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Chapter 387 Death

The rebel envoy quickly came to see Liu Yulie and conveyed the wishes of Kong Youde and Li Jiucheng.

"My family is all handsome and I have no objection. However, Prime Minister Xu Zhongcheng and Prime Minister Xie Zhongcheng are very anxious and want to attack me in Dongjiang. Therefore, my general Dongjiang is afraid that he will not be at ease and will not know where to go."

Liu Yulie had no doubts about the envoy's statement.

Because the appointment of Xu Congzhi and Xie Lian was originally a means of the main war faction.

To complete Zhou Yanru's mission, he had to take action.

"Now all matters in Shandong are under the control of this governor. Go back and tell Kong Youde and Li Jiucheng to stop the war and don't make the same mistake again. I will take full responsibility for recruitment."

Liu Yulie dared to say this just because his official title was Governor of Shandong. He had an overview of Shandong affairs, and Xu Congzhi and Xie Lian had to listen to him.

After seeing off the envoy, Liu Yulie called in his confidants Zhang Guochen and Qu Yiyang.

"The rebels have become timid when they see that I am powerful. The success of recruitment is just around the corner. You have followed me for many years. If you take this opportunity to make more achievements, I can make proper arrangements for you."

Zhang Guochen and Qu Yiyang were overjoyed and quickly bowed to thank them.

They also know that once the recruitment is successful, their contribution as a busy person will be indispensable, and being promoted to a higher position is not a dream.

"The two students have been favored by the Constitutional Lord and have no way to be grateful. They can only go through fire and water without hesitation."

Liu Yulie was greatly relieved and felt that the talent was available.

"In this case, I will give you two governor's warrants. You two will rush to Laizhou immediately and order Xu Congzhi. Xie Lian will show his sincerity to avoid the rebels' doubts and delay the recruitment."

Zhang Guochen and Qu Yiyang received the order and rushed to Laizhou soon.

But after hearing their purpose, Laizhou quit civil and military work.

"How foolish is the Constitution-maker? The rebels are cunning and have surrendered and rebelled several times. How can we trust them? For the current plan, the only way to restore peace to Shandong is to attack with all our strength."

Xu Congzhi was furious and his attitude was very determined.

Yang Yufan also said: "Two envoys, take a closer look. In order to resist the rebels in Laizhou, how many people are there in the city? How can we not be blamed for such a bloody feud? The rebels are a huge disaster. If we let them go lightly, the majesty of the imperial court will be great."

Where is it?"

It's a pity that Zhang Guochen and Qu Yiyang came with a mission.

"The Governor is also acting under the emperor's orders. Do you want to disobey the orders?"

Both the civil and military officials in Laizhou were silent, but their expressions were different, and Zhang Guochen and Qu Yiyang caught all of them in their eyes.

After turning around, the two of them discussed secretly, and they found out that they were even bolder than Liu Yulie.

"When I look at the civil and military forces in Laizhou, Xu Congzhi and Yang Yufan are the most resolute. However, Yang Yufan is just a martial artist and cannot accomplish anything. The only thing that can be considered is Xu Congzhi."

Qu Yiyang has been working as an official for more than ten years and has had enough.

He only wanted to climb up, so he regarded this recruitment as his only chance. Anyone who stood in his way was his life and death enemy.

"When Xu Congzhi was in the court, he was an old enemy of Ge Lao. For the sake of the overall situation, if it really can't be done, let's..."

Qu Yiyang clenched his right fist tightly, the meaning of which is self-evident.

Zhang Guochen was frightened.

"Absolutely not. Once trouble breaks out, neither of you nor I can be big enough to cut off our heads."

Qu Yiyang sneered.

"Of course we can't do it ourselves. Didn't we take orders to recruit people? Tomorrow I will go to the rebel camp in person and say something powerful. While you are in the city, lobby Xie Lian, Zhu Wannian and others while looking for opportunities. Wait.

Xu Congzhi went to the top of the city and only needed to send a message outside the city..."

Zhang Guochen pondered silently, thought about it over and over, and found that this was very secretive, and he was not afraid of being exposed at all.

For glory and wealth...

He gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "That's what we'll do."

After some discussion, the two decided on the charter and went their separate ways the next day.

Qu Yiyang came to the rebel camp under the banner of Liu Yulie and met Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming in person.

"The repentance of the two generals has been known to my constitutional master. For the country and the people, Dongjiang Town's return to the imperial court is a return that everyone hopes to return. However, Xu Zhongcheng has not yet communicated. It will take time. I hope you two will understand."

Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming looked at each other. They didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Qu Yiyang's gourd, so they had to follow the trend and said: "Hey, it's Xu Zhongcheng's hatred for us that's why we've been so wasted so far. I hope the Constitution-maker will learn from this and order you."

We are waiting for the lonely ghosts to return to their roots."

Qu Yiyang took over everything.

"You two don't need to worry. Now the overall situation of Shandong is under the overview of the Constitution-making Lord. Xu Zhongcheng is so tough, but he can't stop the general trend. The Constitution-making Committee sent subordinates to come, and one more thing is to audit the Dongjiang soldiers and equipment for pension. 2

General, please show me your subordinates."

