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Chapter 477 The Good Thing That Was Overlooked

In the early morning, Li Zhenli woke up as soon as Dongfang turned white.

She is actually a very proud person.

A famous prostitute from Jiangnan.

What was that day like in the past?

Everything about food and clothing is exquisite. The real food never tires of finesse, and the food never tires of fineness. Silk and grosgrain, gold steps, and pearls are coated with pink rouge. It is just a chair, not made of jujube wood, and I don’t even look at it.

But after arriving in Shandong, those luxurious lives disappeared.

Especially after joining the New Army, the people I face on weekdays are not to mention detailed. They wear coarse clothes and eat ordinary food.

In order to avoid being unsociable, she could only endure it.

Traveling with Zuo Mengeng this time originally made her very happy.

Thinking about it, Zuo Mengeng, as the commander-in-chief, naturally has the best food and clothing expenses. She can also improve her life accordingly.

But when I got out, I realized that I was totally wrong.

This commander-in-chief whom everyone respected seemed to have no materialistic desires.

He wore the same clothes as ordinary soldiers; he ate what he could; he rode on a horse all day long while traveling, talking and laughing even though he was covered in mud and dust.

Although she was a woman and was sitting in a carriage, it was obviously impossible for her to be comfortable.

But Li Zhenli still has the ability to distinguish.

Seeing the heartfelt support of the New Army soldiers for Zuo Mengeng, she knew that this invincible and powerful army was always firmly in Zuo Mengeng's hands.

This man's ability to control the army and subordinates is truly unparalleled in the world.

When we arrived at the headquarters of the Second Division, the conditions here were even worse.

The sleeping area is just a tent, but they are still crowded together with the medical staff of the hospital.

There was no fire allowed in the tent. After a night of cold air, it was already bone-chilling in the morning. Even if the tent was wrapped in thick quilts, it was still useless.

Li Zhenli couldn't bear it anymore and slowly got up. Turning around, she saw that Li Xiangjun was still sleeping soundly as he was young and didn't know how to feel sad.

She didn't wake her up, cleaned up hastily, and walked out of the tent alone.

When I came outside, I realized that there are more hard-working people than waking up early.

Far away on the school field, countless soldiers have begun training.

Rows and rows of formations change from time to time, and loud slogans are vaguely heard in the wind, carrying surging vitality.

The medical staff in the hospital are already busy.

Cleaning clothes, organizing utensils, and helping wounded soldiers walk to recover. Everything was always in order despite the chaos.

Seeing everything in her eyes, Li Zhenli couldn't help but smile. The slight discomfort in daily life is really nothing.

This place is bitter, but full of vitality. And he never regards her as a plaything, but respects her as a real person.

Li Zhenli is not a poor commoner who has no worries about survival. Although she is full of talent and learning, the most empty thing is spiritual satisfaction.

She didn't know that the prosperous and impetuous Jiangnan could not satisfy her desire.

Because there is a smoky pool of wine and meat, a cannibal cave.

On the contrary, Shandong, a place of joy amid hardship, made her spirit extremely rich.

"Director Li, give..."

A soldier passed by, saw her, ran over timidly, and handed over what he was holding.

It was a boiled egg, still steaming.

Li Zhenli looked over and saw that the soldier was really very young, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a childish face. He was not wearing a military cap and had a band of cloth wrapped around his forehead. He was a little wounded soldier.

"Don't you want to eat? How can I do it?"

The soldier kept talking for a long time.

"You...you sing well. After listening to your song, I...I feel better."

Without any explanation, she stuffed the egg into Li Zhenli's hand, turned around and ran away without a trace.

Li Zhenli only had time to say hello, but there was nothing she could do.

Feeling the hotness of the eggs, my heart became even warmer.

In the army, eggs are a rare item, more precious than meat. Only wounded soldiers can eat them, and they can eat one in three days.

Li Zhenli knew why the child soldier gave the egg to her, which made her understand that what she was doing now was so meaningful.

Even the waterfalls of fine wine in the south of the Yangtze River are not as valuable as this egg.

"Director Li, you got up very early."

Mao Yuanyi's figure came from behind. Looking back, he saw his huge and ridiculous bald head exposed in the air.

This scholar, who was once famous all over the world, now cares very little about his image. He holds a big cake in his hand and devours it hungrily.

Seeing him, Li Zhenli felt a little hot again in her heart.

"Mr. Mao..."

Mao Yuanyi corrected: "You are the director of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department, and I am the commander of the Second Army. According to the military regulations, you should call me Commander Mao."

Li Zhenli was rarely shy, and then she thought of something and asked excitedly: "Commander Mao, are you up, Commander-in-Chief? I still have some things I don't understand about yesterday's song and I want to ask him for advice."

Mao Yuanyi looked strange.

"The commander-in-chief has left."

Li Zhenli panicked for no reason.

"What...when did you leave?"

Mao Yuanyi had already seen through this little thought.

He looked at this beautiful girl sincerely and said solemnly: "Director Li, since you have chosen a new life, why should you follow the old path?"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Li Zhenli was left alone, feeling lost. Mao Yuanyi's words were like waves, washing away her worn-out defenses over and over again.

Suddenly, a red light appeared in front of his eyes.

She looked in astonishment and discovered that in the eastern sky, the rising red sun broke through the sky, its rays of rays were endless, and the world was transformed into a new one.

Li Zhenli realized it.

He pursed his lips and smiled, no longer feeling sad.

Suddenly he opened his arms, not knowing whether he was embracing the sun or the new world.


Zuo Mengeng did not avoid Li Zhenli deliberately.

He didn't care at all.

This time, time is tight and there is no room for delay.

After inspecting the Second Division, they immediately headed south and soon arrived at Anshan Lake.

"Commander, you are here at the right time. Today is the day of slaughter here. I treat you to some meat."

After not seeing him for a long time, Zuo Maodi couldn't see his former temperament at all. He was wrapped in a torn cotton jacket and looked like an old farmer.

He took Zuo Mengeng to the west bank of Anshan Lake.

This place has now become the largest breeding base.

There are ducks and geese in the water, and every household on the shore raises pigs.

The raised pigs were rarely eaten by the people themselves, and basically all were purchased by the government.

Nowadays, the price of pork is rising steadily, and you can actually sell it for a lot of money.

Today is a big day, there are about fifty families killing pigs together.

Pig butchers from all over the country were summoned to sharpen their knives, and the scene was very spectacular.

The arrival of Zuo Mengeng aroused the enthusiasm of the people.

"Commander, look at my big fat pig, which weighs three hundred kilograms. When it comes to raising pigs, who can compare with me? I will stew meat for you later. You are not allowed to leave until you eat it."

Zuo Mengeng simply stood still.

"Then I'm sure I'll eat this mouthful of meat from you."

The pig butcher was very excited.

After killing pigs all my life, I never expected that the commander-in-chief could see what I was capable of, and my whole body was filled with energy.

He geared up for a while, picked up the razor, and was about to start with the pig's hair.


Zuo Menggeng's shouting startled everyone, thinking that someone had done something wrong.

But Zuo Mengeng didn't care about the dirt. He rushed in front of the pig, pointed at the black hair on the pig's neck and back, and asked hurriedly: "You used to kill pigs, where did all the pig hair go?"

Zuo Maodi scratched his head, very puzzled.

"Throw it away, this thing is hard and dirty."

Zuo Mengeng slapped his head in pain, feeling regretful.

It took a long time to recover, and strict orders were issued on the spot.

"The order is passed down. From now on, all pig bristles must be turned in. Anyone who dares to hide or abandon them at will will be subject to military law."

This chapter has been completed!
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