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Chapter 560

Although they both have the last name Kong, they obviously have the same surname but different prestige.

As the 66th generation descendant of Confucius, Kong Shiyu did not receive any benefits from this surname except Kong.

The only thing I can console myself with is the dozens of acres of land passed down from my ancestors, enough to support a family.

Not to mention the Kong family, even the Zhu family, the current royal family, and its slightly distant collateral branches, are not as good as ordinary people.

The old man Kong Shangming who was accused by him was different. He was a real relative of Mr. Shengxian.

Kong Shangming is the younger brother of Kong Shangxian, the descendant of the previous generation, and also the cousin of Kong Yinzhi.

With this relationship, Kong Shangming plays a very important role in the Kong clan and holds great power.

With the help of Kong's legacy and the power in his hands, Kong Shangming enjoyed countless glory and wealth.

But he was not satisfied yet, and set his sights on the land of Kong Shi and his family.

In order to seize these lands, Kong Shangming didn't care whether they were relatives or not. After a lot of clever plundering and killing Kong Shiyu's father, he finally got the land in his hands.

Poor Kong Shiyu, not only his family was ruined, but also the land he relied on for his livelihood was lost, and he could only become a tenant farmer.

I thought that there would be no way to accuse and no hope of revenge in this life.

Unexpectedly, things in Qufu have changed.

All the members of the public family died, leaving a power vacuum for the Kong family, and the imperial court took the opportunity to take back the administrative power of Qufu.

If we don’t redress our grievances now, when will we wait?

And with so many people testifying for him, Kong Shangming's guilt is certain.

Let’s see now whether this new parent official dares to deal with Kong Shangming.

Huang Zongyan, however, had no psychological burden at all.

"Come here, arrest this old guy who wants money and kills himself."

Of course the soldiers of the New Army listened to him and immediately pounced on Kong Shangming and tied him up.

When the rest of the people in Qufu saw this scene, they were shocked at first, and then they all became shocked.

How many years!

Like Kong Shiyu, there are many, many people who still have grievances.

However, since Qufu's surname was Kong, their grievances had nowhere to complain.

Now that the new Mr. Qingtian actually dares to deal with the Kong family, everyone can no longer bear it.

"Sir, the common people are wronged!"

"Master Qingtian, please make the decision for the common people!"

For a moment, the ground was filled with cries and howls, all due to the anger of Sheng Dou Xiaomin.

Kong Shangming didn't expect that the new county magistrate would actually dare to arrest him.

"You bastard! Let me go! I am a descendant of Kong Sheng Miao, and scholars look up to me. Do you want to extirpate yourself from the world?"

Zuo Mengeng smiled, pointed at the disgraced Kong Shangming, and asked Lu Xiangsheng: "Master Lu, what do you Confucian scholars think?"

Lu Xiangsheng watched the whole process from the sidelines, and was furious when he learned that the interior of the Kong family was so dirty.

Regarding Zuo Mengeng's behavior of adding fuel to the fire, he couldn't say anything except an angry groan.

At this time, anything you say is wrong.

Zuo Mengeng was not entangled, however, and hinted at Huang Zongyan.

Huang Zongyan understood and said loudly: "All things are born equal, and everyone is equal. Kong Shangming, by borrowing the saint's legacy, you not only committed crimes and committed crimes, but even your blood relatives were not spared. Such evil behavior, Master, will not tolerate you even in this world."


His next move completely shocked the entire audience.

"Come on, execution!"

A soldier stepped forward and shot Kong Shangming in the back of the head on the spot.


Everyone was shocked when they saw Kong Shangming being beaten to death on the spot like a broken sack.

Huang Zongyan ordered the arrest of Kong Shangming earlier, which was very satisfying, but many people felt that at most it would only be a small punishment but a big warning.

After all, Kong Shangming is a direct descendant of the Kong family, can he really be punished?

Gu Xie

Now seeing that Kong Shangming was actually executed on the spot and could no longer die, everyone felt fear.

This new official is extremely ruthless!

Lu Xiangsheng suddenly stood up, furious.

"General Zuo, is this the Kong family? Regardless of his culpability, it should be left to the public discussion. If you are to be lynched, aren't you afraid of criticism from scholars?"

Zuo Mengeng sneered.

"Kong has been doing evil for thousands of years, and he has never been criticized by you scholars."

Lu Xiangsheng was choked by these words and sat back down suddenly, his mind going blank.

When the people present saw that the new government was really going to seek justice for them, their passion for prosecution was like a volcanic eruption.

Huang Zongyan was as calm as a mountain, taking them one by one and asking them one by one.

Where the facts are conclusive and the case is clear, a judgment will be made in court.

In just one hour, several more members of the Kong clan who had committed heinous crimes were executed.

Without exception, these people are all close relatives of Duke Yansheng.

Kong's distant relatives were all those who were oppressed.

Seeing that many long-standing cases were being settled happily, and many years of grievances were finally settled, the people fell to the ground one after another, almost worshiping Huang Zongyan as a god.

However, Huang Zongyan recalled what Zuo Menggeng taught him and told it to the people of Qufu.

"I came to Qufu only for three things. Fairness, fairness...fairness!"

These words were so shocking that the scene fell silent, and everyone listened attentively to what was going on.

Huang Zongyan paced back and forth on the stage and began to explain his ideas.

"Now that the disaster has passed, we are still in Qufu, and there are still so many living people. We still have to live the next days, and only by living well can our dead relatives rest in peace. But who has the final say on how the regulations should be drawn up?


His voice rose a little higher.

"Of course the big guy has the final say."

He pointed his finger towards the city, specifically pointing to the location of Duke Yansheng's Mansion.

"Now that the city has been devastated, the top priority is to give everyone a home. There is plenty of space now. Let's build new houses as big as we want, okay?"

The people were doubtful.

All the land in Qufu City is owned by its owner.

Kong's close relatives have occupied everything, and poor people like them have no place to stand.

"Sir, this is all the land of the Kong family."

Huang Zongyan waved his hand.

"The Kong family is gone, and all land deeds are invalid. From today on, the government will re-demarcate the land and register it."


The scene immediately fell into chaos.

Everyone couldn't believe their ears.

Doesn’t this mean that everyone has a share of these lands?

This isn't the end yet.

Huang Zongyan said something explosive again.

"If you want to survive, you have to farm the land for food. Since the land in Qufu is given to the descendants of the saints. You are all descendants of the Confucius family, so you should get your share, right?"

The originally chaotic people were silent for a moment, and then erupted into loud roars.

"Long live the great master!"

Seeing the people cheering for him, Lu Xiangsheng felt endless chills in his bones.

He finally understood.

"General Zuo, what a good idea!"

Zuo Mengeng sat upright like a bell and spoke righteously.

"I'm just picking up the people's hearts that you don't want."

This chapter has been completed!
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