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Chapter 390

The New Army Officer Academy welcomed a strange person.

What's strange is that compared to the energetic appearance of other colleges, this person's temples are already gray.

But it can be seen that this is a real soldier.

His spine is straight, his steps are steady, his face is majestic, and he has the aura of no regrets.

This person is naturally Zhang Keda.

After following Zuo Mengeng for several months, Zhang Keda thoroughly saw the power of the new army.

But what really conquered him was something else.

Zhang Keda saw with his own eyes a scene that he could not even imagine.

The common people are not afraid of the new army.

No matter what state the soldiers of the New Army are in, whether they are in wartime or in ordinary life. Even if the soldiers of the New Army are walking on the street, ordinary people will look calm and natural when they see them, and they even dare to take the initiative to talk to them.

Neither the soldiers nor the generals of the New Army did anything to bully the people.

When encountering people in need, the New Army will take the initiative to help.

Zhang Keda saw with his own eyes that after a heavy rain, people's houses collapsed, and the New Army soldiers rushed into the ruins to save people without saying a word.

Even though the house was in danger of collapsing again, those young men did not even hesitate for a moment.

It was precisely because of their bravery that the people buried under the rubble were able to survive.

What made him even more unbelievable was that none of the property in the people's homes was lost. All of it was properly sorted by the soldiers and then returned to the people.

What kind of army is this?

Seeing wherever the new army went, the common people enthusiastically stuffed all kinds of food and supplies into the hands of the soldiers, for fear that they would not want them.

The soldiers repeatedly refused and refused to accept the people's things, and the most stubborn part of Zhang Keda's heart was touched.

I recall that when I led the army to go to war, all the people I encountered shunned me like snakes and scorpions, as if the imperial army were more terrifying than thieves.

In fact, this is also true.

He knows the moral character of the officers and soldiers very well.

Hearing before that Zuo Mengeng was planning to rebel, Zhang Keda thought he was just wishful thinking.

Hundreds of years after Chengde in the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Taizu expelled the Tartars and revived China, which everyone expected.

But after comparing it again today, he had to be convinced.

Walking in the military academy, the students who were training in the playground in the distance brought loud and surging singing to his ears.

[Every soldier in the new army must keep in mind the three major disciplines and eight points of attention...]

This is a song that everyone in the New Army can sing. He has listened to Zuo Menggeng countless times and is already familiar with the lyrics.

At this time, bathing in the warm sunshine and feeling the vibrant new world, Zhang Keda couldn't help but sing along.

My only wish in this life is to command such a powerful army to restore peace to the world and ensure peace to the people!

Zhang Keda was led to the Academic Affairs Office. In the corridor outside, there were several people waiting like him.

"Ah, Mr. Zhang, you... you also..."

One of them recognized Zhang Keda and was quite surprised.

When seeing this person, Zhang Keda was quite surprised.

"Are you Brother Shen Xun and Shen Yu? Have you also joined the new army?"

The person who recognized him was Shen Xun.

Seeing the general he once admired and looked up to now wearing the uniform of the New Army, Shen Xun was filled with emotion.

"It's not just me. Zuo Zhongji, Jiang Runong, and Jiang Ruxu are all here. It's just that the three of them have never joined the army."

Shen Xun changed his thoughts and asked curiously: "Mr. Zhang..."

Are you here to rebel too?

Zhang Ke's face turned slightly red and he immediately retreated.

"The great kindness here, the only one who can save this world, is here."

Shen Xun understood and said with a smile: "General Zhang is a famous general in the world. With you here, our army will be better than before."

Zhang Keda sighed: "Now that you and I have become emperors, we are not worthy of the title of commander-in-chief. How old am I? If you don't mind, just call me brother."

Shen Xun also understood that since Zhang Keda was here, he was no longer the Denglai general of the imperial court.

In the military academy, no matter what their previous positions were, they can only be called cadets here.

"Brother Zhang, please give me more advice in the future."

Zhang Ke responded with a laugh, then looked at a few other people, and finally recognized someone with a familiar face.

"This brother is not under Laizhou City..."

Gu Erzhong snorted and said coldly: "Yes, I am the one who rebelled. I didn't expect that you, a high-ranking military commander of the imperial court, would come to hang out with us idiots."

Shen Xun solemnly said: "Gu No. 2 Middle School, the counselor said that the army is a melting pot. The purpose of all of us here is the same, which is to build a new world. You have been oppressed, and we have also encountered There are many injustices. This is where we share the same goals, so we are not enemies, but comrades-in-arms."

Gu Erzhong snorted coldly and did not respond.

Obviously he understood what Shen Xun said, but it would not be that easy to change people's hearts.

