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Chapter 369 Equivalent Exchange

The Wuqiao Mutiny was such a famous battle in history that Zuo Mengeng was naturally familiar with it.

He knew that if he hadn't stopped Zhang Keda on the way, he would have gone to Jinan, confessed to his concubine, Mrs. Chen, and committed suicide afterwards.

Some people may wonder, since Zhang Ke mostly ran away, why did he commit suicide?

That's because Zhang Keda knew very well that his choice to commit suicide was actually the best outcome.

If he hadn't died, all the blame would have been put on his head.

Who called him the highest military commander in Dengzhou?

Especially Zhou Yanru would definitely use him as a scapegoat in order to save Sun Yuanhua.

Only by dying and telling everything can he preserve his reputation after death.

This is also true.

After Zhang Keda committed suicide, he revealed everything that happened in Dengzhou, which led to Sun Yuanhua's tragedy.

In this case, there is no need to go to so much trouble to save Zhang Keda.

Zuo Mengeng not only stopped him on the way, but also brought his concubine Chen from Jinan.

But the moment Chen appeared, Zhang Keda understood that Zuo Menggeng was deliberately not giving him a chance to choose.

"General Zuo helped me out of righteousness, and I am deeply grateful. But the matter has come to this. If I don't die, I am afraid that the whole family will be in trouble. What can I do?"

Amid Zhang Keda's misery, Zuo Mengeng was still smiling.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry. Madam and your family are on their way now. You will be reunited in a few days."

Zhang Ke was stunned. He never thought that Zuo Menggeng would actually take things to this point.

Then he thought of something, suddenly changed his color, and complained endlessly.

"By doing this, General Zuo, isn't it damaging to Zhang's innocent reputation? Zhang is loyal and loyal, and serves the country with loyalty. From now on, won't he be burdened with eternal infamy?"

On the surface, Zuo Mengeng's actions saved his whole family.

But when he ran away like this, the entire Zhang family fled without a trace, and the court would definitely think that he was absconding out of fear of crime.

Zhang Keda has always put loyalty first and never thought that one day he would become an unfaithful and unjust sinner.

From now on, if his reputation is ruined, he might as well die.

Zuo Mengeng laughed loudly and said comfortingly: "Brother Zhang, a person's loyalty cannot be exchanged for a lot of money. But he must be sober and understand what loyalty is. This Ming emperor is stupid and his officials are corrupt, so that the people of the world are revolting everywhere, but there are still

A sign of divine favor? Being loyal and dedicated to such a court will not win you any good reputation. Instead, you will be ridiculed by future generations for being foolish and loyal."


Zhang Ke was horrified and looked at Zuo Mengeng in disbelief.

No matter what, he never expected that this young general whom he admired so much would actually have deep ambitions.

"Is General Zuo also going to be a rebel and traitor?"

Zuo Mengeng was not angry.

"I just plan to overthrow this decadent old dynasty and revive China."

Zhang Keda's heart was racing, his mind was racing, and he felt like he had already stepped on the edge of the cliff with one foot.

"If Zhang doesn't obey, General Zuo will kill people and silence him, right?"

Zuo Mengeng shook his head.

"Brother Zhang, it's true that you are a talented person, but you are not too important. I saved you just because you didn't deserve to die in vain, that's all. Under the overwhelming situation, how about your single power not having any impact?"

Zhang Keda is still testing.

"General Zuo, aren't you afraid that Zhang will expose your plot?"

Zuo Mengeng spread his hands and asked: "Brother Zhang feels that the situation is like this. Even if the court knows what Zuo is planning, what's the use?"

Zhang Ke was stunned for a long time before he let out a decadent sigh.

Of course he also understands the general trend of the world.

But precisely because of his understanding, he understood better where Zuo Mengeng's confidence came from.

The young man in front of him has become so powerful that it is difficult for the court to control him.

Having said all that needs to be said, Zuo Mengeng knew that Zhang Keda still needed some time, so he said: "Well, the matter is now over. It is meaningless for Brother Zhang to seek death again. When he returns to the court, all kinds of dirty water will inevitably be poured out.

Let’s go to Brother Zhang. How about taking a break for Brother Zhang and looking around at my little brother’s place to see if what we do can save the world? Then we can make your mind clear.”

Zhang Keda never expected that Zuo Mengeng would be so tolerant to him, even if he might betray him.

However, thinking of Zuo Mengeng's previous words, Zhang Keda helplessly understood that this was due to Zuo Mengeng's strong self-confidence.

As Zuo Mengeng said, under the current situation, Zhang Keda's actions really can't change anything.

Moreover, previously he was full of grief and anger and wanted to die, but now that Zuo Mengeng had interfered with him, his thoughts had been weakened unconsciously.

Since he couldn't die, Zhang Keda thought about it and said, "I wonder if I can follow General Zuo and immerse myself in it?"

Zuo Menggeng is capable of everything.


After discussion, Zhang Keda's concubine, Mrs. Chen, was sent back to Linqing for resettlement. Zhang Keda stayed and followed Zuo Mengeng to observe.

