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Chapter 579

The rockets pierced the sky, flying and roaring like dragons.

The earth split and the sky collapsed, everything was shaken, smoke, fire, and dust covered the heaven and earth, and swallowed up all living things.

The effect of the rocket launcher being put into actual combat for the first time was very surprising.

Of course, I was delighted by the new army, but surprised by the Dongjiang rebels.

"Okay! Hahaha, it's so enjoyable!"

Zhong Shishou, the commander of the rocket launcher company, was extremely happy when he observed that under the sudden attack of rocket launchers, the Dongjiang rebel array was completely scattered and the entire line collapsed.

"Quick, reload quickly, let these beasts have a taste of their power."

He was happy, but the people loading the ammunition all had sad faces.

"Company Commander, take it easy. Do you want to tire us out?"

The hardest among artillerymen are always those who carry artillery shells. But the hardest one is definitely those who carry rockets.

As the saying goes, one hour of reloading and one minute of fun.

The strike effect of rockets is very outstanding, but for logistics, it is absolutely a curse.

But this round of blows is enough.

Fifteen rocket launchers and one hundred and eighty rockets covered an area of ​​about three miles.

The number of Dongjiang rebels who were drowned was at least a thousand.

Even the New Army soldiers, many of them had seen such a terrifying thing for the first time. Not to mention the Dongjiang Rebels, their will to fight was directly destroyed.

"What is this?"

Kong Youde's eyes bulged out, and he couldn't figure out what kind of weapon this was despite exhausting his brain.

Seeing the troops retreating frantically, he felt powerless on the spot and knew that the situation was over.

Lou Fu saw the truth and immediately seized the opportunity.

"Order all ministries to attack across the board."

Anyway, the artillery of the Dongjiang rebels has been destroyed, and the New Army is not afraid of being hit by artillery when they leave the fortifications.

Coupled with the attack of rocket launchers, the will of the Dongjiang rebels collapsed, and it was a good time to destroy the enemy in one go.

The loud marching horn sounded across the battlefield.

The units of the Third Division left the trenches, lined up in formations, and began to advance.

A black line, like a huge wave, covered the entire front, leaving no opportunity for the Dongjiang rebels to take advantage of.

Tens of thousands of people are walking in unison, and the rhythm of bang bang bang is heart-stirring.

Right behind the infantry, the infantry and artillery also followed.

"Push quickly, don't be slow. If anyone falls behind, I won't be able to spare him if he turns around."

Niu Shougang, commander of the artillery regiment, personally directed the infantry to follow the infantry movement while nervously observing the battlefield situation.

On the high slope in front of him on the left, the red flag danced rapidly, and he quickly gave the order.

"Set up the artillery!"

The light rifle was put away quickly, which took ten breaths of time.

"Coordinates 376.5, 124.3, height difference 12."

The black muzzle crossed the infantry line and pointed at the Dongjiang rebels who were slowly recovering in the distance. The warheads and cartridges were stuffed into the barrel, and everyone waited quietly for Niu Shougang's order.

Niu Shougang did not rush to order to fire, but used binoculars to observe the infantry line.

When he saw the infantry line squatting down and raising their guns, he shouted: "Fire!"

Forty-five infantry guns fired a salvo at the same time, and the shells accurately fell into the rebel formation 1,500 meters away. The effect of covering the firing team was no worse than that of rocket launchers.

Geng Zhongming originally tried hard to keep part of the front intact and planned to confront the New Army. However, after this heavy artillery fire, hundreds more people were killed.

None of the people who were still alive dared to stay where they were, and ran away despite being beaten and scolded by the generals.

"Don't run away! Where can you run away? If you run away again, you will be shot!"

Geng Zhongming screamed desperately and even wielded his sword to kill the defeated soldiers, but to no avail.

No one is stupid, they have already seen it, and there is no way they can defeat the devil on the other side.

If you run, you might be able to escape with your life.

If you stay where you are, you might be blown to pieces the next moment.


The rebels were distraught, everyone was frightened, and they were in complete chaos.

Geng Zhongming was squeezed into the chaotic rout. Not to mention stabilizing his formation, he might be trampled to death if he was not careful.

"Where is Dushuai? Go tell Dushuai and send troops over quickly."

Kong Youde could not give him any support.

Although the rebel headquarters is not yet in chaos, Kong Youde is also facing a crisis.

The Second Division crossing the river from Xuzhou found him.

In the Xifeng Mountain area, the Second Division launched a fierce attack on Kong Youde's headquarters.

Xifeng Mountain, Nainai Mountain, and Guangshan Mountain are clustered together in a Z-shaped shape. Although they are both small hills, they are one of the few commanding heights compared to the surrounding plains.

Kong Youde deployed long-range weapons on the hillside and dug fortifications at the foot of the mountain.

You can't run at this time.

Once they start running away, the new army will pursue them and the whole army will be easily routed.

Only by defending the high ground and repelling the second division's attack can we find a way to move.

After observing the terrain of the three hills, Mao Yuanyi made an immediate decision.

"Immediately seize Meihua Mountain in the south, Ermao Mountain in the north and Tanshan in the east, pull the heavy artillery to the mountains, and level the bombardment."

If the cannon is placed on flat ground, it will not be able to cover all areas due to the shooting angle.

By pushing up to the top of the mountain at the same height and then firing, the fortifications deployed by the rebels in Shandong can be hit.

The Second Division moved quickly.

Two of the regiments attacked from the front, and the other two regiments were from the south and the north, thus completing the three-sided encirclement of Kong Youde's headquarters.

In the past, the new army stayed in the trenches and waited for the rebels to attack.

Now the roles are reversed, with the new army attacking the rebel fortifications.

The rebels' layout was also very complete, and the front of the battlefield was also covered with mines.

However, the new army's advance was not fast, and they used skirmishers to search as they advanced.

The rebels' landmines were very crude, consisting of gunpowder in clay pots, so they were easily discovered.

Once the New Army discovered a landmine, they would throw grenades over it and explode the mine.

Although the attack speed is very slow, it is more reliable.

The rockets deployed by the rebels on the mountain were fired with all their might, but without any accuracy.

After fighting for more than half an hour, only two unlucky ones of the new army were hit by rockets and withdrew from the battlefield.

But the infantry line was less than a hundred meters away from the fortifications.

Seeing that the defense was about to be demolished by the new army, the rebel general Chen Wencai was so anxious that he jumped up and shouted: "Follow me."

He wanted to launch a counterattack and win a small victory while the new army was not yet firmly established.

But when they saw the rebels rushing out, the new troops at the front turned around and ran away without hesitation.

Chen Wencai was furious and chased him even more anxiously.

Before he could catch up, the retreating soldiers had already returned to the formation.

Then the new army battalion commander shouted: "Raise the gun!"


The soldiers who were lying on the ground squatted down one after another, and hundreds of muskets were pointed at the rushing rebels.

A line of white smoke floats and the deafening sound of gunfire causes terrifying damage to enemies just a few dozen steps away.

Almost half of the more than a thousand rebels fell under this round of attacks.

Seeing that there was no time to load the second round of ammunition, the battalion commander did not give up.

"Fire the bayonet!"

The Falcon bayonet was assembled quickly, and almost in the blink of an eye, a cold glow appeared in the New Army array.

Before hand-to-hand combat, the new army threw another round of grenades, once again weakening the number of rebels.

Tick ​​tick tick tick tick tick...

Amidst the high-pitched charge, all the New Army soldiers burst into anger and rushed towards the remaining Dongjiang rebels.

In hand-to-hand combat, the new army is not afraid of anyone!

This chapter has been completed!
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