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Chapter 380 Order

In the fifteenth century, pocket watches were manufactured by the craftsman Peter Henlein in Nuremberg, Germany.

Today in Europe, pocket watches have become a common accessory and decoration for upper-class people.

When Deng Yuhan and Luo Yagu were in Europe, they had a lot of contact with pocket watches. Therefore, they provided a lot of help to Liu Xinyue and others during the development process.

This is why the watch workshop only took such a short time to produce the first pocket watch in Chinese history.

And compared with European pocket watches, the works of watch workshops have many innovations and transcendences.

For example, glass covers are currently not available in Europe.

Why does a pocket watch have a cover?

The original reason was to make it easier for the pocket watch to be placed in the pocket so that the hands would not be touched to avoid timing errors.

The pocket watch here uses a glass cover, so even if you don't use a cover, you won't have to worry about similar problems.

Looking at the components inside the pocket watch, Zuo Mengeng discovered that many of the parts used alloy technology.

Liu Xinyue explained that this was done to ensure the strength of the parts.

Moreover, their practices have been sorted out and promoted in other factories.

Although craftsmen still cannot fully grasp the principles of alloys, they basically already know that the properties of metals can be improved through alloys.

Although pocket watches cannot be made completely small yet, they are completely practical enough.

In view of this, Zuo Mengeng asked: "What is your current output?"

Liu Xinyue answered truthfully.

"Currently we have 48 craftsmen, and we have recruited 30 more. If we work together, we can make a pocket watch in five days."

This efficiency...

Zuo Mengeng was very dissatisfied and made a request.

"Next, you have to find ways to use more mechanical manufacturing in the manufacturing of devices. In this way, your production speed can be greatly improved."

Even if he didn't say it, Liu Xinyue and others had similar thoughts.

The reason why pocket watches are now entirely made by hand is because each process is not yet mature and everyone is still figuring it out.

Some of the components are too delicate and do not have sophisticated enough machines to manufacture them.

However, the craftsmen here are all school-educated and believe in the power of machinery, and are already making gradual improvements.

Zuo Mengeng watched their working process and found that the problem still lies in calculation and craftsmanship.

In particular, many problems in technology cannot be improved at all if calculations cannot solve them.

It was also at this time that Zuo Mengeng realized for the first time why mathematics is said to be the mother of encyclopedias.

After thinking about it, he decided to give it a push, so he drew the slide rule and gave it to Liu Xinyue and others to make it.

The slide rule is a very convenient calculation tool, especially for multi-angle calculations. Before the advent of computers, it was the fastest calculation tool.

In particular, the slide rule looks very similar to the dial, which is very helpful to watch manufacturing.

The slide rule made Liu Xinyue and others find a treasure, and they solved many mechanical manufacturing problems on the spot.

"As for pocket watches, I will order one hundred on behalf of the military. The deposit will be sent later and I hope you can deliver them as soon as possible. If the quality is guaranteed, there will be more orders from the military."

Zuo Menggeng strongly supports new processes and new products. Orders are the best means of promotion.

When they heard that the military wanted to order pocket watches, Liu Xinyue and others were all dumbfounded.

"You don't need to pay to sit down, right?"

The watch workshop originally belonged to the Administrative Committee. The military needed pocket watches, so they just made them.

They couldn't understand why the military had to pay?

Zuo Mengeng couldn't stop laughing.

"Even if you are a family, you still have to pay. Otherwise, if you have no income, how can you expand production? I'm afraid you still don't know how vast the market will be for the pocket watches you produce."

Compared with desk clocks, pocket watches are obviously more practical.

After all, something that can be carried anywhere and anytime to check the time can solve people's urgent needs.

Among other things, with the pocket watch, when the New Army is fighting, multiple aspects can agree on a precise time linkage.

This is very critical for combat coordination and avoids inconsistent steps.

With pocket watches, distributed to the regiment level, the coordination problem can be solved very well.

Orders have become a good way to stimulate watch workshops.

Liu Xinyue and others had no idea that pocket watches could be exchanged for huge profits just after they were produced.

"Hey, people who want to enter the workshop now will probably have to cross the threshold."

The little girl's sadness is always so inexplicable.

Isn’t it a good thing that a watch workshop is liked by others?

Zuo Mengeng prepared for a rainy day and thought about the future.

"Your workshop will soon have two production lines for pocket watches and table clocks, and the difficulty of management will skyrocket. Later, I will ask Chen Zhi to send you some management personnel, and your workshop will be upgraded to a company."

Liu Xinyue clapped her hands and laughed.

"Great, I'm worried that the workshop is getting bigger and bigger, and I don't know what to do."

She is a technical talent, not a management talent.

In a small workshop with dozens of people, everyone discussed it, and the usual work is not stressful, but it doesn't matter.

