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Chapter 4 Backstab

"It's hard to get through."

The road south is not smooth.

Zuo Mengeng and others walked to the outskirts of a village and were blocked.

The village was the only access, but at this time it was occupied by hundreds of bandits on horseback.

From far away, you can see the flames in the village shooting into the sky, and the faint screams of women and children can be heard in the cold wind.

Apparently the horse bandits were burning, killing, looting and committing all sorts of evil inside.

Zuo Menggeng and the other three frowned, and Miss Xu started nagging again.

"I'd say go north to the capital. It's a long way away. You can avoid the bandits. You guys are just ignorant."

"Shut up."

Zuo Mengeng was upset and had a bad temper, and he did not tolerate her.

Miss Xu was furious and wanted to argue, but fortunately Zuo Rong warned her.

"somebody is coming."

The four people quickly lowered their bodies and took a peek.

I saw four or five horses coming from a distance, neither fast nor slow. Although the people on the horses covered their faces with black scarves, they were talking and laughing wantonly.

The place where Zuo Mengeng and the others were hiding was behind a reverse slope on the roadside. Although they were next to the road, they didn't have to worry about being discovered. They just listened.

"Brother, what do you think the holy aunt wants to do when she calls us here?"

"Why do you care so much? She, Saint Aunt White Lotus, is so powerful now, we can just make do with it."

"Brother, do you think there are so many comrades here this time and we all don't know each other, so you're not afraid of causing trouble?"

"It's good that you know. Please be alert this time and stay away from others. If someone wants to do something evil, let's do it first."

With an awe-inspiring response, he rode over and entered the village.

Zuo Mengeng frowned in deep thought and vaguely noticed something.

"Zuo Rong, the horse bandits who chased us that day were all wearing masks, right?"

Zuo Rong didn't understand why he asked so, so he just nodded and gave him some popular science.

"Young master, I don't know. There are not many other places in Beizhili and Shandong, but there are many horse households. These guys usually look like good people, but as long as they get on the horse and cover their faces, they will be in trouble.

Shadow, a ruthless bandit who disappeared without a trace. Back then, brothers Liu Liu and Liu Qi caused a lot of trouble with their horse bandits."

Zuo Menggeng was certainly aware of Liu Liu and Liu Qi's uprising.

After all, Yang Kuohu met the Duke of Yang named Yang, and it was quite a romantic affair.

Zuo Rong added: "The horse bandits are engaged in decapitation, so be very careful. There are not many of them, but I don't know how many groups there are. They are not in contact with each other. In this way, even if there is a group of horses,

The gangster is caught, and no one else can be implicated."

Zuo Mengeng finally figured out his thinking.

"So they all cover their faces because they are afraid of being exposed?"

Zuo Rong nodded.

Zuo Mengeng pointed to the village and asked: "There are about a hundred horse bandits there. Do you think they are a group?"

Zuo Rong laughed out loud and shook his head.

"Impossible. For the sake of safety, the horse bandits would have a group of at most ten people, or as little as two or three people. With more than a hundred people, it's impossible to hide their tracks. The government has already exposed them, and they can't survive until now."

That's it, Zuo Mengeng finally has a plan.

He pointed at the three cavalrymen coming slowly from a distance and ordered: "Shoot those three men down, don't scare off the enemy."

Zuo Rong and Zuo Hua didn't understand what he wanted to do, but they followed the order very faithfully, and they were ready with their bows and arrows ready.

Miss Xu saw through the clues.

"You want to fish in troubled waters."

Zuo Mengeng gave her an appreciative look.

"What a pity. If you were a man, you would definitely do something great."

Miss Xu didn't care about actions or inactions, and said anxiously: "You three can hide the truth, what should I do?"

Zuo Menggeng and the other three grown men, with their faces covered, looked more like horse bandits than horse bandits. But she was a weak woman, not only unable to ride a horse, but also unable to hide her figure.

Zuo Mengeng gave her a reassuring look.

"The mountain people have their own clever ideas."

While they were talking, the three knights in the distance came closer. Just like the people who passed before, they were still shouting and laughing, but they didn't expect that murderous intent was lurking around them.