Compared with Gu Erzhong, the other former rebel was much more easy-going.

"Hello, Brother Zhang, we have fought before, I am Bai Dasheng."

Zhang Ke looked over suspiciously.

"But Murong Cai's top general's hundred victories?"

Bai Dasheng touched his head, feeling quite embarrassed.

"It used to be."

Zhang Ke was very sad.

"In the past, I fought with you several times, but I never took advantage. I even lamented that I didn't expect there to be such a talented person in the White Lotus Sect. I didn't expect that time has changed and we have become Pao Ze."

Bai Dasheng was also emotional.

"Our army is strong and benevolent, and those who are here are courteous and virtuous corporals. I am not a stubborn man, I should understand what is the right way."

Another person took the initiative to stand up.

"I am Tang Wenhuan. I used to be the deputy company commander of the Second Regiment of the Second Division. This time I also came to the military academy to study."

Obviously, these people once had different identities, but because of the collective army, they came together again.

Just as a few people were chatting, a person walked out of the teaching office and said to them: "Come in, everyone."

Several people hurriedly put away their distractions, lined up their queues, and walked into the room one by one.

After Zhang Keda entered, he discovered that the person sitting behind the desk was actually Huang Zongxi.

Just as he was about to say hello, he saw Shen Xun saluting very seriously.

"Reporting to the political commissar, student Shen Xun reports to you."

"Reporting to the political commissar, student Gu No. 2 Middle School is reporting to you."

"Reporting to the political commissar, student Bai Dasheng reports to you."

"Reporting to the political commissar, student Tang Wenhuan reports to you."

Zhang Keda is not stupid, and he understands what he did when he saw this.

"Report to the political commissar, student Zhang Keda reports to you."

Huang Zongxi had already walked out from behind his desk and came to Zhang Keda.

"General Zhang, welcome. The counselor said that you have joined our army. When I first heard the news, I was very skeptical. I thought, how can this small temple of our New Army accommodate a famous general like you?"

Zhang Ke was extremely ashamed.

"The defeated general originally wanted to apologize for his sins with death. But he failed... After sitting down to wake up, and after many days of practice, I finally understood the true principles of the great truth."

Huang Zongxi once stood in front of Zhang Keda. He was a celebrity, an outstanding scholar, and a rising star in Zhang Keda's eyes.

But today, although Huang Zongxi is still young, he is Zhang Keda's boss.

Zhang Keda still felt a little awkward, but Huang Zongxi had already adapted to his identity.

He said in an instructive tone: "I have received detailed information about Dengzhou. The root cause of the failure is not you at all, so there is no need to blame yourself. Now that you have come to the New Army, start all over again, study hard, and lead the strongest team in the future."

Only by having an army to pacify the world can we live up to Hong Hu's ambition."

Zhang Keda was also surprised. For some reason, he felt no sense of disobedience when listening to Huang Zongxi's teachings.

How did he know that after these years of training, deep down in his heart, he already regarded himself as a member of the new army.

Therefore, I naturally don’t feel anything wrong with my boss’s teachings.

After finishing the small talk, Huang Zongxi began to enter the main text.

"Zhang Keda, although you have just joined our army, you have been the chief military officer of the imperial court. You have commanded troops for many years and have rich combat experience. Therefore, it is inappropriate to start at the grassroots level. After discussion by the military department, you can directly enter the advanced class of the military academy.

When you complete your studies, you will be awarded a military position based on your performance."

Zuo Mengeng also put a lot of thought into Zhang Keda's arrangements.

Zhang Keda was already an excellent military attache, so even if he came to the army in despair, it would not be appropriate for him to be a leading soldier.

Furthermore, there is an age limit for soldiers in the New Army. Zhang Keda, who is in his forties, went to be a soldier. Not to mention violating the regulations, how can he survive in the year of the monkey?

Such an arrangement is not to comply with the rules, but to humiliate people.

Therefore, after discussion with Zuo Mengeng, Huang Zongxi and others, they believed that it would be more appropriate for Zhang Keda to directly enter the advanced class of the military academy and serve as a regimental-level officer after graduation.

He himself has rich combat experience, so even if he does not take the junior class courses, the impact will not be great.

If you can master the skills of senior officers of the New Army, you can basically join the army.

Contrary to Zhang Keda, Shen Xun and others were promoted over the next level.

"You are all the best among the junior trainees. According to the regulations, you were supposed to return to the army after graduation. But you also know that our army is currently expanding rapidly and senior officers are very scarce. So after research and decision, you guys

He will be directly promoted to the advanced class and will be appointed after graduation."

This chapter has been completed!
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