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Chapter 418

"Come on, this military uniform is... ugly."

Zuo Yong, the new commander of the Fourth Division, gave this evaluation to the military uniform that Zuo Menggen took out with great care.

This made Zuo Mengeng very angry.

"What's ugly?"

This is a military uniform that has been proven in history. It is really ignorant.

Zuo Yong was very disgusted.

"This military uniform is baggy and does not look impressive at all."

Not only him, but Wang Xiuqin and others nodded, they all had the same idea.

Zuo Mengeng was stunned, but then he understood.

The development of military uniforms is a continuous process.

Military uniforms in the cold weapon era all pursued bright armor and bright colors. This is because from the visual effect, it will appear that the military appearance is majestic, intimidating, and has a great deterrent effect.

And this idea continued into the early days of thermal weapons.

In the era of queuing to be shot, the uniforms of armies around the world were as beautiful and neat as peacocks.

Until the Boer War, the British army suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Boers.

They noticed that the earth-colored clothes worn by the Boers were difficult to spot, so they began to abandon the bright red military uniforms and instead developed grass green military uniforms.

The United States, which has the same cultural origin as the British, also formed its unique military uniform culture on this basis, and went further.

Especially on the battlefield, the US military uniforms abandoned the uniform style and changed to a loose and fast field style, which became very popular.

As people of this era, Zuo Yong and others saw that the military uniforms designed by Zuo Mengeng were not bright enough and the style was not neat enough, so of course they were not satisfied.

Zuo Mengeng certainly knows what is reasonable in this regard.

"This is a combat uniform. Think about it, what kind of clothes would you rather wear to fight in the wild, in trenches, city walls, or in the dirt?"

Just one sentence made Zuo Yong and others fall into deep thought.

They have all witnessed the battlefield, so naturally they have the deepest experience with military uniforms.

Speaking of the military uniforms of the Ming army, apart from being bright in color, they were actually relatively loose.

However, the bagginess of Ming army uniforms was not intentionally designed, but was caused by the quality of the fabric.

But no matter what, everyone knows that loose military uniforms can allow various tactical actions to be carried out smoothly.

Zuo Mengeng added: "Also, when you shoot, is it easier to aim at enemies with bright colors or hidden enemies?"

Another question with an obvious answer.

At this point, Zuo Yong and others finally understood the profound meaning of Zuo Menggeng, and had no objections to the new military uniforms.

Of course, Zuo Mengeng also knew that the army sometimes needed to show its status and momentum through gorgeous appearance. So, he came up with regular uniforms, formal wear and other styles.

The fabric of regular uniforms is similar to that of combat uniforms, but as military uniforms for daily wear, they are much more handsome.

Zuo Yong and others could tell at a glance that this handsome uniform was very similar to the tuxedo and tunic suit that Zuo Mengeng had worn.

"This is good. It is easy to wear and has a powerful style. It has the style of our new army."

Zuo Yong owns a Chinese tunic suit and likes to wear it at home. He was the happiest when he saw that military uniforms adopted this style.

Zuo Mengeng handed over the design drawings of combat uniforms and regular uniforms to Wang Xiuqin and ordered: "You must understand it thoroughly as soon as possible and build a production line. My requirement is that the first batch of military uniforms can be installed in the troops no later than next summer."

Wang Xiuqin accepted the order without complaining about being tired.

Compared with the days when life was worse than death, what we are doing now is simply a fairy-like life.

Zuo Mengeng made another point.

"In terms of fabrics, you can communicate with Xu Erdou after you go back and see if Songjiang Prefecture can weave twill fabrics. If not, you can set up a research team on your own to overcome the problem."

Today's fabrics are basically plain fabrics. Looking at the twill fabric styles drawn by Zuo Mengeng, Wang Xiuqin was very eager to learn.

"Shenzuo, what's the beauty of this pattern?"

Zuo Mengeng drew a herringbone pattern on the paper again, and then said: "This diagonal weaving pattern will make the fabric stronger and increase its durability. This involves mechanics. You can go to the Research Institute to ask Deng Yu for advice after you return.

Mr. Han."

Wang Xiuqin quickly wrote down that she learned a lot from this trip to Jiaozhou Bay.

At the same time, she also had something to give to Zuo Mengeng.

"Master, look, these are cotton trousers, gloves, and cotton coats made by our garment factory."

When fighting in winter, weather is always the enemy.

After leading the army for three years, Zuo Mengeng already had a profound understanding of winter operations in this era. Therefore, as early as summer, he had already contacted the clothing factory and asked them to trial-produce winter clothing.

Thinking about making major changes to military uniforms in the future, Zuo Mengeng came up with some simple ideas for winter clothing.

The first is gloves to avoid frostbite on hands.

Zuo Mengeng designed thin cotton gloves with five separate fingers.

How thin is it?

