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Chapter 44

"Dredging the rivers and repairing the wharves are only for the operation of the banknotes and the supply of the capital. In this case, why not use the tax revenue of the banknotes as a share to absorb financial resources from all directions? In this way, the money and food to dredge the rivers will be just around the corner."

Zuo Mengeng came up with a solution, which shocked everyone into despair.

No one would have thought that he would be so bold as to use customs money as a bargaining chip to attract local gentry to pay.

If we do this, will the local gentry pay for it?

There is no need to think about it. As long as this matter is approved by the court, the money of the local gentry can be buried.

Linqing Chaoguan is the largest pass in the world, and its annual tax revenue is ten times higher than that of Shandong Province.

What a fortune that is?

And unlike other businesses, this business can guarantee harvests despite droughts and floods, and it is no exaggeration to say that daily profits are made.

There are so many people who are envious of Linqing Chaoguan's huge profits.

However, this is the imperial court's yamen, so everyone can only watch and do nothing.

If given the opportunity to participate, no one can refuse this temptation.

"Nonsense. Chaoguan is an important tax collection place for the imperial court. How can merchants conduct transactions?"

Liu Zongzhou was the first to jump out and object.

His ideas are simple.

Chaoguan belongs to the imperial court and provides a large amount of tax money to the imperial court every year. It is impossible for the imperial court to agree to this method, and it may even hold everyone here accountable.

Hou Xun also shook his head.

"The younger generation is so whimsical that there is no need to mention it again."

However, unlike the two of them, Zhang Zhenxiu was greatly inspired.

"This method is very wonderful. It can not only relieve the difficulties of the canal, but also integrate the refugees. It can also activate the local wealth. It kills three birds with one stone."

At this time, when he looked at Zuo Mengeng, not only was he not dissatisfied, but he was full of praise.

See, this is a benefit.

Cao Wenheng felt that Zhang Zhenxiu was delusional.

"Young Master, this matter will not be approved by the imperial court."

Zhang Zhenxiu snorted coldly and was not polite.

"Then let the court come up with money, otherwise dredging the canal and repairing the pier will only be a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water."

This is the difference of the times.

In Zuo Menggen's opinion, using the tax revenue from banknotes as equity capital to attract local businessmen to invest is like building a highway, then setting up card tolls, and then paying dividends to various shareholders. There will be many future generations.

However, in the eyes of people of this era, the first thing that comes to mind is the majesty of the imperial court.

This is bigger than the sky, so everything must be done behind the scenes.

The reason why Zhang Zhenxiu agreed was not only related to his own interests, but also related to his vision.

"There are brick kilns built locally, and the bricks and stones produced supply the needs of the capital. The brick kilns are run by the government, but are run by merchants. It has been safe for many years and has been convenient for both the government and the people. Brick kilns can do it, why can't Chaoguan do it?"

Yes, Linqing has the largest brick kiln in Zhili.

This brick kiln was opened by the government, and the quality of the bricks produced was even purchased by the royal palace.

However, the government did not run these brick kilns themselves, but handed them over to local merchants. The Lu family, the largest local family in Linqing, ran such businesses.

It was precisely because of the precedent of public-private brick kilns that Zhang Zhenxiu was so impressed when he heard that Zuo Menggeng hoped that Chaoguan would introduce private capital.

However, except for him, although the others were well-informed, they did not make such a big leap and did not dare to accept it.

But the actual problem lies there.

The imperial court pressed harder and harder to dredge the canal. If the task could not be completed, no one could afford the punishment.

The imperial court does not allocate funds, so localities need to find their own solutions.

But no matter how rich the local gentry is, who will do anything that is not beneficial?

Linqing is a large city with a population of one million. If the people are forced to do corvee labor without adequate food and money, I am afraid that chaos will break out immediately.

Then it will be another disaster.

All kinds of problems are like a serial noose, making everyone here extremely depressed.

After all, Hou Xun was an official, and he quickly thought of a countermeasure.

He said to Wu Daochang: "Master Wu, we are in trouble here, so why not report it to the imperial court and respectfully request the Holy Judge?"

This is kicking the ball around.

Your superiors asked us to work without giving us any money. Now we have thought of ways to raise money on our own, but we have to use the proceeds from the banknotes.

Whether it's okay or not, boss, you make the decision.

If you don't agree, you pay.

Anyway, we have no more recruits. If it doesn't work, just replace him.

Wu Daochang may not have any talent for doing things, but his ability as an official is not bad. He understood it as soon as he heard it, and he immediately showed joy.

"Thank you Mr. Ruogu for your advice."

The guy went back happily, wrote a memorial, and quickly sent him to the capital with his whip raised.

After Bi Ziyan received it, he was a little confused when he saw it.

The matter was serious, and he did not dare to make any independent decisions, so he quickly handed it over to Chongzhen.

Wu Daochang's memorial was under the guidance of Zuo Mengeng, and its content is quite sophisticated.

First of all, as soon as you come up, explain the situation of Chaoguan thoroughly. Once you are thorough, the difficulty will become apparent.

The next step is to ask for money.

As soon as he saw the request for money, Chongzhen became angry.

