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Chapter 439

The hasty trumpet freed all the rebels.

They no longer want to fight against such a terrifying opponent that they can see and cannot touch.

Because as soon as they heard the clarion call to retreat, many people turned around and ran regardless of their formation and consequences.

Tens of thousands of rebels fell into chaos in an instant and collapsed before their eyes.

"Okay, okay, okay, kill! Kill all these beasts! Kill them all!"

Ren Dong and Shen Shouao were pleasantly surprised after seeing the whole process.

They all dreamed of seeking revenge against the rebels, but after the defeat of Guan Ning's army, they had no idea when they would be able to do so.

Unexpectedly, I saw the scene I had dreamed of here today.

Unfortunately, their calls could not be heard by the New Army.

Even if I hear it, I won't care.

Although the rebels were in chaos, the new army still maintained its original array and slowly advanced at an unhurried pace.

Walk to the shooting range, stop, and shoot. The rear row overtakes and shoots again. The third row overtakes and shoots again.

The formation of the new army rolled forward like a wave. Although it was not fast, it was in order.

As long as the rebels ran slowly, they were all killed by musket fire.

At this time, even the most rational rebels couldn't bear it anymore. They abandoned their armor and only regretted that their parents had lost two legs.

One side was running away, while the other side was slowly advancing, naturally the distance between the two sides was getting farther and farther.

Because the rebel artillery was at the very back and even had time to take it away, the overall combat power did not suffer much loss.

When the new army advanced to the rebel camp, the rebels had already run several miles away and did not stop, hoping that they could not catch up.

Seeing this scene, Ren Dong and Shen Shouao were so stunned that they finally lost their minds.

"Why not chase? Why stop? Charge...kill..."

The two of them ran down the small slope and headed towards the pontoon.

After experiencing so much pain, they really couldn't accept it when they watched the rebels being let go.

"What are you doing? Who allowed you to run around? Go back."

A group of officers happened to be right next to the pontoon bridge. They all looked ugly when they saw two "civilians" running towards them in an unorganized and undisciplined manner.

Faced with the officer's scolding, Ren Dong became furious.

"Why didn't you take advantage of the situation and kill them? Why did you let the traitors go? Do you ever know how to fight?"

The leading officer laughed angrily.

"How our army fights has its own rules. It's not your turn to comment here. What do you do? Why don't you stay where you are and come here?"

Ren Dong couldn't help it anymore, he flicked his sleeves and held his head high.

"I, Laizhou Tong, judge Ren Dong, but I did not ask the general for advice."

Shen Shouyao also followed suit: "My officer, Shen Shouyao, was once in charge of the governor of Shandong, Zhu Zhongcheng."

The officer couldn't help but look sideways. He didn't expect that the two civilians mixed in with the army were actually officials.


When Zuo Mengeng received the battle report of the Second Division, he also knew the situation of Ren Dong and Shen Shouao, but he had no time to take care of it for the time being.

He is busy dealing with the aftermath of the Tian Xiao'e case.

Tian Xiao'e's sentencing had a very drastic impact.

Within the territory of the New Army, countless women were inspired and began the road to self-salvation.

In just ten days, Zhang Zhenxiu and Huang Zonghui received more than 100 cases alleging marital injustice.

The largest case can only be handled by Zuo Mengeng personally.

Looking at Wang Zheng who was dejected, Shen who was heartbroken, and Shang who was in a dilemma, Zuo Mengeng was really angry.

"Kui Xin Gong, is the reconciliation proposal inappropriate?"

After the Tian Xiao'e case happened, Wang Zheng was worried. He felt that the opportunity had come, so he proposed to reconcile with his concubine Shen.

As a result, Shen was so distraught that she hanged herself to death. Fortunately, she was discovered early, otherwise she would have died long ago.

Despite this, Wang Zheng still did not change his ambition and still wanted to reconcile with the Shen family.

The matter got serious, and because of Wang Zheng's extraordinary status, he had to leave it to Zuo Mengeng for final decision.

After careful questioning, Zuo Mengeng found out that Wang Zheng's desire to reconcile was not a moment of recklessness, but had lasted for many years.

The reason is that Wang Zheng is a believer, and he is the kind of believer who believes deeply.

In the second year of Tianqi, he was fifty-two years old. After passing the Jinshi examination, he wrote to his family to advise them not to take concubines for him.

He even regarded the merit of passing the imperial examination as a gift from God.

[Today’s promotion is a gift from God. Do you dare to sin against God by taking what God has given you? 】

But in China, families attach great importance to passing on incense.

He has never had any children, his parents are very anxious, and even his wife Shang is worried.

Because although Shang gave birth to many children, only two daughters survived in the end.

