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Chapter 618 Smuggling

The impact of Zhang Pu's arrest is immeasurable.

First of all, he is a leader in the literary world. He has been at the forefront of the limelight over the years and is worshiped as a god by countless literati.

Many people even believe that Zhang Pu is the only one who can teach the Ming Dynasty.

Now such a literary master is arrested and imprisoned, which directly shatters many people's illusions.

For a time, there was a turmoil among the literary circles, and the situation was like a tidal wave.

Countless literati and scholars stood up and criticized the government, and their words were vaguely directed at Chongzhen.

Even after so many years of changes and the Ming Dynasty encountered many hardships, just because Chongzhen killed the eunuchs, many people still regarded him as a wise king.

But this time, Chongzhen's image suffered an unprecedented blow. Especially among scholars, many people were alienated from him.

Secondly, what frightened Shihlin even more was that Zhang Pu was captured too smoothly.

The imagined scene of the people running around shouting, raging, and resisting the tyranny did not appear. There were even many people who spurned and insulted Zhang Pu and hated him to the bone.

This scene made many scholars feel fear.

People like them have always built their reputations on words. By expressing their opinions, they build their reputation and win the support of the public.

But now the general public is disgusted and resentful of them, and they have lost the source of their power.

The thought that from now on they will no longer be able to respond to everyone's call, no one will follow them, no one will care about the articles they write, and no one will follow the poems they conceive, it is like the end of the world for these literati.

The third consequence is that Shandong's ideas spread more and more widely.

Because of Zhang Pu's incident, more and more people are curious about what happened between him and Shandong.

If you want to know the truth, you must read the articles circulated in Shandong.

In this world, there is no doubt that the scholarly scholars and the landlord class are only a very small part.

And more people are ordinary people who are oppressed and exploited.

Zuo Menggeng's article abandons all glamorous appearances and goes straight to the core and essence. For ordinary people, such articles are undoubtedly more down-to-earth and will not be difficult for them to understand.

And when ordinary people understand it, they will naturally think about today's difficulties and experiences.

Especially businessmen who were originally oppressed at the bottom can see the hope of change from articles like this.

Because of their stance and interests, they will naturally side with Shandong.

Nothing can be seen from these yet, but in the near future when Shandong really begins to sweep the world, they will definitely become a potential boost.


Because of the arrest of Zhang Pu, Chongzhen was under tremendous pressure.

Countless officials filled with righteous indignation gathered outside the palace gate, knocking on the que and voicing their grievances. The momentum was as loud as that of Zuo Shunmen back then.

"Your Majesty, out of righteous indignation, many officials have not eaten or drank for three days and three nights. If this continues, I am afraid that something unspeakable will happen."

Above the Imperial Palace, Li Maofang made an impassioned speech and finally found an opportunity.

As a party member of Zhou Yanru, Li Maofang was in an extremely difficult situation after Zhou Yanru was dismissed from office. He was repeatedly forced by Wen Tiren, Xue Guoguan and others, and was struggling.

As a result, this time Chongzhen issued an edict to arrest Zhang Pu, which caused an uproar. Li Maofang seized this opportunity and launched a desperate counterattack.

Chongzhen had already known what happened outside the palace gate. Although he was calm on the surface, he was terrified in his heart.

He has always followed Taizu and Shizu as examples, eager to become a wise king and leave a name in history. He also took warning from the actions of emperors such as Jiajing and Wanli.

Nowadays, if officials and scholars imitate what Zuo Shunmen did back then, wouldn't that mean they regard him as Jiajing?

Just when he was hesitant, Xue Guoguan stood up.

"It's nonsense. Zhang Pu, a mere ordinary citizen, can have so many officials and scholars cheering for him in the countryside. This is evidence of his crime."

Chongzhen was refreshed, and Xue Guoguan's statement was in line with his psychology.

"What do officials from all walks of life want to do if they fail to abide by their duties and rashly interfere with the administration of justice? If these people do not disperse after the order is issued, they will be dismissed from their posts, deprived of their honors, and will never be used again. Those who stubbornly resist will be severely punished."

Immediately, a eunuch led the royal guards out and read Chongzhen's edict in public.

The officials and scholars gathered outside the palace gate were all desperate when they saw that the emperor was so powerful and refused to compromise.

These people cried loudly, wept with grief and anger, and then...

They all turned and left silently.

Are you kidding me?

It doesn't matter if the emperor plays the cards, they can still gain a clear name.

But if you have to be dismissed from office and deprived of your honors, wouldn't that mean you're completely finished?

Everyone comes here to have fun, but they never want to play on such a big scale.

Although the storm had dissipated, for Chongzhen, it still left him feeling gloomy.

Of course he knew that what he did this time really chilled the hearts of many people.

But how to redeem it?

"Your Majesty, the Dongjiang rebels have been escorting the capital for a long time and are awaiting trial. In my opinion, why not take the opportunity to reshape the rules and regulations and boost people's hearts?"

Chongzhen was overjoyed and admired Wen Tiren even more.

"These are mature and prudent words. I have my dear wife to help me, so everything will be worry-free."

Since the arrest of Zhang Pu has caused unrest in people's minds, it would be better to use the sentence of the Dongjiang rebels to divert attention.

"Publish my decree and order the three judicial departments to merge the case and make a public conviction. We must let everyone understand that the national law is ruthless and sins cannot be escaped."

Wen Tiren quickly said yes and went down to execute it.

Chongzhen was the only one left in the palace, staring blankly at the sky outside the palace gate.

However, there was no trace of light, only dark clouds covering the sky and the sun.


Tsushima Strait, clear sky.

Shandong's fleet can finally appear here openly.

This is the middle section of the strait, a certain distance from both Busan and Tsushima.

At the very least, you can't see the fleet from the shore.

When both Busan and Tsushima are interested in smuggling, there will be no unexpected intruders in this sea area.

Three parties can conduct fair and aboveboard transactions here.

First came the North Koreans.

Quan Li personally led the team and came closer.

"Lord Shangguo, there is one more thing that we can discuss with you?"

After the delivery of the goods was completed, Quan Li had a confused look on his face, hesitating and looking very ashamed.

Chonghua smiled and said: "General Quan, with our relationship, what else can't be said?"

Quan Li took a long breath and then spoke slowly.

"Your Majesty, you don't know. Our country, North Korea, is small and barren, and our wealth is limited. The goods delivered this time are extremely valuable. I wonder if... can I use other things as collateral?"

Chonghua understood.

North Korea does not have much money to purchase these goods and wants to change its approach.

"If General Quan doesn't have any good ideas?"

Quan Li cheered up and clapped his hands.

On the North Korean ship next to it, two North Korean soldiers worked together to open the hatch, revealing the mystery inside.

Chonghua only glanced at it and couldn't help being shocked.


Inside the hatch, dozens of young North Korean women were seen with their hands and feet bound and imprisoned.

At this time, he looked frightened and trembling, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

This chapter has been completed!
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