Seeing the three cavalry at their feet, Zuo Rong and Zuo Hua stood up suddenly and shot down the two horse bandits with one arrow each. Zuo Rong was faster, as the first arrow had just been released, and the second arrow had also left the string.

What a shot of arrows.

The three horse bandits did not stir up any waves, and became the dead souls of the arrows. Their mounts were ignorant, and they stood in place after the death of their master.

Zuo Menggeng and three others rushed down, led the horses, moved the bodies, and cleared the scene in the blink of an eye.

The bodies of the three horse bandits were randomly thrown into the grass, and their scarves were also put on the faces of Zuo Mengeng and the others.

Miss Xu is just anxious.

"What about me, what about me, you can't ignore me."

Zuo Mengeng chuckled.

"Miss Xu, I have wronged you."

As he spoke, he jumped up behind Miss Xu, took out a piece of hemp rope, brought Miss Xu's arms together, and tied them firmly.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Zuo Mengeng picked her up and put her on the horse.

"Since it's hard to hide your figure, you can be my wife first."

Zuo Rong and Zuo Hua clapped their hands and laughed, praising the idea as a good one.

Bandits burned, killed and looted everywhere, and it was common for them to rob beautiful women for their own enjoyment. In this way, it would not be out of the ordinary for the three of them to have a woman with them.

Miss Xu lay on the back of the horse, facing the loess, and she was so angry that her mouth was filled with smoke, but there was nothing she could do, she just bit her silver teeth into pieces.

"Zuo Mengeng, wait."

Zuo Mengeng didn't know her resentment, so he got on his horse and ran towards the village with Zuo Rong and Zuo Hua.

The village was in chaos. All the horse bandits were enjoying themselves and turned a blind eye to their appearance.

However, a guy with an evil gleam in his eyes ran over and shouted: "Brother, this girl you snatched is pretty good, how about you give it to me?"

Zuo Menggen laughed loudly and tried his best to look rude.

"Grandpa has been a bachelor for a long time and finally got a woman. He wants to take her back to carry on the family line. Look at this big ass, it looks like it can give birth to children."

Saying that was not enough, he raised his hand again and slapped Miss Xu's round butt with a big slap.

This is the second time.

The strong shock almost knocked Miss Xu's soul away. Half of her body was numb and she almost wanted to curse.

Fortunately, I remembered that I was in danger, so I reluctantly held back and silently hypnotized myself in my mind.

"My surname is Zuo. If I don't avenge you, I swear I won't be a human being."

The horse bandit stared greedily at Miss Xu's beautiful figure, becoming more and more lustful and unable to bear it.

"Brother, give this bitch to me and I will give you three hundred taels of silver."

"Three hundred taels?"

Zuo Mengeng pretended to be hesitant, but Miss Xu was going crazy.

Wouldn't this guy just sell himself for three hundred taels of silver?

She had made up her mind that as long as Zuo Mengeng dared to do this, she would yell and reveal Zuo Mengeng's identity.

If you want to die, let's all die together.

"Tch, grandpa has robbed countless treasures these days. Three hundred taels of silver, grandpa still doesn't like it. Unless it's five thousand taels, if you come up with five thousand taels, we'll make a deal."

The horse bandit's face changed drastically and he cursed loudly.

"Five thousand taels for a girl. Thanks for your words, are you suffering from hysteria and going crazy? You bastard, you came here to entertain me."

The horse bandits around him laughed loudly, just watching the fun.

Zuo Mengeng clamped his horse's belly and continued to move forward.

"You can't even grab five thousand taels of silver. If I were you, I would find a cesspool and soak the ball myself."

The horse bandit couldn't take out the five thousand taels of silver no matter what, so he returned to his original position cursing.

A small episode passed, and Zuo Mengeng and the others continued to move forward without any further problems.

But just as he was about to leave the village, there was a sound of resistance from the side.

"What are you going to do?"

Zuo Mengeng turned his head and looked, and saw a man as strong as an iron tower. The knife in his hand was also much bigger than others, weighing at least fifty kilograms.

There were many people around this man, around twenty in total, and he was probably the most powerful group among the horse bandits.

But thinking about Zuo Rong's introduction, he was fearless and snorted coldly: "Didn't you see that grandpa snatched a treasure? Find a place to enjoy it. What's the matter, you want to see grandpa's majesty? Then follow me.