There is almost only one layer of fabric, which is a little thicker than the ladies' gauze gloves that Xu Ruolin once wore.

Although it is the Little Ice Age, the temperature in Shandong is very low, but it is only around zero. Therefore, the gloves do not need to be made too thick to keep warm.

At the same time, the thin gloves do not prevent soldiers from operating muskets and do not delay the battle.

And because it doesn’t use much material, it’s simple to manufacture and relatively cheap.

After taking the sample, Zuo Mengeng put it on himself and conducted shooting and assassination experiences respectively. He was very satisfied with the comfort of the gloves.

"The military department purchased 50,000 pairs of these gloves in advance. Can they be delivered within a month?"

Wang Xiuqin readily agreed.

"Guaranteed on-time delivery."

There is no technical content in the weaving of gloves, and they can be piled up even if they are piled manually.

Nowadays, women in Dongchang Prefecture are accustomed to going out to make money, and places like garment factories where all female workers are employed are even more popular.

With the increase in military demand, the size of the garment factory has now expanded to 50,000 people and is divided into seven branches. It is not difficult to set up another workshop.

In addition to gloves, cotton coats and cotton pants are even simpler.

Most of the Ming army's armors were made of cotton armor, which provided a reference for making cotton coats and trousers.

The cotton coats and cotton trousers produced by the garment factory, like the cotton armor, are first pressed into sheets. The only difference is that the pressed ones are not as tight as the cotton armor.

Put the cotton in the middle of the two layers of fabric, and then use the method taught by Zuo Menggeng to tie the threads into rows with a sewing machine for fixation, which greatly improves the stability of the cotton and avoids the cotton from falling and forming at the hem.

As it accumulates, the cotton in the upper part loses its warmth-keeping effect due to loss.

Due to the relatively warm climate in Shandong, cotton coats and cotton trousers do not need to be made too heavy and will not affect the soldiers' combat operations.

Zuo Menggeng did not allow any mistakes in all affairs of the army, so he tried it on before placing an order with the clothing factory.


Gao Qiqian, who had just been thrown into the heavenly prison and tortured for a few days, appeared in front of Chongzhen again.

Although he almost died and his body was severely damaged, Gao Qiqi was particularly uplifting.

Being able to see Chongzhen means that he has come back to life.

Why is this?

Han Chuan's investigation results were placed on Chongzhen's desk.

Han Chuan obtained the details of the Battle of Shahe and confirmed that Zhu Dadian, Gao Qiqian and others did not make any mistakes in marching and forming.

The defeat of this battle was indeed caused by the rebels' use of an insidious poison bomb.

Chongzhen originally did not want to kill Gao Qiqian.

There are many minions that are easy to use, but the only one that is easy to use and knows how to use is Gao Qiqian.

Since it was not a crime of war, it was natural to forgive Gao Qiqian. Neither the inner court nor the outer court could say anything.

"It's all slaves who are incompetent, which makes the emperor a wise man. I beg the emperor to cure the sins of the slaves, so that the people of the world can know the power of the emperor."

If you are a slave, if nothing else is good, your mind will definitely be good.

Gao Qiqian's preemptive apology is a clever way to retreat while advancing.

Chongzhen had no intention of playing tricks with him, but was entangled in every possible way.

After spending more than ten days, I really couldn’t go on any longer.

Now everyone inside and outside the court is waiting to see how the court will face the chaos in Shandong?

Originally, the main war faction and the peace faction in the DPRK attacked each other and refused to give in to each other. They were quite powerful.

But now, both the war faction and the peace faction have disappeared, and no one has come forward.

Just because both sides knew that the court had no choice.

The only thing we can do is to negotiate peace with the rebels to save Shandong.

Ironically, the militant faction knew this and therefore retreated.

The main faction of the Hedong faction that originally advocated the peace also retreated at this time and did not feel that they could take advantage of the opportunity to claim credit.

To put it bluntly, what is the main battle or the main peace?

It's all just a pretense to fight for power and gain.

When we really want to negotiate for peace and lose our power and humiliate the country, no one is willing to bear the infamy.

Chongzhen had been pretending to be ill and hinting at these days, but the court was full of old foxes and no one was willing to take the blame.

Having no choice but to do so, Chongzhen thought of recycling waste again.

Looking at Gao Qiqian who was crying bitterly, Chongzhen said as if unintentionally: "I have something I want you to do. If you do it well, the merits and demerits will be equal to each other; if you do it poorly, it won't be too late to kill you again."

Raising one's height and kneeling down is like pounding garlic.

"This servant has long since pledged herself to the Emperor. She will come and go in the wind and fire without any hesitation."

Chongzhen finally felt a little relieved.

"You go to Shandong once, meet Li Jiucheng, Kong Youde and other traitors, and ask them if they still know the way of loyalty and the courtesy of ministers?"

This chapter has been completed!
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