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Chapter 62 Wang Xiuqin

“Can I support myself by farming like this?”

When it's time to tell the truth, Zuo Mengeng never beats around the bush. Although this is very frustrating, it is better than deceiving.

Even if Widow Wang really cried.

In the crowd, a man suddenly shouted: "Widow Wang, follow me. I am strong, and I will farm the land for you."

A group of people laughed, but Widow Wang jumped up and cursed.

"Li Zizi, even if I die, I won't be cheap for you, a beast."

Zuo Mengeng's face turned cold, and his murderous intent overflowed.

"In this world, it is even more difficult for orphans and widowed mothers to live. I have no control over other places, but in our village, if you let me know who bullies orphans and widowed mothers, don't blame me for cutting off their heads."

Everyone was frightened and said yes solemnly.

Widow Wang wiped away her tears and looked over gratefully.

"Thank you, Master, for making the decision for me."

Zuo Mengeng waved his hand, not thinking that it was a great thing to have administered justice, but said to Widow Wang: "Sister-in-law Wang, if your family is in such a situation, there is no way to survive if you farm. When spring begins, don't go to the fields."

It’s busy here.”

Widow Wang felt as if she had been struck by lightning, with a look of despair on her face.

"Master, I don't dare. If we are not allowed to farm, my mother-in-law and I will starve to death!"

Widow Wang became anxious, ran out and knelt in front of Zuo Mengeng, kowtowing.

Only then did Zuo Mengeng realize that he had not spoken clearly and had been misunderstood.

It took a lot of effort to help Widow Wang up, but Zuo Mengeng didn't dare to delay.

"Our old Zhuangzi will soon be turned into a military camp. At that time, my young master's troops will be stationed in. However, the military resources provided by the court are not enough. The rest needs to be raised by this young master himself. What kind of military uniforms do they look like?

, Military shoes are in great demand. I heard that Mrs. Wang’s skills in sewing and making shoes are renowned throughout the country?”

Widow Wang finally smiled.

"Master, I'm not bragging. Go and ask, who doesn't praise me for my skill?"

Zuo Mengeng laughed.

"In that case, how about making clothes and shoes for the army?"

Widow Wang hesitated.

"There are so many people, I can't do it alone."

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'm so greedy for getting up early, so hurry up and do it."

Zuo Mengeng quickly stopped him.

"Oh my sister-in-law Wang, if a team of several thousand people relies on you alone, the soldiers will have to go naked."

Everyone laughed as he spoke.

Zuo Mengeng took advantage of the atmosphere and said: "That's what I thought. This time, so many people came to our village, including men, women, old and young. From now on, there will definitely be no shortage of manpower for farming. But there are big girls, little wives and so on.

, apart from helping the family farm, they are also idle. How about Sister-in-law Wang organizing these women and making clothes and shoes for the army together? Then we will calculate the wages, and Sister-in-law Wang is the leader, so I will give you a little more.


Sister-in-law Wang listened blankly, somewhat understanding what Zuo Mengeng meant.

She knew very well that given her family's situation, even if she and her mother-in-law worked hard, they wouldn't be able to farm much.

But instead of farming, making clothes, shoes and socks for the army would be a good way to make a living.

She was also happy, and immediately said: "What about the fabric? There are so many, I can't afford it."

Of course Zuo Mengeng would not let her bear the burden.

"I will be responsible for the raw materials. What you have to do, Mrs. Wang, is to organize everyone to make them. I have only one request. The quality of the military uniforms and socks must be good. If not, I will engage in military law."

Mrs. Wang was shocked and a little afraid to agree.

"I definitely do it with my heart, but I can't guarantee it for others."

Zuo Mengeng looked over seriously.

"So I said, you have to take charge of this matter. You are the leader of these women, and they will do whatever you say. Anyone who disobeys will not get paid."

Widow Wang's heart was filled with heat, and she felt very embarrassed by the big guy's eyes.

"I...I am just a widow, and I am talking...how can I control them?"

Zuo Mengeng shouted: "There are no men in your family, and your mother-in-law can't move. If you don't support the door, who else do you want to rely on? I'll give you the opportunity. It's up to you whether you want it or not."

Widow Wang's dirty face turned red, then white, then black, then black, then red. She stood up suddenly, as if she was crazy.

"I did it, I will definitely do it well."

A group of bankers were whispering and looking at this short and unattractive woman strangely.

The other women pointed and pointed, and although their words were soft, there may be a lot of unpleasant things in them.

But those women couldn't hide their envy when they looked at Widow Wang.

Seeing that Widow Wang agreed, Zuo Mengeng was very happy.

