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Chapter 364 Wuqiao Mutiny

On November 28, after more than a month and a half of trekking, the five thousand troops from Dongjiang Town led by Kong Youde finally arrived outside Wuqiao County.

Someone might jump out.

[Author, you are talking nonsense. Kong Youde set out on November 14th, November 28th. It was only fourteen days, so why was it more than a month and a half? 】

The reason...

Because this year is leap November.

It was November 14th when Kong Youde set out. But when he arrived in Wuqiao County, it was November 28th.

Kong Youde walked from Dengzhou to Wuqiao for more than a month and a half.

The reason why such a small distance took so long is, of course, that the Dongjiang Town soldiers were unwilling to go to Liaodong at all.

That means delaying it if you can.

They even stayed in Zouping for more than a month.

Stop-and-go, stop-and-go, coupled with poor military discipline, made the Shandong elders treat them as bandits wherever the soldiers and horses of Dongjiang Town passed.

By the time they arrived at the foot of Wuqiao County, the troops and horses in Dongjiang Town were already exhausted, and their food and fodder had been exhausted.

One soldier was so hungry that he ran to the home of local squire Wang Xiangchun and stole a chicken.

As a result, he was discovered by the Wang family and chased to the military camp.

Wang Xiangchun, who is that?

The Wang family is filled with officials and ministers, and their power is overwhelming.

After the arrogant and domineering Wang Xiangchun's son caught the soldier who stole the chicken, he pierced his ear with a bow and arrow while traveling around the camp.

Seeing this situation, the soldiers and horses of Dongjiang Town, who were hungry and cold, were shocked and angry. Their emotions for the past few days finally broke out. The mutinous soldiers rushed into Wang Xiangchun's house, smashed, looted and burned. Only Wang Xiangchun's son survived.

On the second day, General Manager Li Yingyuan and his father Li Jiucheng conspired to tie Kong Youde to the martial arts arena and force Kong Youde to rebel.

Kong Youde had no choice but to agree.

Thus, the vigorous Wuqiao Mutiny officially kicked off.

Unsatisfied when the rebels swept through Wuqiao County, they immediately returned to Shandong and swept across the country, burning, killing, and looting. No chickens or dogs were left behind wherever they passed.

Well, all of the above are false.

The cause of the Wuqiao mutiny had nothing to do with Wang Xiangchun's chicken.


Wang Xiangchun did not have a house in Wuqiao at all.

Wang Xiangchun has been living in Licheng since he resigned from office. Throughout his life, he has never set foot in Wuqiao County.

Why did Wang Xiangchun want to buy a house in a place he had never been to before?

This is something that the Intelligence Department has investigated clearly and completely solved the historical mystery.

Moreover, Wang Xiangchun not only did not have a house in Wuqiao, he was bedridden at this time, and his son was also serving him by his side.

Next year, Wang Xiangchun will pass away.

In other words, it is rumored by various historical materials that Wang Xiangchun's chickens led to the Wuqiao mutiny, which is completely false.

Although Wang Xiangchun is not a good person, things that are unwarranted are unwarranted.

Why is it that things are spread as if they are true and no one ever investigates?

And it is said so in various historical materials, even in the "History of the Ming Dynasty" written for Donglin Party members?

Just because Wang Xiangchun is not a good person.

Even if he is hacked, no one is willing to stand up for him.

In fact, if you really want to explore, you can still find something fishy by just looking at historical data.

Regarding the Wuqiao Mutiny, the most authentic and appropriate information is the memorial written by Bi Ziyin, the then magistrate of Wuqiao County.

As soon as you hear this name, you will know that it is inseparable from Bi Ziyan, the Minister of Household Affairs.

This is also true.

Bi Ziyin is Bi Ziyan's cousin.

Precisely because he was not a member of the Donglin Party, Bi Ziyin's memorial is very credible.

What does his memorial say?

Historical data says that on the way to Wuqiao from Dongjiang Town, military discipline was already very bad. When the people heard about it, they were so frightened that they simply closed their doors and did not dare to do business.

But in fact, when Dongjiang Town set off from Dengzhou, Sun Yuanhua prepared sufficient supplies for them.

Why is Dongjiang Town suffering from hunger and cold?

He stayed in Shandong for more than two months. How much food and grass would he need?

Bi Ziyin's memorial said that in fact, during that time, Shandong soldiers and horses who were aiding the Liao Dynasty were passing by Wuqiao, that is, Wang Tingchen's department.

On November 27, about six to seven hundred soldiers under Kong Youde arrived at Wuqiao to rest in the evening.

After lunch the next day, we continued heading north.

When we arrived at the school grounds in Wuqiao County, something unexpected happened in the Kong Department and we were unable to move forward.

Upon seeing this, Bi Ziyin hurriedly sent someone to Kong Youde's army to ask for the reason.