The others burst into laughter at such dirty talk, but not the big man.

"You have to enjoy it later. Follow along and get to work."

Zuo Mengeng's heart tightened and he said, "Grandpa wants to play with women now, and do something stupid?"

The big man looked over sadly.

"If you don't listen to the Holy Aunt's orders, try it."

After saying that, he stopped talking, got on his horse, and led the people forward.

The rest of the horse bandits changed their previous laziness, mounted their horses one after another, and gathered behind the man, forming a team.

"Master, what should we do? How about we run?"

It sounds like a bad idea at first sight.

"Where to run? These are horse bandits, do you think we can outrun them?"

Zuo Mengeng had no choice but to ride his horse to follow and ended up at the end of the bandits' team.

Seeing the three of them following, the rest of the horse bandits stopped looking at them. More than a hundred people moved forward silently, not knowing what to do.

After traveling eastward for about thirty miles, we came to a battlefield.

The sky was filled with dust and sand, and there was a wave of shouting and killing. There was a fierce battle between the two armies.

One of them is far away, but the number of people is endless, scattered everywhere on the plain, and they are charging and killing randomly.

From a distance, these people were in ragged clothes, with yellow faces and skinny muscles, and they had all kinds of weapons in their hands. Hoes, sickles, dung forks, everything.

The other side was directly in front of the horse bandits, forming an array with their backs to them.

There were only a few people, thousands of people, but the formation was quite neat and well-organized. There were a few flags flying, and the armor was not bright, but they were armored after all.

Especially since there are firearms in the formation, each time it erupts, it is extremely powerful.

The lethality...

Anyway, two or three of the rioters fell down, and the rest immediately ran back in fear.

One person infected two, and both got onychomycosis... No, fear spread quickly, and the mob fled back in droves.

But there was a supervising team behind them. After beheading several heads in succession, the mob turned around again and attacked the official army again.

If you advance, you will die, if you retreat, you will die. The rebellious people have no choice.

As the saying goes, the best way to overcome fear is to face it.

When death was inevitable no matter what, the rebels were no longer afraid of death. When they charged again, they actually had a devastating reputation.

On the other side, the officers and soldiers had already seen the horse bandits approaching, and they couldn't help but feel a little confused.

These are infantry, so it doesn't matter if they fight with the mob on the plains. If they face the cavalry, they will probably be massacred.

The generals of the official army were obviously panicked. While commanding the infantry in front to withstand the charge of the mob, they also had to mobilize troops and generals to defend the rear formation.

The horse bandits won't give him any time.

The leading man raised his machete and led the more than 20 people around him to accelerate the horse.

"Master, do we want to go too? We are fighting against the army. If we are discovered, we will be executed."

Zuo Rong couldn't make up his mind, so he had to look at Zuo Mengeng.

Seeing that the other horse bandits also started to move, Zuo Mengeng's eyes became sinister.

"This is our opportunity, wait and see my signal."

As he spoke, he grabbed Miss Xu and cut the rope around her wrist.

Finally freed, Miss Xu hurriedly pulled out the ball of cloth from her mouth and beat Zuo Mengeng repeatedly.

"You little brat, if you dare to humiliate me, I will never listen to you now."

Wu Nong's soft-spoken curses were really ineffective. Miss Xu's embroidered boxing was almost like a massage, and Zuo Menggeng felt nothing at all.

He grabbed Miss Xu's waist and immediately changed her position and placed her behind him. Then he handed the cloth in his hand over and ordered: "Tie it up, we are going to fight hard."

Miss Xu was stunned and made some gestures with the strip of cloth before she understood what it meant. She reached over with her arm, passed it through Zuo Mengeng's waist, then looped it around her own waist, and then tied the strip into a tight knot.

In this way, she and Zuo Mengeng were firmly tied together.

Unless Zuo Mengeng falls from his horse, she will definitely be fine.

Because of the binding of the cloth strips, Miss Xu had to stick closely to Zuo Mengeng.

The man's broad back was like a city wall, but his hot breath was like coals, blocking the biting cold wind that hit his face, which made people feel at ease.

