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Chapter 460: Reflection of Value

"There seems to be something strange about the music composed by General Zuo."

Li Zhenli is indeed a master of music. She stood on the roadside and listened to "Serving the Country with Loyalty" for a while and realized something was wrong.

Fortunately, Xu Ruolin is also very accomplished in music and immediately understood what she meant.

"I once said that when he composed these tunes, he referred to Europa's music theory knowledge. It is different from the pentatonic tones of our Chinese Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu, but is divided into do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, xi seven notes."

Although there are two systems, Li Zhenli immediately recognized that compared with the traditional Chinese tonal division, this Europa tune has two more tones, fa and si.

"No wonder the rhythm is so changeable when I first listen to the lyrics and music. It seems that Europa is not a barbarian, he is quite clever."

The Xu sisters pursed their lips and chuckled, but they were also secretly frightened.

Obviously they were the ones who came into contact with Oparo culture earlier, but compared to Zuo Mengeng, their cognition was actually vastly different.

"This is the piece sent over by Shenzuo. Please give me some advice from Mr. Li."

Arriving at the location of the art troupe, Li Zhenli saw the song that embarrassed everyone.

There are only words, no score.

The content is similar to "Serving the Country with Loyalty", with a hint of simplicity.

It’s not that I don’t know why, just reading the words makes Li Zhenli feel the urge to sing.

The problem was that there was no music score and she didn't know how to sing.

Jing Xiaolian stood beside her, her face flushed and trembling like chaff.

Not scared, but excited.

When a junior high school girl sees a superstar, he will be like him.

Jing Xiaolian is a Xiaodan player in the local Yuejia class in Linqing. She sings Kunqu opera, and is very good at "The Peony Pavilion".

Of course, this specialty is relative to local counterparts.

Being in front of Li Zhenli is like meeting a professor from the Central Conservatory of Music in a music class.

Although Jing Xiaolian is the top actress in Yue's class, she is arrogant and unwilling to be just an actor.

When the new army was recruiting soldiers, he signed up several times, actually wanting to become a soldier.

But the people at the recruitment office looked at his delicate and fair skin, delicate and tender figure, and soft and charming voice, and wisely persuaded him to leave.

I feel sorry for Xiao Jing, but there is nothing I can do.

Later, the New Army established a cultural troupe, and someone thought of him and asked him if he would like to join.

Although he couldn't really go into battle to kill the enemy, he could at least join the new army.

Jing Xiaolian said nothing, packed up and came happily.

Although Yue's class has lost its leading actress, does the class leader dare to say "no"?

I don't dare.

When he arrived at the art troupe, facing those who played the drums and wrote fast books, Jing Xiaolian had no doubt that he was the one taking the top spot.

It's a pity that even he was confused when faced with the weird music played by Zuo Mengeng.

It transcends an era and is beyond the understanding of music artists of this era.

Today Li Zhenli arrived and met an idol she had only heard of in the distance. Jing Xiaolian immediately waited on her, hoping to learn a little bit from Li Zhenli.

“There’s no music score, but I don’t know where to start?”

Jing Xiaolian hurriedly said: "This singing method was taught to me by Shen Zuo. He also said that there is something called staff music, which is very useful. However, our brothers are not very talented and have little knowledge, so no one understands it."

Those who play the big drum and those who write fast books all look sideways, who is your brother?

When she heard the singing method, Li Zhenli couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Can you give me a demonstration?"

Want to sing in front of your idol?

Jing Xiaolian was so excited that she almost fainted. She only felt that the happiest thing in her ten years of life was today.

He was grateful and put all his energy into it, and pinched the orchid...

"一(yi, yí, yǐ)...Tiao(aō,aǒ)...大(ā,ā,ā)..."

"Thank you."

Li Zhenli quickly and decisively stopped Jing Xiaolian from continuing to sing.

Although she had just read the lyrics, she thought of the passionate military songs of the New Army soldiers she had seen before, and she knew that Jing Xiaolian had gone astray.

It is a complete appropriation of the singing method of Kunqiang opera, which will make the scalp of those who listen to it go numb.

Jing Xiaolian felt aggrieved, her big eyes were twitching, and she didn't know what she had done wrong.

