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Chapter 509: The Land of the Extreme North

The Dongjiang rebels were like rampaging bulls, completely destroying everything in their path.

Especially the aloof vassal king, in the eyes of the rebels, was no more noble than the ordinary people.

Heng Fan's killed chickens and dogs were not left behind, which was exactly what the new army needed.

From the moment they entered Qingzhou City, the new army began to take over all assets belonging to Heng Fan.

Among them, the one that Zuo Menggen likes the most is undoubtedly the land.

In an agricultural society, land is definitely the most important means of production.

And food is the basis for all undertakings.

The population in the New Army's original territory is increasing, and the original land is no longer able to support such a large population.

This time receiving the legacy of Heng Fan was of great help to agricultural production.

In addition to the mayor of Qingzhou City, the person responsible for this matter is Fu Zhuo, the general manager of Dongchang Agricultural Reclamation Group.

"Commander, after statistics, the total amount of land we received from Heng Fan this time is more than 67,300 hectares."

When reporting, Fu Zhuo's heart was pounding.

He knew that these vassal kings controlled a large amount of land, but when he really found out, he was still shocked.

Don't talk about him, the same goes for Zuo Mengeng.

According to statistics from the early Ming Dynasty, the entire Qingzhou Prefecture had 136,000 hectares of land.

In other words, the Heng Fan family alone accounts for nearly half.

"Why so many?"

Zuo Mengeng was frightened and had doubts at the same time.

He remembered that King Fu, King Shu and King Lu, who owned the most land among the vassal kings in the late Ming Dynasty, did not seem to have so much land.

"These lands are not all under the name of Heng Fan, but also include the branches of Heng Fan. Looking at Heng Fan alone, it seems to be acceptable, but when all the clan members of Heng Fan are included, there are only so many."

Fu Zhuo explained.

"All the land of Heng Fan not only includes Qingzhou Prefecture, but also covers the entire Shandong Province."

Zuo Mengeng took the list and after reading it, he realized that these pigs in Lao Zhu's family are really good at giving birth.

The Heng clan alone gave rise to branches such as the King of Yutian, the King of Xinle, the King of Gaotang, the King of Qidong, the King of Ningyang, and the King of Shaoling.

Every time a descendant was born, the Ming emperor would reward them with land.

Time after time, little by little, everything adds up, and in the end it becomes a shocking number.

In addition, these vassal kings were greedy. Not only did they embezzle it themselves, they also instigated their in-laws and servants to seize land in their names.

In other words, those numbers clearly recorded in history books are probably just the tip of the iceberg.

After all, many of the people who wrote historical materials were scholars and were simply not capable of investigating clearly.

It's different when you get to Xinjun.

Searching for clues based on pictures, following the clues, plus torture and examination, you can dig out the mouse holes three times.

So all the land belonging to the Heng vassal clan was dug out, and what appeared in front of Zuo Mengeng was a very terrifying number.

"Look at these moths. They have sucked all the flesh and blood out of a huge country. Countless people are crying and crying, but they are full of fat intestines. Aren't they afraid that they will eventually be killed like pigs?"

Fu Zhuo was equally angry.

"In the past, our family was reviled, and we were blamed for state affairs. Now I know that it was these royal relatives who really ruined the Ming Dynasty."

Zuo Mengeng snorted coldly in his heart, thinking that you and other scholars may not be any better than the vassal king.

But now these progressive scholars are his allies, so there is no need to create more complications.

"I am sending an order that all Zhu clan vassals in my territory, who are above the rank of general of the auxiliary state and who own more than 10,000 acres of land, will be expelled."

Through a Heng vassal, Zuo Mengeng finally became ruthless and wanted to clean up the vassals in his territory.

Gu Ke

Just one Heng clan released tens of thousands of hectares of land. If all was cleared, how much would it be?

If nothing else, this wealth alone would make anyone cruel.


At the end of February in Shandong, the spring breeze was already blowing and the earth was full of life.

But in the far north, the sky and the earth are still frozen and the snow is endless.

On the south bank of the Songhua River, the territory of Fusi Muwei has now changed its owner.

The tense collection and distribution of property is continuing, and people who have traveled thousands of miles are also trying to rest as much as possible.

Hiding in the deepest part of the tent, even though the brazier was burning brightly, General Wu still felt his hands and feet were cold.

But he did not relax, but wrote something with a pen and paper.

The sound of footsteps came, and soon a figure came in and sat next to him.

"Mr. Wu, we have been trekking for days and have suffered a lot of casualties. How about we rest for a few days and then decide where to go?"

Zhang Chun looked at the rough and slovenly young man in front of him with complex eyes, and could no longer relate to the graceful and graceful man he had when he first met him.

There is no way, no matter who travels thousands of miles in the ice and snow, and has experienced life and death, it is impossible for him to care about his demeanor.

In this complex team, it was obvious that both he and this young man were Han Chinese, but it was obvious that they were not in the same group.

Today's team, to be precise, should be considered a four-legged team.

Jurchens such as Mang Gurtai, Mang Guji, and Leng Sengji were in the same group with the Mongolians from the Aohan tribe, he was in the same group as Hei Yunlong, and Wu Jiang and Liang Fa were in the same group as the Han people from Shandong.

And the various tribes collected along the way can be considered a group.

Because in the continuous battles, some of these people have stood out, and they cannot but be rewarded.

"No. We must cross the river tomorrow at the latest."

General Wu did not raise his head, but his attitude was very firm.

Zhang Chun had to remind: "Everyone is very angry."

Wu Jiang snorted.

"Think that everything will be fine if Huang Taiji won't chase him for the time being? Who can guarantee how long it will take for the Songhua River to thaw? Don't forget, there is Sakhalian Ula to the north. Only after passing Sakhalian Ula can we be considered safe.


Deep in the desperate situation, Wu Jiang's nerves were always tense.

Although I had been prepared for the ghostly weather in Liaodong when I arrived, it was only after I actually experienced it that I discovered that it was almost like the ghosts of the underworld.

If he hadn't listened to the stories of the local Jurchens, General Wu would have even doubted that spring would really bloom in such a place?

Will there be snow all year round?

After setting off from Kaiyuan, this team began to kill all the way.

All the tribes they encountered on the road were completely wiped out by them.

Those who surrendered were taken away, and the nobles were put to death. The seized property was evenly distributed, and food was provided centrally.

Unexpectedly, he quickly won the loyalty of the prisoners.

It is true that the savage Jurchens in this era lived a very hard life.

Not only did they have to endure the plunder and oppression of the Jianzhou Jurchens, but they also had to endure the exploitation of the tribal nobles. Moreover, the savage Jurchens were not fully civilized and were not familiar with farming, and relied entirely on fishing and hunting for their livelihood.

Such a pitiful output is not enough to satisfy the Jurchens and tribal men in Jianzhou.

For this reason, many people starve to death every year.

As a result, under this army, property was distributed and food was provided fairly. For the prisoners, this was a life like a fairy.

Therefore, even though they have to trek through the ice and snow, they are still loyal and follow closely, and every time they fight, they just want to get more rewards.

As a result, after more than two months of continuous journey, they reached Fosimuwei, not far from the Heilongjiang River they wanted to cross.

This chapter has been completed!
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