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Chapter 47 Declaration

Xu Ruolin was actually a good teacher. When she saw Hou Fangyu's mistakes, she immediately pointed them out.

"Oh, I told you before. Since the powers and potentials are the same, the accumulators are not different. You still boast about being smart, but you don't understand such a simple truth."

Zuo Mengeng was a little confused when he heard this.

What kind of power, momentum, what the hell are you talking about?

But when I looked at what was on the paper, it seemed very familiar.

It turned out that what Hou Fangyu and Zhang Lingxi were calculating was the area of ​​the dam. However, the whole article was filled with traditional Chinese characters, which made Zuo Mengeng dizzy.

I guess the same is true for Hou Fangyu, who couldn't figure it out even after a long time of calculation.

Zuo Mengeng couldn't stand it any longer, so he took the pen from Hou Fangyu's hand and drew a trapezoid directly on the paper.

"Calculating this shape is very simple. You see, you just need to add the upper base to the lower base, multiply it by the height and divide by two, and the result is the area. If you have trouble writing it like this, you can replace it like this."

Zuo Mengeng wrote the trapezoidal calculation formula on the paper with a few strokes, s=(ab)×h÷2.

The clean and neat formula made everyone look at it.

"Brother Zuo, what is this?"

Hou Fangyu is thirsty for knowledge.

Zuo Mengeng is not troublesome to teach.

"This is pronounced Aisi, which represents the area of ​​an object..."

When Zuo Menggen explained the meaning of each letter, Hou Fangyu and Zhang Lingxi immediately remembered it.

They like the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division signs even more. After all, calculations become intuitive.

According to the method taught by Zuo Mengeng, they calculated the result almost in the blink of an eye.

"Brother Zuo is so talented that he can come up with such an ingenious algorithm."

Zhang Lingxi also followed suit.

"It is said that Brother Zuo's martial arts skills are unparalleled, but I didn't expect him to be so good at arithmetic."

Xu Ruolin felt sad when she saw that Zuo Menggeng had become the master after teaching for a long time but Zuo Mengeng had become the master all of a sudden.

"Humph, this is just a Western calculation method."

The little woman's sour and jealous look was quite cute. Zuo Mengeng couldn't help but laugh and said: "Since you know it, why don't you teach it to them?"

Xu Ruolin held her head high and said proudly: "I am teaching them my Chinese calculation method. Yaya said that although the Western algorithms are exquisite, the things of our ancestors are not bad either."

Haha, I didn’t realize that Xu Guangqi and Xu Ruolin are actually nationalists.

Zuo Mengeng asked: "Is the method you teach convenient?"

He pointed at the words on the paper, leaving Xu Ruolin speechless.

In the end, I had no choice but to say something.

"Then don't you want the things left by your ancestors?"

Zuo Mengeng laughed again.

"The things left by our ancestors are not calculated like this. Since there is a convenient way, why do we have to sacrifice the near for the far?"

Zuo Mengeng is different from other people in that he has no stubborn distinction between Huayi and Huayi.

In his opinion, things in this world can only be judged by whether they can be used and whether they are useful or not.

As long as it is useful, I will use it directly.

If I use it, it's mine.

This is the military mentality. Everything is based on reality. Only the results are considered and nothing else is considered.

There are countless mathematical treasures left over from ancient China. Are they treasures?

of course.

Is it worth learning from future generations?

Of course it's worth it.

But since the knowledge left by the ancients is the same as the knowledge passed down from the West, but the methods of description are different, how should we choose?

Of course, use whatever is convenient.

The beauty of Chinese characters is unparalleled in the world. But when applied to mathematics, it is really a trap.

After all, you need to read a large paragraph of text and then evolve it into a specific calculation model in your mind before you can perform calculations, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Xu Ruolin couldn't defeat Zuo Mengeng, and looked at the calculation formula again, and couldn't help but said: "Your algorithm is similar to the one written by Grandpa Guo Jujing. It's just that the symbols are slightly different. Why?"

Zuo Mengeng understood it after thinking about it.

"The symbols used by Priest Guo Jujing should be in Latin. What I wrote is in English."


"On the sea northwest of Franji, there is an island country named English. It is now on the eve of a great change. Once it succeeds, its country will surely prosper and it will be possible to dominate the world. The language used in its country is called English.

And these are the English letters.”

In fact, there is almost no difference between Latin letters and English letters. If Xu Ruolin was not proficient in Latin, she might not be able to see it.

Zhang Haogu, Liu Yiyuan, and Huang Zongxi all came together and looked at these strange symbols curiously, finding them quite novel.

Liu Yiyuan was still unconvinced.

"You said that a country like Britain can dominate the world? How dare a mere barbarian compete with China?"

Zuo Mengeng looked solemn.

"The world is a big place, Brother Liu must not be arrogant. I think they are barbarians, vulgar and backward. But now in the fierce battle in Liaodong, the artillery used to deal with the Eastern captives are all made by Fo Langji. The sharpness of these Western firearms has already

Above me, China."

Nothing works like living facts.