However, they saw the soldiers of the Kong tribe binding Kong Youde, claiming that Kong Youde did not pay them food and wages, and demanded that they be paid food and wages before letting him go.

Bi Ziyin was afraid of changes and rushed to the military camp to comfort him.

However, he was a county magistrate, but the soldiers in Dongjiang Town did not listen to him at all, and even went to the nearby countryside to plunder dozens of horses, donkeys and other livestock.

Bi Ziyin knew as soon as he saw that things could not go well. After returning to the city, he immediately ordered the government officials, Baojia and Minzhuang to go to the city wall to defend the city.

In the evening, Dongjiang Town suddenly broke camp and headed south.

In other words, Wuqiao County was not captured by the rebels, and there was no killing or looting in the area.

After the rebellion in Dongjiang Town, he successively captured Lingxian, Linyi, Shanghe, Qidong and other places on his way south. Everywhere he went, he would plunder the local treasury and release prisoners to serve as strong men.

The rebel forces grew in strength and gradually reached an uncontrollable level.

Just when the rebels captured Qidong, Shandong Governor Wang Daochun, who was patrolling the plains, first received the news and quickly sent a letter to Shandong Governor Yu Dacheng to inform him of the matter.

At the same time, Zuo Mengeng, who was far away in Yimeng Mountain, also received the information.

He immediately convened a meeting of military officers at all levels to discuss the matter.

"This rebellion in Dongjiang Town seems at first glance to be a general outbreak of conflicts between Dongjiang Town and the imperial court. But behind this, there are many shadows."

Zuo Mengeng underlined the names of Li Jiucheng, Wang Daochun and others, vaguely understanding the truth of the Wuqiao mutiny.

First of all, Dongjiang Town is unwilling to go to Liaodong from top to bottom. This is certain.

This is also the root cause of the rebellion in Dongjiang Town.

So why did you choose to launch a rebellion in Wuqiao?

Many historical materials attribute the answer to Wang Xiangchun's chickens.

But in fact, the fundamental reason why Dongjiang Town launched a rebellion in Wuqiao was that their psychology had reached a critical point.

Just look at the map and you will understand that Wuqiao is right at the junction of Shandong and Gyeonggi, and is the first stop from Shandong to Gyeonggi.

Dongjiang Town had been in Shandong for more than two months without launching a rebellion. Why did it start a rebellion when it arrived at Wuqiao?

Because from this moment on, Dongjiang Town left Shandong.

This means that they are one step closer to Liaodong.

This broke the tension in the hearts of everyone in Dongjiang Town.

In addition, Li Jiucheng is very suspicious.

Note, as mentioned above, only the 600 or 700 people from Dongjiang Town's vanguard arrived at Wuqiao on October 27th.

Obviously the main army is still behind, why is the general Kong Youde here in the vanguard?

there is only one truth.

He came to join Li Jiucheng.

It was not Li Jiucheng and Li Yingyuan who conspired to coerce Kong Youde into rebelling, but they, the generals of Dongjiang Town, conspired together.

The reason for such a show was just to mislead the court and buy time for their rebellion.

Facts have proved that their plan was successful.

Bi Ziyin just closed the city gate and asked the rebels in Dongjiang Town not to enter Wuqiao County, which would cause him to lose his official title.

He did not report the Dongjiang Town forward's return south at all.

"It is not difficult to analyze from this that Li Jiucheng must have some kind of mission. After he rushed back, Dongjiang Town immediately launched a rebellion. But at the moment we cannot judge what his purpose is?"

As the chief officer of the Intelligence Department, Zuo Fu was very dissatisfied with his inability to explore the truth.

Zuo Mengeng laughed and asked, "Think about it, what did Li Jiucheng do before?"

Regarding this point, Zuo Fu opened his mouth.

"On the orders of Sun Zhongcheng, he went to Shanxi to buy horses. Ah... Shanxi!"

Not just him, many people had a flash of inspiration in their minds, and many things clicked into place in an instant.

When everyone suddenly realized, Zuo Mengeng knocked on the table and said seriously: "Everyone, have you seen it? How powerful is our opponent Huang Taiji? If you still cling to the old things of Qingshui Pass, one day in the future, sooner or later,

You will suffer a big loss."

The whole new army was in a state of solemnity, and the generals no longer had any arrogance.

The victory that I had always had turned into vigilance after seeing Huang Taiji's power.

Zuo Mengeng is even worse.

He knows history.

Although he had long known about Huang Taiji's power from history, after he really learned more about Mi Xin, he couldn't help but admire Huang Taiji.

Regardless of his identity, Huang Taiji is definitely an amazing strategist.

But it's fun to play against people like this.

The great man said it well.

Fighting with the sky, the joy is endless; fighting with the earth, the joy is endless.

Fighting with others is even more fun.

Let’s see if he, a cheater of history, can defeat the most powerful man of this era?

This chapter has been completed!
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