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Chapter 401 Dengzhou Navy 【Ask for a monthly ticket on Monday】

Near noon, the fighting in Dengzhou City finally subsided.

Zuo Mengeng, Li Banghua, Sun Yuanhua and others, surrounded by guards, walked into the tenth town of the Ming Dynasty.

Because the battle went very quickly and the new army's combat effectiveness was too strong, the damage in the city was not very serious. The walls of Lu City and Water City were even intact.

Looking at the past, all the rebel prisoners were being held on the school grounds, at least several thousand of them.

Zuo Mengeng would not be polite to these people.

"They are all sent to the Liangshan Mine. Whether they can survive depends on their luck."

These are executioners whose hands are stained with blood, and they will not be punished unjustly if they are sentenced to death.

However, human resources are now in short supply, especially in dangerous jobs such as mines, where labor is urgently needed. In line with the principle of waste utilization, Zuo Menggeng did not impose a formal punishment.

Returning to his hometown, Sun Yuanhua really had mixed feelings.

Just last year, he was still here with great authority and commanding all directions. Just a few months later, he has become a passer-by here.

This time we took over Dengzhou City, because Sun Yuanhua was originally the governor of Denglai and was very familiar with this place, so he came to help take over.

As for the administrative staff here, Zuo Mengeng never considered Sun Yuanhua from the beginning.

This person should just shine in the field he is good at. He is really not an administrative talent.

After discussion, the leaders of the Dengzhou Administrative Committee unanimously recommended Zhang Jimeng.

Because he held the post of Linqing Military Preparation Road, Zhang Jimeng had always been in the army. However, he also had the official post of Shandong Inspector, and he was technically a civilian official.

Zhang Jimeng himself didn't know much about military affairs, so he misled others and himself by staying in the army.

In addition, his status was respected and difficult to arrange. Capturing Dengzhou this time gave him a chance to change.

Li Jiuzheng retreated hastily, resulting in all the documents and materials in Dengzhou City, which facilitated the reception of the new army.

"Dengzhou was originally a military town, and local people mostly made a living on it. There is limited farmland, mostly in mountainous areas. In the future, if the role of a military town is lost, economic development will be a problem."

After sorting out the pornographic books, Zhang Jimeng made it clear and at the same time complained to Zuo Mengeng.

According to the New Army's plan, after taking Shandong, Denglai will lose its original function as a border town. And if there is no army stationed here and there is no need to support Liaodong, it is obvious that various resources will not be allocated here.

This gave Zhang Jimeng a headache as he didn't know how to develop the local economy.

He is ambitious and does not want to work in this kind of place for the rest of his life.

Now he is still the leader of the camp and his status is respected, but if he cannot achieve political achievements, even if he wants to rise to the top in the future, it will be difficult to convince the public.

But Zuo Mengeng felt that Zhang Jimeng was in the midst of blessings and did not know how to be blessed.

"Although Dengzhou has lost its naval garrison, the entire Dengzhou Prefecture has great potential. Not to mention anything else, the gold mine in Zhaoyuan alone is a huge wealth."

As the saying goes, China's gold is in Shandong, and Shandong's gold is in Yantai.

The rich gold mines here began to be discovered as early as the Song Dynasty, and are now an important source of wealth for the imperial court.

Now that it has fallen into the hands of the New Army, Zuo Mengeng certainly has no intention of letting it go.

In addition to the gold mine, Zuo Mengeng had other plans for Dengzhou.

"Penglai has no other advantages except being close to Liaodong. Using this as a prefecture is not conducive to long-term development. My idea is to move the prefecture to Fushan and use the good deep-water port area there to develop the marine economy. In the future.

After establishing economic ties with overseas countries, I will give you an open port in Dengzhou."

Fushan is the urban area of ​​Yantai in later generations.

Zhifu Mountain protruding into the sea and Yantai Mountain in the southeast form a vast and open deep-water port.

Ships of any size can dock here, and they are closer to the deep sea.

After hearing his thoughts, Zhang Jimeng was satisfied.

"Well, once the situation here stabilizes, we will start studying the relocation."

In Dengzhou, what Zuo Menggen valued most was actually the Dengzhou Navy.

After Zuo Menggen went south to Songjiang Prefecture, he had long had the idea of ​​developing the navy and shipping.

However, his subordinates are very poor in this regard and have never been able to get in.

The most important thing is that there is no boat.

There are not even shipbuilding craftsmen.

This time, he captured Dengzhou before the Dongjiang rebels fled to Liaodong, so the Dengzhou navy and mature shipbuilders all fell into his hands.

"It was only thanks to the special forces that the entire Shuicheng was captured so smoothly. None of the ships escaped. They are all here."

When reporting to Zuo Mengeng, Ji Conghua was very proud.

