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Chapter 377 Medicine and Seiko

The reason why we want to build an engineer shovel is to dig fortifications, and to make up for the lack of melee weapons in the new army.

The bayonets of the new army were sharp enough, but they could only accumulate stabs and could not chop.

This limited the performance of the new army in hand-to-hand combat.

But with the engineer shovel, it's different.

As we all know, the engineer shovel is an all-purpose weapon for traveling at home, killing people, and setting fires.

Regarding the issue of trenches for the next battle, Zuo Menggen took matters into his own hands, wrote a teaching material, and ordered it to be distributed to the entire army. At the same time, he personally taught regiment-level cadres and asked them to teach it after they returned.

The wars in the late Ming Dynasty were not only rampant with firearms, but also had some shadows of World War I.

For example, the use of trenches is very complex and scientific.

Of course, in Zuo Mengeng's case, the trenching technology of this era was still at the pediatric level.

At the very least, the New Army looked at his trench ideas, and everyone was shocked.

While military training was going on in the Yimeng Mountains, bad news came from Linqing.

Li Banghua fell ill.

Zuo Mengeng hurriedly unloaded his affairs and returned, only to find that the situation was much more serious.

"My uncle has suffered from severe abdominal pain a few days ago. He has been to many doctors, and they all said it was intestinal carbuncle. Whether he can survive or not depends entirely on fate."

Li Rixuan stood at the head of the bed, looking at Li Banghua's comatose state and crying.

The rest of the people also sighed, helpless.

Zuo Mengeng looked around and found that the doctors invited by the Li family were all traditional Chinese medicine doctors.

As for the intestinal carbuncle that Li Banghua suffered from...

For a moment, he wondered if it might be appendicitis.

But Zuo Mengeng knew a little bit about medical skills and knew that in ancient times, appendicitis was indeed called intestinal carbuncle, but intestinal carbuncle and appendicitis are not the same thing.

In this case, the only thing you can do is to consult a professional.

"Quickly go and invite Mr. Deng Yuhan."

Fu Yijian immediately accepted the order and left.

Deng Yuhan came quickly and brought a lot of people and equipment.

It seemed that Fu Yijian had already explained the situation to him.

"Zhongheng, can I check Mr. Meng An?"

Seeing Zuo Mengeng call a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes, all the doctors present looked ugly.

An old man was even more angry and said: "General Zuo, doesn't he believe in the medical skills of me and others? How can the barbarians from other countries be compared with my Chinese apricot forest?"

At the critical moment, Zuo Mengeng was not in the mood to waste words with these people. He looked at them with cold eyes and scolded them mercilessly.

"Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing. The patient is right in front of you, do you have a solution? Since you don't have any, and you are arrogant, can you have a compassionate heart?"

Several doctors were scolded so hard that they could not hold their heads up, and their faces were covered in red and blue.

At this time, there is nothing to say, everything depends on the results.

Deng Yuhan ignored the quarrel next to him and had already put on clean medical uniforms, even a hat and a mask, and then walked up to Li Banghua.

At this time, Li Banghua was almost fainting from the pain, and it was even more difficult to speak complete words.

Deng Yuhan sat down next to him, stretched out two fingers, and pressed back and forth on his abdomen.

"Mr. Meng An, does it hurt here?"


"What about here?"


"What about here?"


Deng Yuhan nodded, clarified the symptoms, stood up and came to Zuo Mengeng's side.

"Zhongheng, I'm convinced that it's appendicitis. Surgery must be arranged as soon as possible to remove the affected area. Otherwise, Mr. Meng An's life will be in danger."

Zuo Mengeng was startled.

"You...can you do an appendicectomy?"

Deng Yuhan was even more frightened.

"You actually... actually know that the appendix can be removed?"

Zuo Mengeng realized that he had been exposed and quickly changed the subject.

"Mr. Deng, I mean, do you have the qualifications to perform surgery? You have to know that in case of infection..."

Deng Yuhan pulled a little girl over and said with a smile: "Of course, we have been working on our understanding of bacteria. Through the method you taught, we have obtained a high degree of alcohol and the disinfection effect is good. Don't worry, I have already dissected it.

After so many... hmm... there won't be any surprises."

That little girl turned out to be Lu An.

"Brother, believe us."

Zuo Mengeng knew that the best treatment for appendicitis is to remove it.

