These officers and soldiers were afraid.

If so many high officials died here, they would really be buried with them.

That little flag was about to cry.

"Master Zuo, we really can't get in. The thieves have placed archers on the archway. Anyone who rushes out will be shot to death."

Zuo Mengeng asked: "Don't you have a shield? Even if you don't have a shield, you can just get a door panel."

A boss hummed: "The thief has a powerful crossbow in his hand, and shields and door panels cannot stop him."

Most of the shields of the Ming army in the mainland were shields. They were good against bows and arrows, but when used against powerful crossbows, they looked like paper.

Zuo Mengeng became anxious, passed through the officers and soldiers, and ran to the front to observe.

Although the officers and soldiers were frightened, they did not dare to run away and followed behind him.

Zuo Mengeng reached the intersection and poked his head out from the hiding place to observe.

I found that this place was really dangerous. If the officers and soldiers wanted to rush into the dock, they could only go here.

But the thieves placed bows and arrows on the archway dozens of steps away, blocking the entire intersection.

what can we do about it?

When Zuo Mengeng was at a loss for what to do, he saw something.

"You have a squatting tiger cannon, why don't you blast it?"

Makes the whole person very angry.

"Do you know how to fight? Look at this terrain. Can the tiger crouching gun mount be used?"

It turns out that there is a small turn between where they are and the intersection, so they can hide here to avoid being shot by the thieves' archers.

But if you set up a squatting tiger cannon, you have to go out and you will immediately become a target.

We obviously have weapons but can't use them. Do we really want to die trapped here?

Zuo Mengeng looked around anxiously. When he saw the surrounding terrain, the classic scene from the Battle of Liberation of Tianjin in "The Great Battle" suddenly appeared in his mind.

This made me excited, and I immediately shouted: "Quick, go find the ladder."

Several officers were confused.

"What are you doing?"

Zuo Mengeng pointed to the teahouse across the road.

"There is no cover here at the intersection, so we can't mount the cannon. Then why can't we mount it above? The thieves will definitely not notice it. If we mount the tiger crouching cannon above, we can shoot."

Several officers looked at the roof of the teahouse and then at the archway opposite, slapping their foreheads in annoyance.

"Oh, why didn't I think of that?"

After finding a way, the courage of these officers and soldiers returned. Soon, the ladder was found and quietly set up behind the tea house.

Xiaoqi took the lead and carried the squatting tiger cannon on his back to the roof. The rest of the soldiers followed, carrying gunpowder and projectiles.

Not long after, there was a roar one after another.

When I looked at the archway opposite, smoke and dust had already filled the sky, mixed with the murderous screams of the thieves.

The obstacle was finally removed.

Zuo Mengeng raised his scimitar and shouted: "Charge."

He took the lead and rushed into the dock with hundreds of officers and soldiers.

He didn't recognize anyone, so he had to catch whoever he could and start assigning tasks.

"You take people over there and deal with all the gentlemen; you take people to capture the Chaoguan Yamen, and be sure to protect the documents and files inside; you control this intersection and prevent the thieves from escaping, and no one is allowed to come in again."

The officers and soldiers joined the battlefield, and the situation immediately reversed.

Zuo Mengeng, on the other hand, took some time off, looked around, and found that the thief was completely defeated.

Only the Imperial Guard ship on the water was still engaged in a fierce battle.

So what's on it?

Is it worthy for Feng Lun to stage such a shocking battle?

Zuo Mengeng couldn't restrain his curiosity, so he jumped into the water and swam quietly towards the Jinyiwei official ship.

This time Huang Er couldn't follow him. He didn't know how to swim, so he could only look at Zuo Mengeng dryly.

Zuo Mengeng swam closer, hid in the water and listened quietly. He found that there was no movement on the deck, but instead there were loud shouts of murder in the cabin.

He thought for a while, felt the broken part of the official ship, found a hole, and touched it in.

It's not too dark inside, and light comes in from the break, so you can vaguely see something.

Zuo Mengeng moved toward the place where the killing cry was like a ghost.

After three turns and two turns, there is a gap in front, and a person is blocking it.

Wearing the official robe of a wealthy family, covered in blood, the situation is not good.

His left arm has been broken, and the blood under his feet has condensed into a pool. He only holds an embroidered spring knife, leaning against the bulkhead, and is fighting a trapped beast.

Feng Lun's beast-like shouts filled the cabin.

"Ancestor! Godfather! Where are you? My child is here to save you. Come out quickly, let's fight back to the capital, kill Chongzhen's son, change the emperor, and continue to be majestic!"

The hundred households in brocade clothes laughed wildly, with despair in their voices.

"Feng Lun, you are in vain. Do you think Wei Zhongxian and Li Chaoqin are on this official ship? Hahahaha, the emperor has a clever plan. He guessed that there were unruly ministers like you and had already sent Wei Zhongxian and Li Chaoqin away by other means.

La. Hahahahaha..."

Zuo Menggeng was shocked, and then he realized that Feng Lun had set up such a killing array to rescue Wei Zhongxian and Li Chaoqin.

According to Ming history, in November of the first year of Chongzhen, Wei Zhongxian and Li Chaoqin were ordered to guard the mausoleum in Fengyang.

Isn’t it already November?

This chapter has been completed!
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