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Chapter 530

When the ship docked, Liao Zhongjian had been carefully looking at the beautiful island in front of him.

This is Hao Jing.

It is now the territory of the Portuguese.

Liao Zhongjian originally had no feelings about this island. It was just the way Zuo Menggeng gritted his teeth when he talked about it that left a deep impression on him.

He still remembers Zuo Mengeng's words at that time.

[The imperial court made a fatal mistake, a huge mistake that will take hundreds of years to make up for if it is not corrected in time now.]

He doesn't know what the error is?

But the Portuguese guards approaching with weapons made him instinctively disgusted.

"I am an envoy from Shandong, bringing the piano that Governor Luo Langye wants to buy."

Liao Zhongjian revealed his identity, was immediately released, and became the guest of the Portuguese Governor in Haojing, Luo Langye.

" Oh, my god, this is really a masterpiece of God. I really can't imagine that in the far east, there is such a genius who understands music. Liao, please convey your respect to General Zuo to me. If you can, I will really

I hope I can have a good drink with him. I believe we must have the most wonderful common language."

Listening to the musicians who came with the ship playing the piano, Luo Lang was also fascinated.

The same is true for the Portuguese nobles, merchants, and generals in Macau.

Among them, the one with an outgoing personality had already reached the middle of the venue and danced to the music.

It was also the first time for Liao Zhongjian to see a gathering of Westerners, which was quite novel. Fortunately, he had learned relevant knowledge, so he did not look unusual here.

"My commander-in-chief admires the scenery of Lisbon very much, and my wife is the most devout believer. I think there should be a further friendship between our Shandong and Portugal."

"Is this true?"

Luo Lang was also very happy.

Anyone will feel happy when they hear others praising their hometown.

"Of course, especially when it comes to those pesky Spaniards."

Liao Zhongjian raised his glass.

The Portuguese people in the audience suddenly found a resonance, and the wine glasses raised high were filled with wine.

"Damn Spaniards!"

The most powerful people on the ocean today are the Dutch. They are fighting the Spanish and seeking independence. This pursuit is completely consistent with the Portuguese.

Therefore, although the Dutch controlled the shipping routes, the Portuguese always hated the Spanish more.

Forty years ago, Spanish colonists massacred a large number of Han people in Luzon Island.

Taking this as an opportunity, Liao Zhongjian quickly became closer to these Portuguese people.

The rest of the wealthy Portuguese people, after seeing the beauty of pianos, placed orders without hesitation. The demand for eighteen pianos completely made up for the cost of the voyage.

When returning, Luo Lang even saw him off personally.

"Liao, please rest assured that the craftsmen you need will definitely arrive in Shandong within three months."

This is also one of the purposes of Liao Zhongjian's trip.

Although Shandong has been trying its best to cultivate craftsmen, no amount of numbers can meet the needs. The Portuguese are now venturing around the world, and the talents among them are also what Zuo Menggeng has a glimpse of.

Liao Zhongjian promised Luo Lang certain benefits.

Every time a qualified craftsman is recruited to Shandong, he will receive an agency fee of ten taels of silver.

Luo Lang really liked this kind of profitable business.

He also specifically asked whether craftsmen were limited to Portuguese people?

As a result, Liao Zhongjian gave him a reply that made him even happier.

As long as it is a qualified craftsman, it doesn't matter the source.

In other words, even if it was stolen by the Portuguese, Shandong would take it all.

After the discussion here, just when Liao Zhongjian was about to board the ship, there was a sudden chaos at the dock.

In the distance, a foreign man and woman rushed towards each other in a hurry.

Just looking at their tattered clothes and thin faces, you can tell that they must have suffered a lot.

Behind them, a large group of people were chasing them.

The strange thing is that among the pursuers, there were not only Portuguese guards, but also missionaries.

Grain braid

The busy crowd on the pier was a great hindrance to both parties, and as a result, the man and woman staggered over here.

The older man slipped and fell to the ground. Before he could get up, he was firmly held down by the soldiers who were chasing him.

The young woman also fell out and fell right behind Liao Zhongjian.

The soldiers who caught up wanted to arrest someone, but when they saw Governor Luo Langye, they couldn't help but hesitate and hesitated.

This chaos made Luo Lang very dissatisfied and felt that he had been embarrassed in front of the distinguished guests.

"What's going on? Why did you let them escape? Why don't you take them back quickly?"

With his orders, the soldiers no longer had any worries and would rush forward to capture the young woman.

The man who was held down cried out in despair.

"Maria, run quickly. You must find a way to run to Shandong. Find John and tell him that it's a pity that I can't go to see him."

Originally it was an internal affair of the Portuguese, and Liao Zhongjian did not want to get involved. But when he heard the word "Shandong", he immediately became vigilant.


However, the Portuguese soldiers did not listen to him and still rushed forward.

Liao Zhongjian waved his hand, and the others immediately raised their muskets and confronted the Portuguese soldiers.

Luo Lang was also startled and hurriedly advised: "Dear Liao, this matter has nothing to do with you. These father and daughter are wanted by the church, and our friendship cannot be affected because of them."

Liao Zhongjian just refused to listen and pulled the young woman up and protected her behind him.

At the same time, he asked in Latin: "Excuse me, who is the John you are going to find in Shandong?"

The woman was stunned. She didn't expect an Oriental to speak Latin, and he seemed to care about them.

Thinking of the difficulties along the way and the dangers she would face after being captured, the woman immediately seized the opportunity.

"John, John Schreck. He also has a Chinese name, Deng Yuhan."

The pronunciation was not standard, but Liao Zhongjian understood it.

This time, his eyes changed.

"Governor Luo Langye, Mr. Deng Yuhan is an important figure in our Shandong Province. Why did you arrest his friend?"

Unexpectedly, things took a turn for the worse, and Roland was also a little confused.

"Dear Liao, I don't know, this is an order from the church."

Liao Zhongjian's eyes softened a little and said: "In that case, please give them to me, I will take them to Shandong."

Roland also looked ugly.

"Liao, do you know the consequences of disobeying the will of the church?"

Liao Zhongjian was very determined.

"This is China, Mr. Governor, are you willing to go to war with China for the sake of the church?"

Luo Lang also fell silent.

Although he is a devout people of God, he knows very well that if the Chinese come over, God will never bless him.

What's more, think about the wonderful piano, the exquisite leather boots, the unparalleled watch on the wrist, and the agency fee of ten taels per person...


God can't give him so much.

Today's Europe is a chaotic era, with various sects emerging one after another, and people's belief in God is not as firm as before.

Traditional religious power is disintegrating, and secular power is gradually gaining the upper hand.

Therefore, facing the pressure of reality, Luo Lang quickly made his mind clear.

"Well, I think our friendship is more important. I hope this small episode will not affect our relationship."

Liao Zhongjian smiled.

"My Lord Governor, you are a wise man. I believe anyone would be willing to be your friend."

After that, he waved his hand, and two of his men immediately rushed forward, snatched the Western man from the hands of the Portuguese soldiers, and then, under his escort, boarded the ship back to Shandong.

Liao Zhongjian had no idea who he had saved.

And when Zuo Mengeng finds out about this, he will be so surprised.

This chapter has been completed!
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