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Chapter 426 New World


Zuo Kuan didn't know what Zuo Mengeng was planning, but faced with this situation, he was desperate.

While wailing, Zuo Kuan knelt down tremblingly and burst into tears.

"Young Master, this old slave is ignorant and doesn't know the truth. But filial piety is the principle of human ethics. If the young master disobeys his parents, he will be laughed at by the world and make my Zuofu the laughing stock of the world!!!"

Zuo Mengeng also had a headache for such an old man.

How to explain to him?

And even if you explain it, he may not be able to understand it.

"Uncle Kuan, this is not just my little sister's marriage, nor is it a simple act of filial piety. There is a more important truth behind it. You don't need to understand it. Just go back and tell your father."

He paused, fearing that Zuo Kuan would be confused and unable to explain and cause more trouble, so he simply tried to show off.

"Uncle Kuan, when you go back, tell your father that we are preparing to rebel here. He is alone and serving as an official in the court. He is afraid that the court will be unfavorable to him. Therefore, it is best to resign early and go home."


Not only Zuo Kuan, but also Huang Shi also exclaimed.

Zuo Yan's expression also changed dramatically.

As for what Zuo Menggen did, he had some feelings about what Zuo Menggen did both inside and outside the house, but he didn't dare to clarify it. Today he finally heard the truth from Zuo Menggen's mouth, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

Huang and Zuo Kuan were both stunned.

Is it so easy to talk about rebellion?

Why is it the same as playing house?

The Huang family was a womanly woman who didn't understand anything and was so frightened that she lost her mind.

"My son, I don't dare to rebel. Then...that will implicate the nine tribes."

Zuo Mengeng chuckled and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, mother, the imperial court is no longer my child's opponent. The world will overthrow him sooner or later."

Zuo Kuan collapsed on the ground and felt his crotch was wet.

Since when did the Zuo family become like this?

However, hearing that Zuo Mengeng was preparing to rebel gave him a different understanding of Zuo Mengeng's confrontation with Zuo Liangyu.

An ambitious tycoon must indeed be so domineering.

And compared to Zuo Mengeng's rebellion, Zuo Xianmei's marriage is really nothing.

Zuo Kuan tried his best to calm down and said in a whisper: "Old slave... I will rush back today and tell the master... the master clearly."

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind.

If the young master wants to rebel, wouldn't he become the emperor if he becomes one?

That master...isn't he the Supreme Emperor?

By then, they, the servants and slaves, should be able to follow the chickens and dogs to heaven, right?

He thought again of his son Zuo Gui, who was now serving Zuo Mengeng. Could it be that in the future he would be able to become a marquis and prime minister, and be kind to his wife and son?

But after coming out of the central hall, Zuo Kuan was shocked by the cold wind and calmed down again. He held Zuo Yan's hand and burst into tears.

"Brother, why don't you persuade the young master? How dare you rebel like this?"

Zuo Yan didn't wake up from the shock, but he was still calm because he knew a little bit.

"Don't even look at it. Hou Ruogu, Liu Niantai, Li Meng'an, and many other great figures are all here. How can we, the servants, talk about what the young master has planned?"

Zuo Kuan stamped his feet and sighed, his eyes turned dark.

"I wonder what the master will think?"

Zuo Yan was also helpless and even more powerless.

The changes at home are really unfriendly to old people like them, and they feel a little tired of not being able to keep up.

"We can't control that many things. Whatever the masters do, we can only follow them."

Zuo Xianmei's incident quickly alarmed Hou Xun, Liu Zongzhou, Li Banghua and others.

"Zhongheng, you are a bit impulsive. We have aspirations for the world, and we must not follow the truth. Once your accusation of disobedience and unfilial piety is spread, why will everyone in the world believe you?"

As a teacher, Liu Zongzhou can speak more straightforwardly.

What he means is what everyone means.

Everyone felt that what he did was a bit impulsive.

Today's Ming Dynasty governs the world with filial piety. Filial piety is also the foundation of the world.

An unfilial person will not only be unable to move forward, but will also be cut off from the world.

Zuo Mengeng looked around, looking at everyone's expressions, and couldn't help but sigh.

"You guys are thinking too little."

"Oh? What's the deep meaning of Zhongheng? Let me wait for enlightenment, so as not to worry in vain."