Just thinking about my little treasury, is it easy for me to save some money?

Holding back his anger and reading further, Wu Daochang said: Your Majesty, you can actually do it without paying. I thought of a way.

When he heard that he had to pay for the money, Chongzhen was furious. Once he saw that there was a way to avoid paying for the money, he was relieved.

Looking at the content again, although it is necessary to divide the tax money into cash, it seems a bit excessive.

But is it too much to go beyond asking yourself to pay for it?

The tax money collected at banknote customs must be deported to the Ministry of Accounts and entered into the national treasury.

What does it have to do with his inner treasury?

Now that Chaoguan has been returned to the Ministry of Revenue, the tax money collected from Chaoguan cannot reach the hands of the emperor.

Since there was no loss, the crisis in the capital had to be resolved as soon as possible. The speed with which Chongzhen made his choice was shockingly fast.

Three days later, when all Linqing officials received Chongzhen's approval decree, everyone was stunned.

Is this actually possible?

There was no time to think too much. This was a rare opportunity. The enthusiasm of the local gentry in Linqing shocked the officials.

The Zhang family provided 10,000 taels, the Liu family provided grain, the Geng family provided tools, the Lu family provided building materials, and there were also donations from various businessmen. Chaoguan actually received a total of 150,000 taels of money and grain.

We have the capital to dredge rivers and repair docks.

Because this matter was Zuo Mengeng's idea, everyone invited him out to take charge of the stock participation matters.

This was the first time Zuo Menggen stood in front of the world, and his performance was so amazing.

After his planning, various gentry, businessmen and bankers reached a shareholding agreement.

Gentlemen and businessmen from all walks of life use money and grain as capital to invest in Chaoguan operations. Chaoguan uses tax revenue as equity and distributes dividends to shareholders every year.

According to the agreement, the imperial court behind Chaoguan is the largest shareholder and has the controlling and operating rights of Chaoguan. Various businessmen participate in dividends, but have the power to supervise and audit accounts.

The shareholding ratio between the imperial court, gentry, and merchants was 6:4.

The imperial court is 6, the gentry and merchants are 4.

The gentry and businessmen were further subdivided and owned equity shares according to the proportion of each family's capital contribution.

Once the money and food are in place, there will be no obstacles to starting work.

At Zuo Mengeng's suggestion, Qu Shichun went to the refugees outside the city to recruit workers, and he wanted all the young and strong laborers.

The refugees worked for the government, which provided them with two meals at noon and in the evening, and they also received a salary of fifteen cents per day.

Frankly speaking, this reward can be called exploitative.

But for the refugees, what else can they ask for?

Having food to eat and making money is better than being trapped in the wind and snow outside the city and starving to death, right?

For a time, the refugees flocked to sign up, almost causing a stampede.

In the end, Qu Shichun recruited more than 3,000 young laborers from the refugees and became a new force in dredging the canal.

This project has many benefits, and Zuo Mengeng has also benefited his own people.

He went to Zhuangzi with the clothes, pots and stoves he bought, and after gathering all the villagers, he expressed his thoughts.

"Construction is about to start at Chaoguan. More than 3,000 people eat, drink, and have sex, which is a big expense every day. The most important thing is that the government also pays for cooking for these 3,000 people. Ming and I

The government has discussed it and asked me to take over this cooking job and leave it to you. Can you do it well?"

Because of the clothes Zuo Mengeng brought, there was no more naked person in Zhuangzi.

Men, women, old and young gathered together, and when they heard that they had made money, they were all very happy.

Old Qin's smiling face was no longer visible.

"The eldest young master is really a Bodhisattva. Not only did he save us the rent, but he also found a way for us to live. What I didn't say, young and old masters must show their skills. If anyone loses the eldest young master's face by then, I will be the first

I can't spare him."

The bankers responded one after another and made up their minds to do a good job.

Zhang Yan was more cautious and asked: "Master, what's the point of cooking for the workers?"

Zuo Mengeng smiled.

"They are all poor people like you, so what's the point? But remember, these workers do hard physical work. They have to go into the water in the cold weather. If they don't eat well, they will die."

He looked around everyone and said solemnly: "I don't ask for much, but you must fulfill it. There is no shortage of food for cooking, so you have to give enough. You can make it not delicious, but you can't lack it. Salt too

If there is no shortage, no deduction is allowed.”

He is so murderous that people dare not look directly at him.

"Let's start the ugly talk, and I've made sure of it in front of the Ming Dynasty. If any of you screw up your crotch for me, you'll have to use your head to make up for it."

Everyone was horrified, and in the end there was no slack at all.

After he said yes, the whole Zhuangzi started to move.

The big guys packed up, pushed the wheelbarrow, and headed straight to the dock with the guys.

Because of a bloody battle, the dock is now extremely desolate, with empty spaces everywhere.

Lao Qintou and Zhang Yan took their people, found a random place, set up a cooking shed, and started getting busy.

Grain and salt are provided by large local households, and the quantity is very sufficient.

After a while, the aroma of the food began to fill the sky above the pier.

Those refugees who worked hard were even more motivated.

This chapter has been completed!
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