In June of that year, when he was serving as a promotion official in Guangping Prefecture, Wang Zheng couldn't resist the situation and accepted the application of the fifteen-year-old Wang Zheng. As a concubine, I hope to give birth to an heir.

In the fourth year of the Apocalypse, Wang Zheng's stepmother passed away.

In the spring of the fifth year, Wang Zheng, who was at home with Ding You, invited Jinnige to preach in the Sanyuan area, and begged Jinnige to exonerate himself.

Jin Nige, an old stubborn man, refused to agree and even said to him: "It is difficult to solve the crime unless you get to the root of the crime!"

This strengthened Wang Zheng's repentance and decided to marry a concubine to atone for his sins.

But he didn't want to think about what doing this would mean to the Shen family, a womanly family.

Even his wife, Shang, disagreed and tried hard to persuade him to stay.

Mrs. Shen cried so much that she almost died. She even swore to become a religious believer and refuse to remarry, leaving Wang Zheng helpless.

Originally, this matter was over, and Wang Zheng also adopted Wang Yongchun and Wang Yongshun as sons from his second brother Wang Hui and third brother Wang Che.

Who would have thought that this time because of the Tian Xiao'e case, he would have another idea.

"I am a gift from God. I have already sworn to serve God. To disobey my plan is a grave sin. Now that I have woken up, it is already too late. How can I stop you?"

Deng Yuhan and Luo Yagu, who were standing next to him, all showed approval when they heard his words.

Being able to develop such devout believers in the far east gives them a great sense of accomplishment.

But upon hearing his words, Mrs. Shen was so distraught that she almost fainted.

Mr. Shang wiped his tears and kept talking.

"Oh my god, what kind of sin did you suffer?"

For today's matter, Zuo Mengeng also invited Xu Guangqi here.

"How do you, old man, decide?"

Xu Guangqi closed his eyes and meditated, feeling that this matter was difficult to handle. However, he also felt that Wang Zheng's stubbornness was quite absurd.

"Good man, God loves the world and spreads the gospel to the world. Naturally, he hopes that his followers can be happy. But what have you done to this little lady? Isn't it against God's will to harm others?"

Wang Zheng raised his head and said firmly: "She and I are just like Chunfang in old age, but we are not a good match. This junior's move not only forgives her sins before the throne of God, but also lets her go to find a happy place to live. I mean it with my heart." Bitterness, reality and even sincerity.”

Having said this, Xu Guangqi was helpless.

However, Zuo Mengeng has too many places to attack and solve this kind of problem.

He stood up.

"Kui Xin Gong, although we are all seeking ideological emancipation, we are more opposed to women becoming vassals, and encourage women to be independent. But my wife has committed herself to you at the age of fifteen, and it has been ten years now. The sun and the moon reincarnate, and the years change, can my wife have any problems? What's dissonant? She has devoted all her efforts to the Wang family, and her roots have already taken root in the Wang family. Now you want to expel her out of the house for your own selfish reasons. I want to ask, in this big world, how can Mrs. Where is the heart? How is what you are doing different from killing someone?"

Wang Zheng was stunned, but Shen burst into tears.

The physical and mental suffering of the past few days turned into a sea of ​​sorrow and sorrow at this moment, making everyone look at him with side eyes.

Zuo Mengeng did not start from the principles of ethics, nor did he belittle Wang Zheng's religious beliefs. He only focused on Shen's innocence.

A woman who has devoted everything to her family for ten years can no longer leave.

Wang Zheng kicked her out at this time, never thinking about how this woman could get out of the home she had built with so much hard work.

Mrs. Shang couldn't help it anymore, hugged Mrs. Shen and cried.

"Master, all we women want is a safe place to live. How cruel are you!"

Wang Zheng was left speechless, and the depression in his heart could not be dissipated at all.

In fact, he didn't know that what he did was a bit excessive, but the power of faith made him suffer.

"That's it, that's it. All the mistakes I have made are all my fault. I am full of sins. I have failed my heavenly father and my family. How can I survive in heaven and earth?"

As he spoke, he jumped up and hit the pillar next to him.

It happened suddenly, and no one expected him to be so strong.

Seeing the tragedy approaching, everyone panicked...

Just kidding, haha.

Where Zuo Menggen was, there were many experts around him. With Wang Zheng's old skills, if he could be killed by him, the entire security brigade would have to commit suicide.

The two soldiers rushed forward and stopped in front of Wang Zheng, preventing him from losing a single hair.


The two women who had been hugging each other and crying bitterly a moment ago actually forgot the source of their sorrow and stumbled over, focusing entirely on Wang Zheng.

Seeing this scene, everyone shook their heads. They really didn't know how to distance themselves from this sinful debt.

This chapter has been completed!
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