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Chapter 433 Judgment (4)

There are four parties involved in the Tian Xiaoe case.

Tian Xiao'e's father, Tian Gouzi, Tian Youzhuang, a member of the Tian clan, and Zhang Wanhe, a member of the Zhang clan, were all sentenced to severe punishments.

Only Zhang Dacai and his parents were unable to attend the court today because they were killed by Tian Xiao'e, so naturally they could not stand trial.

Even so, these three cases have had an immeasurable impact on the people.

At least everyone knows that from now on, any disputes or conflicts cannot be resolved privately in the countryside, but must be decided by the "official government".

In the crowd of onlookers, the original squires, clan elders, etc. were all trembling, and they were already thinking about waiting to get back and stay away from the troubles to avoid ending up like Tian Youzhuang and Zhang Wanhe.

People thought that the case should be over at this point.

Since Tian Gouzi, Tian Youzhuang, and Zhang Wanhe were all sentenced severely, it is obvious that Tian Xiao'e and Ma Tianjiu are innocent.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Mengeng quickly found Ma Tianjiu.

"The relevant person, Ma Tianjiu, knew clearly that Tian Xiao'e was already married, but still had no connection with her. He committed the crime of destroying the marriage and was sentenced to two years in prison. Considering his good intentions and disability, he was suspended for one year."

The crowd was excited again.

No one thought that Ma Tianjiu was guilty.

Huang Zonghui couldn't help it anymore and stood up and said: "Presiding judge, I do not agree with this verdict. If Tian Gouzi had not forced oppression, Tian Xiao'e and Ma Tianjiu would have been husband and wife, not to mention that Ma Tianjiu had not had any affair with Tian Xiao'e

, therefore the judgment should not stand."

At least half of the onlookers agreed with Huang Zonghui's words.

Zuo Mengeng's attitude was firm.

"There is no marriage contract between Ma Tianjiu and Tian Xiao'e, so there is no factual significance. This court only relies on the facts and does not make reference to the oral agreement. After Tian Xiao'e married Zhang Dacai, Ma Tianjiu was still entangled, which naturally destroyed other people's marriages.


Huang Zonghui paused, feeling aggrieved.

But Zuo Mengeng's words did make it clear. It was clear that Ma Tianjiu and Tian Xiao'e had no marriage contract, so there was no de facto marriage relationship.

On the contrary, the marriage between Tian Xiao'e and Zhang Dacai was notarized and existed in fact.

When Tian Xiao'e was already married, Ma Tianjiu interfered with other people's marriages for whatever purpose, so he was appropriately sentenced to the crime of destroying marriages.

Huang Zonghui was unable to refute, so he had to ask questions where he didn't understand.

"May I ask the presiding officer to explain the one-year suspended sentence?"

Zuo Mengeng made a statement on the spot.

"From the date of judgment, in the next year, if the party behaves well and does not make the same mistake again, the two-year prison sentence will be cancelled. On the contrary, if the party knowingly commits the crime, the crime will be increased to one level and the punishment will be severely punished."

People were quiet for a moment, then showed joy.

Only then did we understand that Zuo Mengeng's sentence seemed harsh, but in fact it was lenient.

Because as long as Ma Tianjiu makes no more mistakes in the future, this sentence will be equal to no sentence.

Will Ma Tianjiu knowingly commit the crime?

Obviously, for him, who is kind, it is simply impossible.

Ma Tianjiu also understood what was going on and kowtowed heavily to Zuo Mengeng while lying on the wooden board.

"Thank you for your forgiveness, Lord Shenzuo, common people..."

Zuo Mengeng corrected: "It's not that I forgive you, but the law is like this. The law is ruthless, but the world cannot be without warmth. As an individual, Ma Tianjiu, I admire your kindness and appreciate you even more.

Persistence in love. But as a judge, I can only interpret the case in accordance with the law."

Ma Tianjiu had tears in his eyes, nodded heavily, and listened to everything in his heart.

Tian Xiao'e next to him covered her face and cried, feeling relieved.

The only thing in this world worth worrying about is this man who lost everything for her.

Now that this man has gotten a good result, she no longer has any regrets.

Of course, the next judgment will be her turn.

Zuo Menggeng put away his smile, returned to seriousness, and solemnly read out the most important verdict.

"The client, Tian Xiao'e, is guilty of intentional homicide and arson and is sentenced to death in accordance with the law. However, the crime Tian Xiao'e committed was resistance under oppression and humiliation. Therefore, it can be reduced as appropriate. This court finally ruled that Tian Xiao'e will be sentenced to ten years in prison without the possibility of parole or parole.

Commutation of sentence.”

Even Tian Xiao'e was sentenced to prison, leaving everyone watching at a loss.

Since the trial of the case, the causes and consequences have been clearly understood by everyone.

Even from the perspective of the most cold-blooded person, Tian Xiao'e is a poor person with a tragic fate.

