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Chapter 570

Everyone is afraid of death.

Kim Sang-heon is no exception.

Not only is he afraid of death, but as a politician, he doesn't want to lose the power in his hands.

When Liao Zhongjian told him the real situation nakedly, he fell into panic.

So much so that he no longer had so many concerns about Liao Zhongjian's identity as a Shandong rebel.

Liao Zhongjian has a saying that goes deep into his heart.

Tomorrow is too late to take care of itself, and it is impossible to rescue North Korea.

And without the care of the Ming Dynasty, North Korea is more accessible than the gate of a brothel.

Once Hou Jin comes to attack, North Korea's situation will be obvious.

Anyone can change their stance and join Hou Jin, including King Li Zhu.

Only they, the Westerners, cannot do this.

Moreover, Hou Jin didn't have all the positions for them, so the Dabei faction was just waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.

When he thought about the dark and hopeless future, Kim Sang-heon lost all his strength.

"Master Jin, do you want to capture me without any effort?"

Liao Zhongjian’s question was sharp.

Kim Sang-hun seemed to have aged many years in a moment.

"Now that things have come to this, what can we do now?"

Under the general trend, he really didn't know, did the Western People's Party still have hope of making a comeback?

This is Liao Zhongjian's purpose.

Let these people despair and then give them hope.

"Jurchens are also barbarians. The Dingmao Rebellion caused all the damage to the Korean people. Countless Korean people were robbed and made into slaves, and they did not know whether they were alive or dead. If it happened again, and North Korea completely fell into the hands of barbarians, would Mr. Jin ever think about what would happen to the Korean people?


Kim Sang-hyun was horrified.

He indulged in feeling sorry for himself.

At this time, under the guidance of Liao Zhongjian, he remembered that if Hou Jin came again, North Korea would really be destroyed.

This was an unimaginable disaster, and it had already made him disregard his own honor and safety.

"Lord Angel, do you have any good ideas?"

He is not a fool. Knowing that Liao Zhongjian said this, he must have a back-up plan.

A veteran like him knew Liao Zhongjian's purpose from the very beginning.

But so what?

The situation is stronger than the people.

No matter how much wisdom and calculations Kim Sang-heon has, they are all useless in the face of the general trend and strength.

North Korea is weak and Ming Dynasty cannot count on it. If we want to save North Korea, we must at least save the Westerners. The only thing we can hope for is the Shandong traitor in front of us.

Facts have proven that stance is the most useless thing.

Just now, Jin Sangxian was thinking about how to capture Liao Zhongjian and go to the Ming Dynasty to ask for credit.

But now, he has automatically ignored Liao Zhongjian's identity.

Whoever can save him is a friend.

Liao Zhongjian also had a deep understanding of Kim Sang-heon and did not confide in the old bureaucrat.

What he did was adhering to Zuo Mengeng's plan, but the result was later.

"The leader of your country can surrender, and others can surrender. But you loyal people can't. Once North Korea cannot resist the oppression of the Jurchens and the whole country surrenders, even without the Jurchens taking action, the domestic opponents will not let you go.

. If you want to survive, the only hope is to stay behind and preserve your vitality."

Jin Shangxian understood the truth immediately, but he felt that Liao Zhongjian was a little naive.

"However, in a land the size of North Korea, there is really no way to change things. Even if we want to escape, where can we go?"

Liao Zhongjian laughed loudly and said meaningfully: "Of course it won't work on land. The Jurchens have strong soldiers and horses. If we want to destroy them, no one can stop them for the time being. But what about the sea..."

Kim Sang-hyun didn’t understand.

Gu Qi

A feudal bureaucrat like him doesn't know much about the sea.

Liao Zhongjian took out the map and pointed at the location of Jeju Island.

"Now Jeju Mu and other officials are your confidants. Jeju Island is isolated overseas, and it is more than two hundred miles away from the nearest Jeolla Province. The Jurchens are not good at water warfare. Even if they capture the entire North Korea, how can they do it?

Going to sea to invade this place? If you and others make use of this island, hoard supplies, and train soldiers. If there are changes in the future, you can retreat to this island. And with the support of our Shandong ships, you can counterattack back at any time."

Jin Sangxian and Quan Lili were lying on the map, their eyes almost popped out when they saw it.

Of course they know about Jeju Island.

But this is the first time I can see it on a map so intuitively.

The more they looked at each other, the more excited they became.

It is a fact that everyone knows that the land of Houjin was strong and the sea was weak.

It is absolutely impossible to resist Hou Jin on land.

But if you are at sea, it might not be a solution.

Jin Sangxian thought of Mao Wenlong's old story.

Back then, the domineering general couldn't defeat Hou Jin on land, so he relied on a few small islands to create trouble for Hou Jin.

Jeju Island is much larger than Phi Island.

If we really manage it carefully, we can easily feed hundreds of thousands of people.

The only thing that worries him is...

"How is this act different from treason?"

If you still choose to resist when the whole country surrenders, it is also a kind of rebellion.

As a Confucian scholar who was well-read in poetry and books, Kim Sang-heon did not want to bear such an infamy.

At this time, Liao Zhongjian is needed to cheer him up.

"North Korea is a North Korea of ​​Koreans, not a North Korea of ​​one family. Mr. Kim, why did you choose to support the current leader anyway?"

This is a question that doesn't need an answer.

It was not because the previous leader Gwanghae Gun was cruel and tyrannical and unpopular with the people that the Westerners staged a coup and replaced the king.

But the civil servants of North Korea were the same as those of the Ming Dynasty. They could not get rid of the set of ethics of heaven and earth, king, prince, teacher, and their thinking and actions were limited.

Liao Zhongjian put forward a more lofty slogan for Kim Sang-heon.

[North Korea is the North Korea of ​​Koreans, not the North Korea of ​​one family!]

Once this slogan is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it means that the concept of the monarch as the supreme representative of the country will be completely destroyed.

Especially after North Korea completely surrendered to Jin and surrendered to the barbarians, such slogans were obviously recognized by more North Koreans.

Then what the Westerners Party did was not to commit rebellion, but to serve the country anyway.

"The history of Qing Dynasty is splendid, and the pen and ink are like swords. Xuanmiao is an example. What do people think today? Wasn't the Lord Guanghai of that time supported by all the people?"

Liao Zhongjian gave the example of King Seonjo of Joseon to increase his persuasiveness.

North Koreans give their monarch a temple title as if it was a joke.

No matter what the king does, he is very willful.

During the Japanese Rebellion in Imjin, Seonjo abandoned his country and his people and went to Kwandien Castle to live an ignoble existence. He even wrote a letter to the Ming Dynasty, hoping to become a citizen of the Ming Dynasty.

For such a guy, his temple name is actually Seonjo...

Same reason.

Li Jun, who bowed his head to the Hou Jin Dynasty, had the temple name Injo.

But no matter how nice the temple name is, it can't cover up what they did.

In the minds of Korean people, Seonjo naturally received more infamy than praise.

On the contrary, Gwanghaegun, who was later overthrown by a coup, stayed bravely during the Imjin Japanese Rebellion, unlike Seonjo who fled, and organized a rebel army to fight the invaders.

Because of this, his succession became highly anticipated.

If Gwanghaejun hadn't acted in a perverse way later, which aroused the wrath of heaven and people, his reputation in history would be almost comparable to that of Lee Seong-gye, King Sejong the Great, etc.

Liao Zhongjian opened a different kind of window for Kim Sang-heon and lured out his ambitions.

This chapter has been completed!
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