The fact that the Ming Dynasty purchased and imitated the Fo Lang machine artillery and killed the slave chief was widely publicized and everyone knew about it.

When everyone heard it, they felt inspired and that victory was in sight.

However, Zuo Mengeng interpreted it from another angle at this time, and everyone's hearts were immediately filled with gloom.

Seeing that everyone was in a bad mood, Huang Zongxi couldn't help but said with relief: "You don't need to worry, think about the Western countries, thousands of miles away, how can they invade China?"

Now that this matter has been brought up, Zuo Mengeng will destroy all their luck.

"Brother Taichong, please don't make such assumptions. Are there still few Buddhists in the Ming Dynasty? On the island opposite Fujian, there are also red-haired Fans. If these Westerners have bad intentions,

, the disaster is as great as that of Donglu."

Huang Zongxi still felt that Zuo Mengeng was exaggerating.

"My brother has seen those foreigners, but they are just a few small boats, drifting on the sea, so how can they attack China? Besides, China has a vast land, rich resources, and a vast territory. If these barbarians come ashore, they will surely come.

No return.”

Everyone was just a little happy after what he said, but they were immediately poured cold water by Zuo Mengeng.

"If the Western countries really have evil intentions, why would they go ashore? As long as the naval guns are parked on the beaches of Tianjin Wei, Nanjing City, Songjiang Prefecture, Fuzhou Prefecture, and Guangzhou Prefecture, we will not be able to survive?"

The atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing point, and everyone looked solemn. Thinking of the scene Zuo Mengeng described, his heart began to beat with dismay.

Zuo Mengeng's voice is as powerful as Huang Zhong Da Lu's, inspiring.

"In the past, Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall to resist barbarians. Is it possible that today, to prevent disasters from coming from the sea, he must build a Great Wall along the seaside? But with the power of artillery, can the city wall be blocked? If not, what should we do?"

"I believe that China and the West now have their own advantages and disadvantages, and we have not fallen behind. It is time for us to work hard, strengthen our bones, sharpen our claws, set sail on the sea, and compete with other countries for supremacy in the world. The sun and the moon shine on everything.

Our Chinese territory is our territory. At that time, not only will we not have to worry about Westerners attacking from the sea, but we will also be lucky if we don’t attack them."

The group of people's blood boiled with excitement after hearing this, and they couldn't help but lose their temper. Instead, they couldn't help but want to take action immediately.

On the contrary, Huang Zongxi, who had experienced the incident, was full of sadness.

"It's difficult. Now that the internal and external troubles of this imperial court cannot be eradicated, how can we compete on the sea? Furthermore, sails are not allowed to go into the sea. This is what our ancestors taught us. This will break the wings of our Chinese people."

Thinking about the current situation of the Ming Dynasty, everyone's mood dropped again.

Zuo Mengeng was the only one who remained unmoved. His words seemed unintentional, but they were sharp.

"After we clean up this mountain and river, we can make further calculations."

In the small room, all kinds of emotions spread.

Liu Yiyuan looked at Zuo Mengeng, his heart beating wildly, and the feeling of vaguely seeing through the truth made him a little confused.

Huang Zongxi clenched his fists, his face glowing red, and he looked eager to try.

Hou Fangyu's elf's weird eyes were rolling around, wanting to shrink his head, but also wanting to jump up. The tangled look was quite joyful.

Zhang Lingxi clapped his hands and looked up at Zuo Mengeng, his eyes full of stars, his admiration beyond words.

Xu Ruolin looked at him inquiringly, with deep eyes. Zuo Mengeng's many words gathered in one place over the past few days actually increased her confidence.

Zuo Xianmei was so frightened that she covered her mouth. She wanted to advise her brother that it was okay to talk about elders and younger ones, but she was afraid of violating etiquette. She only felt scared and didn't know who to talk to.

Zhang Haogu had a grimace on his face, his eyes only focused on the title on the paper. He looked at it for a while, grinned, and gave up helplessly.

As for what Zuo Mengeng said, he didn't take it to heart at all.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Zhou You walked in and saw the strange atmosphere and couldn't help but ask.

The others were speechless and did not dare to raise their heads.

Only Zuo Mengeng was open-minded and looked directly at him.

"We are discussing how to clean up this mountain and river."

Zhou You was stunned for a moment, then looked back and suddenly smiled.

"My dear brother, please take me with you when you are involved in such an intense affair."

Zuo Mengeng laughed and was very happy.

"Come, brother Sigui, let me introduce you to an old friend."

He pulled Zhou You to Huang Zongxi.

"This is the son of Huang Bai'an Gong, Huang Zongxi and Huang Taichong."

"This is the son of Duke Hengtai of Zhou Dynasty. He travels around Zhou and thinks of returning home."

When the first six gentlemen and the last seven gentlemen and their descendants meet, it is like thunder from the sky and fire from the earth.

Zhou You and Huang Zongxi held each other's hands, their eyes filled with tears.

"Brother Zhou, congratulations!"

"Brother Huang, congratulations!"

This chapter has been completed!
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