Since it was a matter of life and death for Li Banghua, and Deng Yuhan was confident, there was no reason not to do it.

"Then it's up to you."

Looking back, Zuo Mengeng said to Li Rixuan and Li Banghua's old wife: "Mr. Meng An's condition is critical, and surgery must be arranged immediately. Mr. Deng Yuhan will personally preside over and remove the diseased part of Mr. Meng An. In this way,

Only then can Mr. Meng An be saved."

Upon hearing this, Li Banghua's old wife rolled her eyes and fainted on the spot.

Cut people?

She immediately thought of Caishikou.

Several old doctors were even more excited and rushed over one after another.

"General Zuo, I have never heard of this type of therapy since ancient times. Are you afraid that it is not a Western magic trick that wants to harm the lives of our people in China?"

Regarding these stubborn people, Zuo Mengeng was too lazy to fight with them and ordered the guards: "Blast them all out."

After thinking about it, I felt that this was an opportunity to promote correct medical knowledge, so I picked two people among the old doctors.

"Since you find it incredible, then stay as a representative and observe on the spot how appendicitis surgery is done."

The doctors who were noisy immediately became quiet when they heard that they could stay and watch.

The irrelevant people were cleared away, but the two doctors who remained were trembling all over.

I guess I am thinking that if I read Western magic, I wonder if I will be poisoned?

But seeing Zuo Mengeng was there, I felt a little more at ease.

In this era, there is no way to build a laboratory that fully meets standards. We can only do a rough cleanup.

Deng Yuhan asked the Li family to clean up a clean room, and asked Lu An to take people in to disinfect it carefully.

"Guys, you must also abide by the rules in the operating room. After all, human life is at stake, and there is no room for chaos."

Deng Yuhan's authentic Chinese speaking somewhat reassured the two observing doctors. With the help of Deng Yuhan's assistant, they put on protective clothing and masks, and followed Zuo Menggeng into the world's first operating room.


At this time, Li Banghua had taken off his shirt and was carried to the hospital bed in the middle. Many candles were lit around the hospital bed.

These candles are placed in glass covers, so there is no need to worry about the smoke scattering. Moreover, carefully arranged glass mirrors are placed at different angles.

Zuo Mengeng knew that this was the best lighting measure that could be achieved under the existing conditions.

Deng Yuhan came to the position, his whole body wrapped tightly. He first picked up a glass vial, opened it, inserted the needle into it, and carefully pumped the liquid inside into the syringe.

Medical needles and syringes have already been manufactured.

Zuo Menggeng has been investing heavily in the field of precision craftsmanship and encouraging craftsmen to innovate.

Although today's medical needles are not as precise as those of later generations, they are sufficient for practical applications.

Deng Yuhan carefully injected the liquid from the syringe into Li Banghua's body while carefully observing his condition.

After about five or six minutes, Li Banghua's breathing became steady, indicating that he had fallen into an unconscious state of coma.

"This...is this Ma Fei Powder?"

Seeing this scene, the old doctor was so shocked that he almost rushed up to see what was going on.

Zuo Mengeng hurriedly grabbed him.

"It's not Mafei powder, it's an anesthetic."

This kind of anesthetic is certainly not the anesthetic of later generations, and it cannot be produced with current technology.

Speaking of which, the emergence of this anesthetic was an accident.

Deng Yuhan collected many plants on his way from Europe to China. Among them, a plant obtained on the east coast of Africa, according to him, can put people and animals into a coma.

After hearing this, Zuo Mengeng asked: "Can I use this kind of thing to help relieve pain?"

After Deng Yuhan was astonished, he was overjoyed and immediately began to cultivate this plant.

Today, this kind of plant can only be found in Deng Yuhan's courtyard.

Neither he nor Zuo Mengeng knew that this plant was a hypnotic flower native to Tanzania.

It was by relying on the extracted essence of the hypnotic flower that Deng Yuhan obtained the world's first natural anesthetic after repeated research and testing.

Without this thing, it would be impossible to perform appendicectomy surgery on Li Banghua.

There is actually nothing much to say about the surgical process.

Zuo Mengeng, Deng Yuhan and their assistants were all ordinary, but the two doctors looked shaken and almost wanted to vomit.

After all, disemboweling a person and removing his intestines is more terrifying than torture.

If I had not known it in advance, it would be difficult to believe that this was actually saving people.

This chapter has been completed!
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