After Zhang Zhenxiu came back, he participated in a high-level meeting for the first time. Now he is still absorbing everything here quickly. At the same time, he is also most concerned about Zuo Mengeng's every move.

Zuo Mengeng got up and walked around, his voice was loud and deafening.

"Everyone, what are we pursuing? Is it just to overthrow the Zhu Dynasty? In that case, what is the difference between what we did and what Zhu Yuanzhang did back then? By then, the situation of you and the merchants behind you may have changed.

?In other words, you have returned to the ranks of feudal literati and consolidated the feudal order?"

His question was like a sharp knife piercing everyone's heart.

This was the first time that class issues were discussed within the camp. For a while, everyone was deep in thought and analyzing the deeper meaning.

Qu Shishu couldn't help but asked: "What does this have to do with filial piety?"

Zuo Mengeng chuckled.

"Where does the filial piety that is practiced in today's world come from? It's just Confucian ethics and moral concepts. The father is the guide for the son, and the husband is the guide for the wife. From thought to law, a rigorous and harsh system of oppression has been established. But have you ever thought about it?

, how much harm will this kind of ideological system do to our career?"

Everyone was silent, unable to figure out the key in a short period of time.

Only Zuo Mengeng can answer everyone’s questions.

"Under such an ethical and moral system, it is true that various families can unite and grow stronger, but similarly, under such a moral system, combined with the feudal land system, it will cause great losses in the labor force. Think about it, a large number of people have been

Confined within the family and on the land, where can we find enough labor for the industry and commerce that we vigorously advocate and promote? Without breaking this old ideological system and allowing more people to have freedom, where can we get enough labor?

human Resources?"

Zuo Mengeng finally threw away all cover and exposed his true purpose.

What is he going to do?

What he has to do is to completely break all the barriers of the feudal system, so that the development of industry and commerce can gain sufficient and broad space, and then use more advanced and developed industry and commerce to attack the backward feudal system, thereby completing the development of the entire country and nation.

Pure change.

"Everyone, what is before us is far more than just one difficulty. Even the filial piety that we take for granted is actually a barrier that hinders our development. It depends on whether you have the determination and courage to break through this restriction?"

A group of senior executives were unable to escape from the shock for a long time, and suddenly discovered that Zuo Mengeng's seemingly absurd approach actually hid such terrifying thoughts.

But does it really have to go to this level?

On the contrary, because Huang Zongxi was young and quick-thinking, he immediately followed Zuo Mengeng's footsteps.

"That's right. Currently, our various industries are filled with female workers. There is no doubt about their ability and the value they create. But if we follow the old moral system, we must obey our father at home and our husband when we get married.

After the death of the husband, the woman cannot leave the house, and it is impossible to become the labor force we need. At present, due to the chaos in the world, the people's livelihood has been severely damaged. In order to survive, the woman has to come out to work. But if the old

If the moral system does not change, once the world stabilizes, we will lose these labor forces. Everyone, this is unacceptable to us."

He used ready-made examples to shock everyone present, and they suddenly discovered that the situation was actually so urgent.

Nowadays, there are a large number of female workers in many factories here, such as clothing factories, Artisan factories, Fuyao Glass, Pier Hotels, and even gunpowder factories.

These female workers work hard and are paid very low wages. The wealth they create has become the cornerstone of their pursuit of the world.

Why can these female workers enter the factory?

Just because today's Ming Dynasty's economy is completely bankrupt, countless people are hungry and on the verge of starvation all day long.

Under the pressure of survival, no matter what kind of morality they have, they have become the best labor force.

Huang Zongxi is right. If it were a period of social stability, they would definitely not have access to so many labor resources.

These people will definitely be imprisoned in their families and on the land, and there will be no development of industry and commerce here.

It can be said that Zuo Mengeng exposed all the disguises and made the core essence of the problem visible to everyone.

What Zuo Menggen did was not about morality or human ethics, but a naked struggle between the interests of the old and new forces.

He has fired the first shot, so what the entire camp will do next is to carry out all-round attacks and breakthroughs on the old feudal ethics and moral system, so as to lift the feudal system's restrictions and oppression on the people and create a better future for industry and commerce.

The development absorbs more and more human resources.

When more and more people break away from the old family and land, the balance of power between the old and new forces will fundamentally change.

This chapter has been completed!
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