Kong Youde winked, and Geng Zhongming immediately stood up.

"Lord Qu, please."

In Laizhou City, Zhang Guochen was also moving around.

First, in the name of Liu Yulie, he stopped preparations for war in the city.

Second, he began to lobby unsteady officials.

"Xie Zhongcheng, you and the constitution-maker worked together in Liaodong, so you should know the nature of constitution-making. Why is the discussion of recruitment so popular if it is not a last resort?"

Xie Lian closed his eyes and said nothing, but his heart was actually shaken.

From the beginning of the year to now, he has been in the city and witnessed the cruelty of war with his own eyes.

Seeing countless living people turned into bloody corpses was completely beyond his imagination and cognition.

Although he served as the governor of Liaodong during the Battle of Daling River, he was stationed in Shanhaiguan, far away from the battlefield. Therefore, the Laizhou Attack and Defense was his first experience of what war was like.

This made him deeply suspicious.

We are all citizens of the Ming Dynasty, why do we have to fight to the death and harm each other to this extent?

As a senior official, his understanding of government affairs made him even more shaken by this war.

The offensive and defensive battle in Laizhou lasted for more than three months, and it was only now that the imperial court assembled a supporting army.

You must know that this is Shandong, the throat of the capital, and the court's response was so slow.

What does this mean?

This shows that the imperial court has become extremely weak, and it seems that there is really nothing that can be done against the rebels.

The only solution for now is to appease him.

After thinking for a long time, Xie Lian had to say: "As soon as the decision is made, I will respect the order of the imperial court."

The implication is that whether it is war or peace, the court has the final say and he does not bear responsibility.

And with his words, Zhang Guochen is enough.

Looking back, Zhang Guochen went to see Zhu Wannian, the prefect of Laizhou.

"The Ming Dynasty also knew that the situation in Liaodong was extremely critical due to the disastrous defeat in Dalinghe years ago. In order to restore Liaodong, the imperial court spent all its resources and it was difficult to maintain. Even if it wanted to rescue Shandong, it was difficult to do so. The reinforcements ordered by the Constitutional Lord were all

They are just a mob. If we don’t take advantage of the fact that the rebels don’t tell the truth and decide the overall situation, are we going to sit back and watch the situation collapse and become irremediable?”

Zhu Wannian was dumbfounded.

He is a staunch fighter, and he also manages Laizhou City with impregnable strength.

He was fully thinking about guarding the city, and when the imperial reinforcements arrived, he would completely wipe out the rebels. Then he would be successful and famous, and his promotion would not be far away.

As a result, Zhang Guochen told him that the reinforcements were not reliable. And if they failed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Yes, it took three months of hard work to wait for such a reinforcement. If we really lose, when will the next wave of reinforcements arrive?

How long can Laizhou hold on?

If Laizhou is captured before reinforcements arrive, he will undoubtedly die, and what future will he have left?

Zhu Wannian was shaken.

"Everything depends on the orders of the adults."

Xu Congzhi had no idea that his two comrades had been bewitched. In Laizhou City, which seemed to be infallible, he was slowly becoming a loner.

While Zhang Guochen and Qu Yiyang kept trying to commit suicide, someone drove straight into Liu Yulie's camp.

"Sir, the Constitution-maker, the imperial court has entrusted you with a heavy responsibility and hopes that you will send out heavenly troops to quell the rebellion. Why do you hold back and ignore the life and death of the people of Shandong?"

Wang Daochun is here.

The first thing I did was cross-examination.

He was satisfied that Liu Yulie came with reinforcements and immediately joined the rebels to fight until the sky was dark.

Who would have thought that when Liu Yulie stopped in Shahe Town and looked at Laizhou City in the distance, he would not take a step forward.

This doesn't fit into his plan.

So Wang Daochun appeared in front of Liu Yulie with a face that was anxious for justice and urged Liu Yulie to march.

"Huaiju, please be patient and don't be impatient. The important affairs of the country are in the army and in the sacrifice. If you are not careful, everything will be lost. I have a perfect strategy to ensure that Shandong will be safe."

Wang Daochun didn't believe it at all.

"Is there any better way now than an all-out attack?"

Being repeatedly challenged on his authority, Liu Yulie became angry.

"I have been entrusted with the post of governor by your majesty's trust. All matters in Shandong have been authorized by your majesty. Please do not make mistakes or overstep your authority and responsibilities."

Wang Daochun was trembling with anger, but there was nothing he could do.

In the past, as the governor of Shandong, he was responsible for supervising the civil and military affairs of the province. Even the governor of Shandong had to be cautious when facing him.

But in front of Liu Yulie, Wang Daochun could only be blinded.

Because Liu Yulie, the governor, also had the deputy title of Yushi of Youqiandu, he was his actual immediate superior.

Wang Daochun planned in every possible way, and for the first time he felt powerless.

However, he did not know that the situation in Shandong was developing in the direction he expected.

This chapter has been completed!
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