"Xiao Lian...Xiao Lian, what's wrong with you? But someone bullied you?"

This scene happened to be seen by people who came in, and it immediately caused waves.

The visitor rushed directly to Jing Xiaolian and seemed to want to reach out and hug him to show his sympathy.

Fortunately, I saw that there were many people around, so I reluctantly stopped.

But the person who came was not prepared to let go of the culprit who caused Jing Xiaolian's grievance.

"Who are you, and why did you bully my little pity? Ouch... are you that bitch from Nanjing?"

Li Zhenli's astonished peach blossom face was instantly turned into a dyeing workshop, so colorful that she didn't know how to feel.

The Xu sisters next to them were all furious, especially Xu Ruolin, who almost wanted to take action.

"Master Zhang, you are very good."

The most prodigal son of Linqing, Zhang Haogu, the unrivaled master of seventy-two flower houses, now completely lost his arrogance.

Looking at Xu Ruolin clenching her silver teeth, she wished she could immediately grow a pair of wings and fly to the sky.

"Haha...that...hehe...this young master...this young master is here to urge them to study hard and practice hard, so as not to let down Zhongheng's hard work."

Xu Ruolin rolled her eyes wildly and was helpless about this guy.

"I haven't seen Uncle Zhang for a long time. It seems that I have to ask for his help later."

"Oh my aunt, please don't harm me!"

Zhang Haogu was like a giant monkey, rushing to Xu Ruolin with a red face, bowing and begging for mercy, with cold sweat covering his face.

Xu Ruoxin pointed at Jing Xiaolian curiously.

"You and him... eh..."

Zhang Haogu and Jing Xiaolian seemed to have been impregnated...not...frightened rabbits.

"How can you taint someone's innocence?"

"People are dying."

"Why is it so lively?"

In the chaos, Zuo Mengeng walked in.

After finishing his work, he returned home and learned that Li Zhenli had come to visit, so he looked for her.

Seeing the shameless Zhang Haogu, he also had a headache.

"You said you can't do anything serious?"

Zhang Haogu turned his body slightly, only half of his face was exposed, his eyes were deep, as if he were peerless and independent.

"It's just that there are too many popular customs in this world, and no one recognizes me. I have a lot of heart. Ahem...what can I do?"

Too lazy to pay attention to him, Zuo Mengeng smiled at Li Zhenli who was standing up to greet her: "The world is in such a mess now. I don't think Miss Li would be so heroic and travel thousands of miles north alone. She is respectable and admirable."

Li Zhenli raised the paper in her hand and said with a smile: "If you can listen to General Zuo's masterpiece, even if the road is full of obstacles, how can it be a big deal?"

Zuo Mengeng clapped his hands and laughed, inviting everyone to sit down.

It seems that Li Zhenli is also a female literary youth who goes crazy when she sees good works.

"General Zuo, why does this piece only have lyrics and no score?"

Zuo Mengeng spread his hands and told the truth.

"I am a layman in the art of music. Even if I want to compose music, I can't do it. It just so happens that Mr. Li is here today. Please help me if you can."

Li Zhenli was determined to show off in front of Zuo Mengeng, so she said without hesitation: "Please tell me, general, how to sing this song?"

Zuo Menggen didn't know how to compose music, but he could definitely sing the music of later generations.

He doesn't have stage fright, and he doesn't care whether he sings well or not, he just wants to sing the original meaning of the song.

A big river wave ~ wave width

The wind blows the fragrance of rice flowers on both sides of the bank

My home is right on the shore~ I live on the shore

I'm used to hearing the boatman's slogans

I'm used to seeing white sails on ships...

He tried his best to imitate Teacher Guo's singing, but it was obviously far from it. The only good thing was that at least it was not out of tune and he could sing the spirit of the song.

Especially as a true soldier, when he sang to the climax, the strong feelings of family and country contained in his lyrics and music immediately conquered everyone present.

Li Zhenli was already fascinated by this.

She started singing on stage at the age of thirteen, and became famous in Jiangnan at the age of fifteen.

I feel that all the drama in the world is in my heart.

But now I know that there are such touching songs and singing methods in the world.

A novel and far-reaching door gradually began to open to her.

This chapter has been completed!
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