How can such a person punish her even if the greatest mercy is not enough?

Suddenly, there were many people who couldn't accept it.

In a corner of the crowd, the beautiful woman holding the little girl was gritting her teeth.

"Bah, I thought you were a good person, but I didn't know you were so vicious."

The person who could not accept this result the most was Huang Zonghui.

As the person in charge of the case, he knows the details better than anyone else.

Now, seeing an innocent woman being accused of a crime, Huang Zonghui exploded.

"Your Majesty the Presiding Judge, I do not agree with your verdict..."

Zuo Mengeng coldly pushed back.

"The objection is invalid. I declare that this court session ends here."

After that, he stood up, packed up the files, and left the stage together with Zhang Zhenxiu.

The court guards came forward and detained the parties one by one, indicating that there was no room for repentance in this trial.

Huang Zonghui stood there, feeling as if a mouthful of blood was boiling in his heart, which made him mad and angry.

When Tian Xiao'e was being escorted away, she suddenly ran up to him, knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Sir Huang, the daughter of the people is what she is today, thanks to your efforts to complain. The women of the people will definitely set up a memorial tablet in your ancestral hall, worship it every day, and pray for your longevity."

Huang Zonghui slapped the table and shouted: "What is this? What I want is justice. Tian Xiao'e, just wait, I will go and seek justice for you."

After that, he didn't care about what was next to him, picked up his steps and chased Zuo Mengeng.

Zuo Mengeng did not go far, and was still communicating with Zhang Zhenxiu, Hou Xun, Li Banghua and others about the case and finalizing the details.

Huang Zonghui rushed from a distance, ignoring the guards and directly blocking Zuo Mengeng's way.

"Zuo Shenzuo, you bastard!"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically and they all stopped him.

"Huang Zewang, don't be rude!"

"Someone, take him down."

"Do you still feel superior and inferior?"

Facing the accusations from everyone, Huang Zonghui didn't care at all.

"Hehehe, doesn't our Lord Attendant shout that everyone is equal? ​​Why, can't you just scold him?"

Zuo Mengeng's expression did not change. He waved his hand to block the anger of everyone, and looked at the furious Huang Zonghui with a smile.

"You just scolded me. When I find the time, I have to give you a good beating. You will definitely not be able to beat me, so you are destined to receive this beating. But before I beat you again, I have to convince you.

Come with me, let's talk."

Zuo Mengeng dismissed everyone and only took Huang Zonghui with him, walking along the country road.

The surrounding guards were tens of meters apart. Unexpectedly, the conversation between the two people was heard by a third person.

"What are you dissatisfied with?"

Huang Zonghui has already given up.

"What is Tian Xiao'e's crime?"

Zuo Mengeng stood still and looked back at him.

"Tian Xiao'e killed someone."

"She killed everyone who deserved to be killed?"

Zuo Mengeng's words suddenly became sharper.

"Who should be killed? Who stipulates that Zhang Dacai and his parents should be killed? Who has the power to decide their life and death? Tian Xiao'e? If Tian Xiao'e has it, does it mean that others also have it? Since anyone can decide the life and death of others, then what else?

What is the use of our government, our laws?”

Huang Zonghui was stunned, completely unexpected that Zuo Mengeng would turn the problem to such an angle.

He was not a fool, and he understood almost instantly that Zuo Menggeng's intention was actually the same as the spirit of sentencing Zhang Wanhe.

Since Zhang Wanhe has no power to decide the life and death of Tian Xiaoe, then Tian Xiaoe naturally has no power to decide the life and death of Zhang Dacai and his parents.

Even if Zhang Dacai and her parents really deserve to die, she can only turn to the law and solve the problem through law instead of lynching.

"Does this...does this matter?"

After all, Huang Zonghui is still a bit young and doesn't understand the deeper meaning of this.

Zuo Mengeng was much more serious and revealed the bloody truth behind it.

"What do you think is the nature of the law?"

He knew Huang Zonghui couldn't answer.

"The law, like the army, police, and political power, is a tool for the ruling class to rule the ruled class. How to make this tool effective? Naturally, it is to shape its authority. Those heroes and gangsters who want to lead the group of heroes

, what is the first thing to do? It is to establish rules. Only by establishing rules can everyone know how to act and whose orders to obey. If it changes to a country and a political power, the law is the rules they set."

Zuo Mengeng looked at the white snow on the ground and said quietly: "How can this rule make people fear and obey it? That's because it can determine people's fate. Life or death, honor or disgrace, reward and punishment are all in the law.

Only then can the law be deeply rooted in people's hearts and everyone can abide by it.

But what did Zhang Wanhe and Tian Xiaoe do?

They replaced the law and destroyed the authority of the law. Do you think this is allowed?"

After a long discussion, Zuo Menggeng nakedly presented the essence of the law in front of Huang Zonghui.

This chapter has been completed!
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