The mission of their second regiment was to seize Shuicheng and seize ships. Ji Conghua certainly had the right to be proud of having accomplished it so well.

Standing on the wall of Shuicheng, looking at the harbor full of ships, Zuo Menggeng seemed to see the majestic scene of the Chinese Shenzhou covering the sea.

"With these ships, we have opened up the world. From now on, we no longer need to rely on canals to trade with Songjiang Prefecture."

In the Battle of Dengzhou, the New Army captured a total of 60 Fu ships, 30 Haicang ships, 45 stern ships, and 28 sand ships, plus net shuttle ships, eagle ships, chain ships, fire dragon ships, etc.

There are nearly two hundred ships.

The reason why there are so many is because the Dongjiang rebels captured the Tianjin Navy.

In other words, what fell into the hands of the new army was the combined ships of the two navy.

Others were extremely happy when they saw the full boat, but Zuo Mengeng was only slightly happy.

"These ships are all useless. They can be used to transport cargo and train sailors. But in the deep sea, they are no match for the Europeans. We have to wait until our new ships are built and scaled up before we can dominate the ocean."

After seeing the warships of the Ming Dynasty Navy in person, Zuo Menggeng became more and more glad that he had insisted on building Galenic ships.

These ships of the Dengzhou Navy, even the largest Fuchuan, cannot be equipped with heavy artillery. Even the general cannon and Folan machine can only carry four guns per ship.

With this little firepower, when encountering the Dutch and Spanish fleets on the sea, it was purely to deliver food.

But with these ships, at least two things can be done.

One is to form a navy, which can use these ships to train soldiers; the other is to transport back and forth between Shandong and Songjiang Prefecture to avoid checkpoints on the canal.

Besides the boat, the most important thing is of course the people.

If the ship is gone, it can be rebuilt.

If there were no people, there would be no navy.

"Take a seat, these are the craftsmen."

The shipbuilders were in such miserable condition that just looking at their appearance made one's eyes filled with bitter tears.

The weather has begun to get colder, but many of these craftsmen are still wearing shabby single clothes.

Compared with the increasingly bad weather, the situation in Dengzhou has made the craftsmen a little numb. After all, the city has changed owners three times in a short period of time, and the craftsmen don't know whether they will be alive tomorrow.

In this case, Zuo Mengeng asked E Honglue.

He had been responsible for shipbuilding and gun building in Dengzhou before, so he was most familiar with the craftsmen.

With the help of E Honglue, the craftsmen finally gained vitality.

"General, we have stopped for a long time. The rebels wanted us to repair the ship, so they gave us some food. But each family has several families, and the food is not enough to eat. The baby at home is still young, and he cries when he is hungry.

Yelling, it makes people feel distressed."

Zuo Mengeng immediately ordered the New Army to transport a batch of supplies and distribute them to these craftsmen.

Everyone was given a bag of rice and noodles. In addition, there was oil, salt and some vegetables.

Looking at what they got, the craftsmen all burst into tears. After crying enough, they all knelt down in front of Zuo Mengeng.

This means that from now on, they will sell their lives to Zuo Mengeng.

Zuo Menggeng accepted this allegiance and asked the craftsmen to send the food home first and settle down his family. After looking back, he talked about the arrangements for them.

"You all know E Honglue. He is building ships for me now. I will build many, many ships here in the future, so I will need a lot of craftsmen. But the shipbuilding place is not here. You need to move to Jiaozhou Bay in the south. If someone doesn't

If you are willing to go, please tell me now and I will make arrangements here easily."

When they heard that they were leaving their homeland, the craftsmen talked a lot, and many of them showed reluctance to leave.

But they had just received the food from Zuo Mengeng, and they wondered whether the general would fall out if they refused.

"General, is Jiaozhou Bay far away?"

Zuo Mengeng was shocked, and then realized that the craftsmen didn't even know basic geographical knowledge.

"Haha, it's not far away. It's in Qingzhou Mansion. From here, you can get there in three to five days by going south."

I heard that Jiaozhou Bay was very close, and the craftsmen felt somewhat at ease.

Zuo Mengeng took advantage of the situation and made conditions.

"When you work here, you will be well fed and warmly clothed, and your wages will never be owed. If any of you are good at your craftsmanship and do a good job, your salary will be increased. Even if you are a small laborer, you will get eight hundred cents a month."


As soon as this statement came out, the craftsmen were all shocked.

A salary of 800 yuan a month...

They couldn't even think about it before.

Even when Sun Yuanhua was here, he offered them a salary of one tael of silver per month. But after layers of exploitation by officials and stewards at all levels, in the end, it was good to have three hundred coins in their hands.

That's it, or do they have to pay enough filial piety before they can work in the shipyard.

Now go to the new shipyard and you will be given 800 wages as long as you are willing to work. No matter how stupid the craftsmen are, they will know how to choose.

This chapter has been completed!
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