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Chapter 538

When the new army has no restrictions and attacks with all its strength, his opponent will understand what cruelty means!

From the firing of the first artillery shell to the collapse of the entire left army, the entire process lasted no longer than a stick of incense.

But in such a short period of time, the Zuo Army dropped nearly a thousand corpses.

Those who were still alive were all beaten to the point of doubting their lives, and had no choice but to run away.

But these old-era armies didn't know that running was actually a skill.

Seeing that the left army began to collapse, Generals Qi Jiaxuan and Zhang Shou also dispersed their forces and captured prisoners all over the mountains and plains.

The left army was basically infantry, with only a few generals on horseback. Therefore, when fleeing, the gap between the front and rear became wider and wider.

The ordinary soldiers of the Zuo Army are basically cannon fodder, and they only come to serve as soldiers to make ends meet. However, under the iron roosters like Zuo Liangyu, even if they make ends meet, they cannot be full.

If you don't eat enough, you won't have a good body, and if you don't have a good body, you won't be able to run fast.

The soldiers of the new army are well-nourished and well-trained. When they run, they are like a cheetah chasing a tortoise, catching every one accurately.

A lively pursuit began.

The soldiers of the left army were still in small groups at first, looking for their commanders. However, with the fierce attack of the new army, they all herded sheep under the threat of death.

Different from the chaotic Left Army, although the New Army is also dispersed, it is organized into platoons and is orderly in chaos.

Tasks are allocated very clearly.

Within three miles, the soldiers of the left army can still run. Once they exceed this distance, half of them will fall down.

After chasing another five miles, not many can still keep running.

In despair, the left army soldiers simply knelt down and raised their hands in surrender, hoping to survive.

Unintentionally, they made the right choice.

The New Army soldiers caught up with them, only to hand over their weapons, and then drove them together without even tying them up.

Some of them were injured and even received medical treatment.

The pursuit lasted for more than an hour. Although the results were fruitful, Zuo Liangyu, Gao Qiqian, Xie Wenju and others were not captured.

When it comes to the skill of escaping, the later generation Sun was no match for Zuo Liangyu.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Qi Jiaxuan and Zhang Shou had no choice but to order their troops to withdraw and clean up the battlefield.

But they didn't have big gains.

"Commander, an official has been captured."

When the person was pulled up, Zuo Mengeng couldn't help but laugh.

They are actually old acquaintances.

"Haha, Mr. Wu, I didn't expect that the reunion after a long absence would be like this."

In the first year of Chongzhen, the Chaoguan Yamen was destroyed and many officials were killed. The first director of Chaoguan after its reconstruction was Wu Daochang.

Times have changed, and because of his contribution to restoring Chaoguan, Wu Daochang's official career has been smooth, and he is now the censor of Henan Province.

But at this time, he no longer had the elegance of a high-ranking scholar.

His official uniform was torn, his hair was disheveled. His face was covered in dust and smoke, he was panting like an ox, and his shoeless foot was covered in mud.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to run!

But how could he, a civil servant sitting in a sedan, outrun those people on horseback?

Whether it was Zuo Liangyu, he rose up and dived, or Xie Wenju, when disaster struck, no one turned around to help him.

When the New Army soldiers found him, he fell down in the mud and was robbed by several deserters from the Left Army. If he had been a step later, he would have been drowned in the mud.

Originally, I admired Zuo Mengeng and Wu Daochang at the beginning.

After all, the method proposed by Zuo Mengeng allowed the scrapped Chaoguan Pier to be repaired in a very short period of time, and he made great contributions.

But this time when he learned that Zuo Mengeng had rebelled, he felt sad and angry at the same time.

I thought that once I caught Zuo Menggeng, I would definitely scold him in person. Let Zuo Menggeng understand clearly what loyalty to the emperor and his ministers means before he dies.

All right!

I caught him.

But he was caught.

Zuo Liangyu performed well in the battle to exterminate the northwest bandits, which made him feel that the army in the world was probably like this.

But today on the battlefield, he saw with his own eyes the devastation of the New Army, which completely destroyed his worldview.