Miss Xu stopped making trouble. She was quite tall. At this time, she could only shrink her body as much as possible and hide silently behind Zuo Mengeng.

She didn't know what he was going to do, but this time it would be a shocking move.

More than a hundred horses let go of their legs and feet, reaching the limit of speed, and rushed towards the officers and soldiers.

Once this group of cavalry is knocked into the formation, the army's defense line will definitely collapse. When the mob in front rushes in again, this group of officers and soldiers will be completely annihilated.

Zuo Menggeng and three others were at the very back of the cavalry, and no one noticed their situation.

And this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Zuo Mengeng pulled out his scimitar and waved it in the air twice. Zuo Rong and Zuo Hua received the signal and also drew their swords out of their sheaths.

Seeing that the cavalry was less than 200 steps away from the army, Zuo Mengeng's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

He laid the machete flat with the blade facing forward, placed it at the height of the horse's neck, and then kicked the horse's belly violently.

The horse was stimulated and accelerated suddenly again, catching up with the horse bandit in front of him.

Although these horse bandits did not wear armor, they all lay prone on their horses when charging, making it difficult to hit vital points when slashing from behind.

Coupled with the need to save energy, Zuo Mengeng adopted a destructive style of play.

When the flat scimitar used the speed of the horse to rush past the person in front, the sharp blade directly cut open the left rib of the horse bandit like cutting tofu.

Amid the screams, the horse bandit lost all his strength and immediately fell off his horse.

Zuo Mengeng didn't care at all and just kept pushing the horse to speed up.

His horse speed was getting faster and faster, and when he overtook a horse bandit, one of them was cut off from his horse. All he had to do was to adjust the direction of the blade back and forth according to whether the horse bandit was on his left or right side.

Zuo Rong and Zuo Hua, who were following him, were responsible for the last-ditch blows. The horse bandits he didn't kill were all cut down by the two of them.

Soon, the other horse bandits noticed something was wrong. When they looked back, they saw a large number of dead souls.

"What a thief!"

"There's a mole!"

The horse bandits never expected that there would be a traitor among them.

Seeing that they were about to engage in battle with the officers and soldiers, the mole took action and caught them off guard.

Some of the horse bandits scattered in panic, while others wanted to turn around and stop them.

But the cavalry were all galloping in the same direction, and turning back at this time was tantamount to courting death.

Sure enough, many of the mounts collided with each other, causing them to flip over, making the cavalry even more chaotic.

By this time, there is no need to conceal your whereabouts.

Zuo Mengeng lifted up his mask, raised his machete high, and started slashing with all his might.


Zuo Rong and Zuo Hua followed closely. Wherever the three of them went, no one could stop them. In an instant, about thirty horse bandits lost their lives in a confused manner.

Originally, the generals of the army had closed their eyes and waited for death when they saw the charging momentum of the horse bandits. However, when they saw the chaos inside the cavalry, the charging momentum suddenly dropped, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Before he could think too much, he jumped on his horse, pointed his flag, and led his men to charge forward.

Zuo Mengeng didn't know how many people he had killed. Anyway, the bird spirit he had received these days had really dissipated a lot.

In just a moment, they had already killed the cavalry and rushed to the front.

Just at this time, the officer general had rushed in and fought with the leader of the horse bandits.

Seeing that the two men were fighting with their lives and completely forgetting themselves, Zuo Mengeng urged his horse to mount.

People are like the wind, horses are like dragons, and the light of the sword is like the Milky Way flying across the sky.

The leader of the horse bandits couldn't care less about the murderous intention behind it, and the huge head flew into the air.

The rest of the horse bandits wanted to come to the rescue, but when they saw the leader's head flying off, they all lost their fighting spirit. Without saying a word, they hit their horses and galloped away, and they left faster than when they arrived.

The crisis of annihilation of the army was completely lifted.

On the other side, without the support of the cavalry, the dead bodies of the rebels were scattered all over the field, and they ran away again.

Soon, the entire battlefield fell into silence. Except for the smoke and the smell of blood, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

"My general Nanpi attacked Liu Yuanqing in a guerrilla attack. You abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side. You have successfully killed the thieves. Would you like to join my general?"

This chapter has been completed!
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