Zhang Keda was very curious about Zuo Mengeng's confidence in the rebellion.

And to understand what Zuo Mengeng did, is there any better place than by his side?

Saving Zhang Keda was only the first step.

At this time, the city of Dengzhou was already in complete chaos because the rebels had entered the city. Those who resisted, those who surrendered, and those who fled were everywhere in chaos.

In the midst of the fighting, massacre, and torture, the people hiding in a courtyard were like boats in the stormy waves. They had no choice but to pray to God.

This is a group of blond and blue-eyed people who have traveled thousands of miles to come here. They only want to make money. But they did not expect that they fell into the most dangerous situation.

I could hear the roar of guns and cannons outside, and the shouts of killing shook the sky. These people were holding muskets and swords, staring at the door in fear.

The door rang so suddenly and hastily.

Unexpectedly, either wild beasts crashed into the door, or they kept banging and banging.

The people inside the door were trembling, some were raising guns, some were holding knives, but no one dared to step forward.

Just when the situation was unclear, a voice sounded outside the door that made them feel more friendly.

"Is Priest Anni here? I am Deng Yuhan, the person Priest Luo Yagu invited to rescue you."

The blond hair and green eyes inside the door went crazy at this moment. They hurriedly rushed to open the door, only to see a young Akito standing outside the door.

Seeing only one person, the blond hair and green eyes all despaired.

The Ming people ignored their expressions and asked in Portuguese: "Where is General Silao?"

"General Silao has died in battle."

The young Akito was startled, but he could no longer care about anything else at this time, and said hurriedly: "Everyone, please follow me quietly. This is your only chance to leave here, I hope you can cherish it."

Padre Anne stood up, full of earnestness.

"Dear hero, can you really lead us out of here?"

Obviously, this is doubting Akito's identity.

What if they were rebel liars and coaxed them out of the yard, wouldn't they be killed casually?

They just never thought that if the rebels attacked such a poor courtyard, they would still kill them casually.

Akito took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Annie.

"This is a letter written by two priests, Deng Yuhan and Luo Yagu, and my general Zuo is outside the city to meet him."

The Westerners got together and examined the letter carefully, and finally believed Akito's identity.

The situation was urgent, and everyone did not care about anything else. They abandoned some unnecessary things and followed the young man into the chaotic and dark Dengzhou City.

At this time, the city of Dengzhou was already in chaos, with killings and arson happening everywhere. However, the magical thing was that the young man seemed to have some strange detection methods and always led these Westerners to a safe path.

Along the way, everyone was walking in a hurry and did not know what to do, but they did not meet the rebels face to face.

Only when they were leaving the city, Priest Anni recognized through the moonlight that they were walking through the west gate of Dengzhou City.

After leaving the city gate, the young man led them and walked along the base of the city wall for a long time. They saw that the way was blocked by the moat, which was obviously a place of death. But when the young man whistled, several small wooden boats immediately rowed on the water.

The experiences along the way were deeply engraved in the minds of these Westerners, and they also admired the abilities of General Zuo.

"Dear General Zuo, thank you for your life-saving grace. If it weren't for your wisdom and generosity, we would have returned to the embrace of God."

In the southern mountains, these Westerners who had escaped finally saw Zuo Mengeng and expressed their gratitude without hesitation.

Zuo Mengeng had actually seen all of these people.

Luo Yagu sent them to Dengzhou that day and stayed briefly in Linqing. It was that time that Zuo Mengeng remembered that there were still these precious talents in Dengzhou city.

There are a total of thirty Westerners, all of whom are experts in artillery, musketry, shipbuilding, etc.

Their artillery and musketry skills were nothing to Zuo Mengeng, but shipbuilding technology was what Zuo Menggen needed.

"Everyone, according to the rules of business, efforts must be rewarded. I saved you, so I need you to give enough returns. Now, please tell me, do any of you know how to build a ship?"

Regarding his statement, these Westerners took it for granted.

Europa has a strong business atmosphere and emphasizes that everything has value. If you give something, you must get something in return.

Zuo Mengeng hoped to be rewarded after saving them. This is perfectly normal.

Another thing, these people are mercenaries to begin with, so who are they working for?

After the death of Sirao, Lu Weiluo became the leader of these people.

"Dear General, it is our honor to be able to repay your kindness. Please tell me, what do we need to do?"

Zuo Mengeng liked this feeling of free conversation very much.

"First of all, I need some excellent shipbuilders. If any of you are proficient in shipbuilding, I think the salary of five taels of silver per month is appropriate?"

As soon as he finished speaking, these Westerners burst into exclamations.

Originally, they thought that from now on they would have to work for Zuo Mengeng for nothing in order to repay Zuo Mengeng's life-saving grace.

But he didn't expect that Zuo Mengeng would offer him a sky-high salary of five taels of silver per month.

May all patrons in the world be so generous!

In an instant, a dozen Westerners stood up.

This chapter has been completed!
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