Gu Fu

What particularly confused him was that the army was defeated when it was defeated. But what the deserters did was so heinous.

The New Army soldiers who captured him were polite to him. Instead of beating, scolding or insulting him, they severely punished the deserters from the Left Army who robbed him.

Who is the soldier and who is the bandit?

Under this confusion, Wu Daochang had forgotten his original intention. When facing Zuo Mengeng, for some reason he felt ashamed in his heart.

Seeing that he was silent, Zuo Mengeng was not embarrassed, but still asked: "Master Wu, you and I are old. Today, the camps are different, and the outcome has been decided. There is no need to embarrass you, a weak scholar.

Where do you want to go? If you want to return to the court, I will send someone to escort you to Daming Mansion."

Wu Daochang finally came to his senses, but he was already disheartened.

He cupped his hands and said dejectedly: "If I don't bother General Zuo, I will go back to my hometown and study behind closed doors. I only hope that General Zuo will be benevolent and righteous and treat the people of the world well."

Everyone has his or her own ambitions, and Zuo Mengeng understands that very well.

Fu Yijian asked Fu Yijian to take out twenty taels of silver, put it into Wu Daochang's hand, and gave him a donkey.

Let him go on his own.

But Zuo Liangyu was said to rise high and dive low, while Xie Wenju ran all the way, as fast as lightning.

It took them three days and three nights to set out from Zhangde Mansion and walk to Guangping; but it only took them one day to run back from Guangping to Zhangde Mansion.

After being exhausted, they gathered the remaining soldiers, and the three of them wanted to cry but had no tears.

The 3,700-strong army that started out now only has less than 300 people left.

"It's dead, it's dead, our family is completely dead this time!"

Gao Qiqian cried bitterly, behaved and rolled around, and no longer had the majesty of a great eunuch.

Xie Wenju was also lost and at a loss. Faced with the current miserable situation, he could not think of any solution.

Zuo Liangyu was even more frightened.

If you suffer this defeat, you won't be pushed out as a scapegoat by these two eunuchs, right?

If I had known this, I would have just run back to Linqing.

Although a father must live by his son's face.

But it’s better than losing your life!

Recalling what Zuo Yan and Zuo Kuan had said to him, Zuo Liangyu regretted it endlessly.

However, there is everything in this world, but there is no regret medicine.

"Two lords of the Chinese army, the matter has come to this, we must quickly think of a way to avoid His Majesty's thunderous wrath!"

Gao Qiqian completely ignored his dignity.

"What can our family do? After the war, our family was cut into pieces, and there is no way to explain it to the emperor!"

In times of crisis, Zuo Liangyu exerted his full potential.

"Two lords of the Chinese army, although we have been defeated, we have not lost. Although that little beast is strong, our determination to serve the country with all our strength can be learned from heaven and earth. All we need to do is to let your majesty understand that we have been defeated and defeated repeatedly.

Fighting many times, being unyielding and showing your loyalty is all you need."

Gao Qiqian and Xie Wenju were stunned.

Although they committed many crimes, they still didn't understand the methods of the generals well enough.

This kind of method of lying about military information has long been common among the Ming army today.

Generals from all walks of life have already formed a conditioned reflex in order to take more credit and avoid responsibility.

Zuo Liangyu calmed down and came up with a vicious method.

"Twenty miles south of here, there is a village. The general suspects that the little beast learned about our march, so there must be his spies hiding in this village. It would be better for the general to send his troops there and kill the spies.

It's not too late for us to mend the situation now. Then we can ask the imperial court for orders to reorganize the army and fight that little beast again."

Killing good people and taking credit...

These four words flashed across Gao Qiqian and Xie Wenju's minds at the same time.

Xie Wenju felt that Zuo Liangyu was naive.

"Your Majesty's order is for us to recapture Linqing. Even if we fail, we can save the siege of Yanzhou. Now we can't even enter Shandong. Your Majesty knows everything, so how can he let us go?"

Zuo Liangyu laughed.

"We have already seen the military power of that little beast in yesterday's battle. We can't win. I wonder if anyone else can win in this world?"


Gao Qiqian and Xie Wenju paused.

They see blind spots.

This chapter has been completed!
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