But now that there is an order and the process is on the production track, it is inevitable to transition to an enterprise.

Liu Xinyue thought of something and implored: "Come on, our pocket watch will definitely be sold in the market after completing the military order in the future. Please give our pocket watch a name."

She had heard that many products were named after Zuo Menggeng, which sounded nice and easy to remember.

Zuo Mengeng can still meet this requirement.

Looking at the pocket watch in his hand, he remembered something and said decisively: "Just call it Seagull."

Not only that, he also crossed the paper and drew an irregular box on it. There were two lines inside the box, forming a pattern similar to a "V".

It is not difficult to guess from its name that it should look like a seagull flapping its wings in flight.

Liu Xinyue didn't quite understand, and asked: "Why is it called a seagull?"

Zuo Mengeng thought for a while and said: "Seagulls are birds with very graceful flying postures. I hope that the watches you make can be as beautiful as seagulls flying. Even if your watches are sold all over the world in the future, they will not be as beautiful as the flying ones."

Poorer than any similar product.”

Chinese watches are not bad to begin with.

After looking at the piano and clocks in succession, Zuo Mengeng gained a certain degree of attention to his luxury goods.


Denglai Governor Yamen.

Sun Yuanhua has been locked up here and is not allowed to go out. Every day he sees only a small square of heaven and earth above his head.

This made him anxious and wondering what the situation was like outside.

However, all the soldiers guarding him remained silent, preventing him from getting any information.

In just over two months, Sun Yuanhua's condition seems to have aged dozens of years.

I'm afraid that Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and others will persist in their stubbornness and make the trouble impossible to turn back.

He doesn't know that he is actually the most dangerous one.

Kong Youde appeared in front of him again, giving him a glimmer of hope.

"Ritu, haven't you come back from your lost ways? Now the Ming Dynasty is in turmoil, and it can no longer bear the trouble. Have you ever thought about how the history books will comment on you a hundred years from now?"

Kong Youde fell to his knees and cried bitterly.

"Sir, it is true that we are not treasonous. All we want is a place to live. However, the imperial court threatens us with death and mobilizes an army to fight to the death. What can we do if the imperial court does not tolerate our hard work?"

By now, Sun Yuanhua had somewhat seen through Kong Youde and others.

"I am now in jail. I have committed a heinous crime and I am unworthy of the emperor's kindness. Even if I die a hundred times, it will not be a pity. Where do you go from here? May you be blessed."

Seeing him depressed, Kong Youde couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

I originally thought about using it again, but I don't think it can solve the current predicament.

Although the imperial court appointed a new governor of Denglai, Sun Yuanhua was not useless.

Kong Youde rolled his eyes and finally had an idea.

"Sir, we have repented for a long time, but there is a villain in the middle who wants to use our heads to promote us to the rank and title, causing endless troubles. The villain wants to ask the adults to correct it, so that the court can understand our intentions, eliminate the disaster, and redeem ourselves.

I'm waiting for sin."

Sun Yuanhua hummed: "I am now a guilty man and my death is not far away. I am afraid I will disappoint you all."

Kong Youde hurriedly said: "Your Majesty's reputation is shared by the world. All you need to do is return to the court, meet the Holy Lord, and explain in detail, then your injustice and our suffering will be made clear to the world."

Hearing that Kong Youde actually wanted to let him go, Sun Yuanhua couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

Maybe the emperor and the court were really deceived by villains?

If that's the case, even if it's for the sake of the common people in the world, I still have to run for it.

"Ritu, don't blame me for not warning you. This is your last chance. You must know that our emperor has a universal mind and cannot tolerate capricious people."

Seeing that he was loose, Kong Youde was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted assurances.

"The young man immediately ordered the troops to retreat and wait for the good news, sir."

Only then did Sun Yuanhua smile, feeling that things had turned around.

"I need to take a shower and change clothes."

Kong Youde responded to his requests and immediately made careful preparations for him.

On March 20th, Kong Youde released Sun Yuanhua, Wang Zheng, Zhang Tao and other Dengzhou civil and military officials and sent them all the way to Laizhou City.

Seeing the negotiation below the city and Sun Yuanhua and others entering the city smoothly, Geng Zhongming was quite puzzled.

"Does this plan work?"

Kong Youde's eyes flashed fiercely and he sneered.

"You have to give it a try. If it works, we brothers will have a great future. Even if it doesn't work, it won't be our heads that will be lost."

Geng Zhongming couldn't help but sigh.

"By the way, Sun Zhongcheng is really good to our brothers..."

Kong Youde immediately glared over.

"Confused. How long has it been since you still care about small favors?"

Geng Zhongming quickly alerted himself and went down to tell everyone to get ready.

Kong Youde looked at Laizhou City in the distance and couldn't help but lick his lips, like an evil tiger preparing to feast on its prey.

This chapter has been completed!
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