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Chapter 626 Financial Budget

The last item on the agenda of the Legislative Council plenary session is also the most exciting.

That is the budget review.

The most important foundation for governing a country is, of course, finance.

Only with sufficient finances can all work be carried out smoothly and a country can be governed smoothly.

On the contrary, Ming Dynasty is the best example.

Everyone present at the meeting was very curious about Shandong's financial situation.

And they can actually decide the fiscal budget. There is no doubt that this important power makes them realize their own value.

Cabinet Prime Minister Hou Xun walked to the stage in full view of everyone.

This is the first time he has performed the duties of Prime Minister and Minister of State.

This experienced official also feels amazing about the current situation.

If he were still in the Ming Dynasty, he should be able to join the cabinet now with his qualifications.

But how could the ministers of the Ming Dynasty compare with themselves in terms of power?

After standing still, he opened the document in front of him, took a deep breath, and tried to make his voice louder.

"The fiscal budget of this government includes the fifth year of Chongzhen and the first quarter of the sixth year of Chongzhen..."

The concept of quarter has long been conveyed and popularized in previous documents. Therefore, everyone knows that this refers to the first three months of the sixth year of Chongzhen.

Because the Legislative Council plenary session is held in late June or early July, the first quarter of this year must be included in the fiscal budget.

Looking at the numbers on the document, Hou Xun felt confident.

"According to statistics from this government, the overall fiscal revenue last year was 37 million taels of silver..."

Before he could finish his words, the whole place was filled with roar.

Many people who had served as officials in the Ming Dynasty couldn't help but throw away the documents in their hands.

That's scary.

It's really because the numbers announced by Hou Xun are too shocking.

Thirty-seven million taels of silver!

What is that concept?

Not to mention, this is just a province in Shandong.

The Ming Dynasty was rich all over the world, and the monarchs and ministers worked hard, but the wealth they could control in a year was only four million taels at most.

As a result, it was difficult to move forward due to internal and external difficulties. Not to mention meeting the needs of the war, even the salaries of officials could not be distributed in full.

As a result, the income of one province in Shandong was as high as 37 million taels of silver.

How on earth is this done?

Amid everyone's discussion, Hou Xun announced the specific details.

"Among all fiscal revenues, agricultural income is 7.8 million taels, and industrial income is 14 million taels. Foreign trade accounts for the largest proportion, at 16 million taels."

All the delegates at the meeting were stunned and silent.

No one thought that agriculture, which was the most important in their eyes, was the one with the least income.

One representative couldn't hold it back and asked: "How much is the agricultural tax?"

Hou Xun looked over and replied: "There is no agricultural tax in Shandong. According to laws and regulations, the agricultural tax has been cancelled."

This time the representative became even more crazy.

Many people found tax law documents and read them carefully, only to find that there were no provisions related to agricultural tax.

Not only was there no agricultural tax, but the rest of the corvee, poll tax, etc. were all missing.

Another representative asked: "Why cancel the agricultural tax?"

Hou Xun was already prepared.

"Today's agriculture depends on the weather, and the output is limited. Even if it meets the daily needs of the people, it is still insufficient. If agricultural taxes are levied again, farmers will not be able to survive, and it will lead to social unrest."

That representative is unyielding.

“If we don’t collect agricultural taxes, how will the national finance make up for it?”

Hou Xun smiled.

"Didn't you hear the financial situation I reported just now? Our annual fiscal revenue is 37 million taels of silver. Even without agricultural taxes, it is enough to support our needs."

The man suddenly realized, showing a look of shame, and then realized that he had fallen into a corner.

Everyone was talking endlessly, and they all had a new understanding of this new regime.

It turns out that in this world, we don’t need to rely on agriculture, farmers, or agricultural taxes, and we can still maintain the operation of a country.

What shocked them most was how huge the benefits brought by industry and commerce were.

After introducing the fiscal revenue, Hou Xun introduced in detail the government's fiscal expenditure plan for the next year.

"In the next two to three years, it is expected that there will not be any major military operations on land. Therefore, we have sufficient finances to apply to various people's livelihood construction. Next, medical and health, water conservancy projects, transportation projects,

Education, scientific and technological research and development, and people's livelihood projects will be the focus of fiscal expenditure."

Following his words, the staff distributed specific and detailed financial expenditure plans.

Shen Xun did not open the plan, but heard something that caught his attention.

This is the instinct of a soldier.

"Why does the government decide that there will be no major military operations for a long time in the future?"

Hou Xun looked at Zuo Mengeng.

"For specific reasons, the government adopts the judgment of the headquarters. If you have any questions, please consult the headquarters."

Shen Xun stopped asking.

He is a senior general and obviously knows that the military has its own strategic research and judgment mechanism.

It's just that as a general, he can't fight for a long time, which really makes him very regretful.

After Hou Xun, various local officials stood up and handed over their local financial budget reports.

Basically, the financial situation of various places is very abundant, and they are ready to invest a large amount of funds into local infrastructure.

Everyone understands the significance of this.

Therefore, there was no difficulty in the review and all reports were passed smoothly.

The last person to stand up was Zhang Yan, the director of the logistics department.

He will announce the financial budget on behalf of the military.

"After research by the headquarters, the financial needs of the military in the next year will be approximately 2.3 million taels..."

This passage caused waves again.

Wang Mengzhen stood up.

"Minister Zhang, why are the military's funding needs so low?"

He has seen what the new army looks like many times, so he knows exactly what it looks like.

Based on his knowledge, the construction cost of the New Army was obviously much higher than that of the Ming Army.

The virtue of the Ming Dynasty's army cannot be defeated by four million taels of silver per year. The new army only needs 2.3 million taels of silver. This is undoubtedly full of strangeness.

Zhang Yan said matter-of-factly: "In addition to the military expenditures approved by the Legislative Council, the military has its own income, so it does not need excessive financial support."

Wang Mengzhen was very dissatisfied when he heard that the military had its own source of income.

But he was mature and prudent and did not speak out on the spot.

After the meeting ended, he found an opportunity and approached Zuo Mengeng.

"Commander, regarding the military issues, I would like to have a chat with you."

Zuo Mengeng understood the details clearly and said with a smile: "Mr. Tingyu is here for military expenses, right?"

Without waiting for Wang Mengzhen to answer, Zuo Mengeng added: "Now there happens to be a case that can be used as a case. Mr. Ting Yu comes with this junior. I believe you will have some understanding after reading it."

This chapter has been completed!
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