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Chapter 486

The palace gate, which is painted with gold and cast in bronze, is majestic and majestic, and cost more than a thousand taels, has no reputation in front of a stone cannonball that costs less than two taels.

With a loud bang, the gate of the palace was shattered into pieces, falling apart in all directions.

In the billowing smoke, devil-like rebel soldiers rushed in crazily, and were immediately aroused by the majesty of the palace.

They robbed every thing that looked valuable, they violated every woman they saw, and they killed every eunuch and guard who tried to escape.

Zhu Youyi was held by two eunuchs, running around the palace like a headless fly, but could not find a safe place.

This is obviously his home, but he is not familiar with any of the roads.

Because no matter where he went in the past, he always traveled comfortably in a carriage. But when it came time to escape for his life, he didn't care about anything at all.

He saw with his own eyes that his crown prince was captured by a group of rebels and her clothes were torn to pieces in broad daylight.

The imperial concubine's desperate screams frightened him out of his mind, and he didn't dare to take another look, so he quickened his pace even more.

"Your Majesty, save me... Your Majesty..."

The innocent princess must be regretting it. She didn't expect that her husband was so incompetent that she fell into the hands of a beast.

But where can Zhu Youyi escape to?

Another group of rebels rushed towards him. Seeing his gorgeous clothes, they immediately surrounded him.

Looking at those raging and cruel faces, Zhu Youyi could no longer control his soul.

"You... you... this king... Gu... Gu Nai..."

The sword flashed, and his head and torso were separated.

The unlucky Prince Heng met an unlearned and incompetent soldier.

If it falls into the hands of Li Jiucheng, Kong Youde and other rebel generals, it is unlikely that they will still be able to struggle.

But these penniless rebel soldiers didn't care who he was and killed him with one blow.

That wasn't the end of it. After killing him, the soldiers swarmed up and plundered all the valuable things he had on him.

As the heir to the lineage of Prince Heng, is there anything worthless about Zhu Youyi?

So, after being plundered by the rebels, the dead Zhu Youyi turned into a naked corpse, lying in the messy grass, not looking any more noble than others.

"General, I know where King Heng... Heng Ni's treasure is hidden."

As the massacre progressed, some eunuchs who were greedy for life and fearful of death decisively betrayed their master.

Mao Chenglu was extremely happy.

"Take this general with you and remember your merits."

The eunuch was overjoyed and quickly led the way, finally finding the treasury of Prince Heng's Mansion.

When the heavy stone door was pushed open, for a moment, all the rebels lost their light.

It was not that they were plotted against, but that the sun's rays reflected from the mountains and seas of gold and silver temporarily blinded them.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Mao Chenglu was so shocked that he dropped his knife.

Even if he exhausted all his fantasies, he would never have imagined that wealth could be accumulated to this extent.

Fortunately, he wasn't stupid and reacted quickly.

"Go quickly and invite the governor and commander-in-chief."


Just when the Dongjiang rebels broke through Qingzhou City, Zuo Menggeng also arrived in Yishui.

After reading the intelligence, Zuo Mengeng convened a meeting with officers above the battalion level of the Third Division.

"Your Third Division has not long been established, and its combat effectiveness cannot be compared with that of the First and Second Divisions. But next, your task is the most important. Whether you can stop the rebels and prevent them from moving south is entirely up to you.

How about it, do you have confidence?"

Lou Fu obviously hadn't slept well for a long time.

"Commander, there are only so many people in our division. They are responsible for a cross-section of hundreds of kilometers and need a certain amount of support."

He is a mature and prudent person who does not make random guarantees, but he is not afraid of difficulties either.

Grain supplement

He unfolded the map and explained the Third Division's plan.

"Our division plans to move forward immediately. The first regiment is responsible for guarding Jiagu Mountain, Yanshen Town, and Qingshiguan line. The second regiment is responsible for the Yiyuan line. The division headquarters and the third regiment will control Muling Pass and block the official road. As for the third regiment, I plan to put the fourth regiment on the front line of Anqiu and Jingzhi Town. But in this way, the ministries are too far apart, and there is no reserve team, so they cannot get heavy fire support from the division headquarters. If the rebels go south, they will definitely Concentrate all your strength to attack at one point, or you will be afraid that the support will not be enough, which will cause a big problem."

Zuo Mengeng looked at the battle plan carefully and realized that it would be a bit difficult for the third division.

He thought for a while and proposed changes.

"In that case, I will ask the First Brigade of Mengyin's militia to go north, divide it into two parts, and arrange them around Yiyuan. This can not only take care of Yanshen Town, but also support Muling Pass. As for the line from Muling Pass to Anqiu , I asked the cavalry brigade to come over and be responsible for cruising. Wherever support is needed, the speed of the cavalry will definitely be able to arrive."

After hearing his arrangement, everyone in the Third Division finally smiled.

"This way, nothing goes wrong."

Zuo Mengeng was not so optimistic.

"This time, your ministries will not have heavy artillery support, and there will not be many infantry and artillery. I'm afraid you will have to go through a bloody battle."

Wei Qiyou's expression did not change.

"No matter how difficult it is, can it still be as difficult as Qingshui Pass?"

The generals of the new army often discussed it, and everyone unanimously agreed that the most difficult battle since the formation of the army was Qingshui Pass.

At that time, the New Army almost collapsed. Even though Amin's troops were finally wiped out, their own casualties were also horrific.

As for the subsequent battles, they were basically chasing rabbits, without any difficulty.

Zuo Mengeng did not suppress the arrogance of these people.

Arrogant soldiers and strong generals are not a bad thing.

Without that arrogance, we cannot become a strong army.

He just put his defenses out of sight.

The Third Division didn't know about it, so he dispatched the Second Brigade of Militia to Zhucheng to give them the answer.

"How about it, you two, you've seen enough along the way, what do you think?"

There are two special people in Zuo Mengeng's team.

Those were Ren Dong and Shen Shouao whose identities were exposed in the Battle of Lijin.

Mao Yuanyi was also shocked when she learned that the two of them were actually imperial officials and that Ren Dong had fought his way out of Laizhou City in a bloody battle.

When Zuo Mengeng visited Lijin, he handed over these two men.

Seeing Zuo Mengeng again, Shen Shouao looked at Ren Dong very nervously and just prayed that this guy would stop firing randomly.

After so long, he still clearly remembered the words Ren Dong blurted out when Li Jin met Zuo Mengeng for the first time.

"Bah, traitor!"

At that time, Shen Shouyao thought that the two of them were dead.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Mengeng smiled and did not feel dissatisfied.

And Ren Dong's behavior after that made him even more confused.

Zuo Menggeng openly admitted that he wanted to rebel. As for the arrangements between the two of them, they were free to come and go.

Logically speaking, since Ren Dong believed that Zuo Mengeng was a traitor, he should have left and returned to the court.

But Ren Dong asked: "Zuo Mengeng, are you going to kill Dongjiang for being rebellious or not?"

Zuo Mengeng pointed to the impregnable position.

"If we don't kill the rebels, what kind of battle is going on here?"

Ren Dong stopped talking, but he didn't say he was leaving, and insisted on staying with Zuo Mengeng.

Unexpectedly, I would travel across half of Shandong in just ten days, and see a world completely beyond my imagination.

But it was obvious that Zuo Mengeng was busy with the war and had no time to carry two burdens with him.

Finding them today seems to be a showdown.

This chapter has been completed!
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