"Well, from now on, you will be the director of Houying Quilt Factory. All the big and small things in the quilt factory will be under your control. Whoever does well and who doesn't do well will be judged by you. Well done.

,reward; do not do well,punishment!”

Widow Wang never dreamed that Zuo Menggeng would give herself such great power.

But as soon as she thought about thousands of women working under her command, the blood in her body would flow faster for some reason.

Fortunately, she knew that with great power comes great responsibility, so she quickly woke up.

"Master, I'm still saying the same thing. I'm not afraid of making clothes or shoes. But I can't guarantee how good other people's craftsmanship is."

This requires Zuo Mengeng’s guidance.

"This requires you to teach carefully. No matter how fast and well you can do it alone, how fast can it be? How good can it be? If you teach others to be like you, then it will be fine, right?


Women who take on the responsibility of their own business are not stupid.

"Then if I teach them, I..."

This is because I am afraid that if I teach the apprentice, I will starve the master to death.

Zuo Mengeng decided with one word.

"You are an official, and you have only one responsibility, which is to ensure output and quality. If you do these two things well, that is your credit, and the rewards that belong to you will not be less."

As soon as the word "guan'er" came out, even the bankers were shocked.

Originally, I heard that Widow Wang was asked to take the women to make military uniforms, shoes and socks, but everyone thought it was just a way of making a living.

Now Zuo Mengeng clearly stated that the director of Lao Shizi Quilt Factory is actually a government official...

"From now on, if anything happens, you can come to me directly. Don't be timid, stand up tall and tell those women how they should live."

Widow Wang couldn't stop her tears again.

Since her husband's death, she dragged her mother-in-law with her, and the two women have never had a good night's sleep in this world.

Those men were like hungry wolves, always looking around at her.

There is no food growing in the ground, and I'm afraid it will be gone one day.

Unexpectedly, now he has become an official.

Although she didn't know who the director of the quilt factory was, since he was inherited by the young master, from now on, she would no longer be afraid of being bullied.

Widow Wang suddenly said: "Master, my name is Wang Xiuqin, not Widow Wang."

She turned around suddenly and shouted at the gang of farmers: "From now on, my name is Wang Xiuqin. Anyone who dares to call me Widow Wang again will be whipped."

A woman who was originally as dusty suddenly broke out, and her decisive momentum actually subdued everyone.

Zuo Mengeng suddenly understood, nodded, and said warmly: "Director Wang Xiuqin, from now on, the quilt factory will be entrusted to you."

Wang Xiuqin turned to look at him, crying and laughing, her face covered with black ash.

But it’s really not ugly!

The first thing to be completed on the entire site was the weaponry.

This is the top priority. Rather than delaying other places, Zuo Mengeng built it here first.

It's right between the military camp and Zuozhuang, next to the river.

Through his own design, a dozen carpenters worked hard for half a month to build the waterwheel. Now it stands in the river, but it cannot turn.

Because the river is frozen.

But the size of the waterwheel is really eye-catching, as it seems to be able to drain all the water in the river.

Zhang Jimeng personally brought hundreds of craftsmen over and handed him over to Zuo Mengeng.

Looking at the increasingly large military camp that was taking shape, Zhang Jimeng couldn't help but look sideways.

"Mr. Ruo Gu is very considerate of you. Knowing that you need craftsmen, he sent the best ones from Wang Gong Factory and weapons factories in various places to you. Also, from now on, this weapons factory can get pig iron every year.

Ten thousand catties, fifty thousand catties of coal.”

Zuo Mengeng frowned.

"This is not enough."

Such a small amount, according to Zuo Mengeng's expectation, may not even be enough for one month's use.

Zhang Jimeng was also helpless.

"This is a regulation of the imperial court. A weapons station can only use so much. As for the rest, the imperial court doesn't care."

This is a hint that Zuo Mengeng will find a solution on his own.

Of course Zuo Mengeng understood and had no resistance.

Isn’t it just to be Li Yunlong?

Who wouldn't?

Zhang Jimeng said again: "I have sent you the military uniforms and weapons you want. There are 500 sets of military uniforms, all of which are old. As for the weapons, there are 400 scimitar handles and more than 700 iron spearheads.

You go find a craftsman and make a spear yourself."

Although Zuo Menggeng's idea is to turn the rear battalion into an all-firearms unit, it will be impossible to realize the full deployment of the army.

Therefore, cold weapons must be used during early training, and also to prepare for emergencies.

Later, Zhang Jimeng told him how Hou Xun handled the matter and told him one more thing.

"Gongbaoxing (Gongduan) asked me to bring you a message, Yimeng is a beautiful place with great potential."

Zuo Mengeng's eyes sparkled and he remembered it deeply in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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