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Chapter 630 Unexpected Enemy

Duduo had no choice but to hold back his anger and led his troops out again.

However, he finally got Dorgon's permission and decided to wash away his anger with blood.

Duduo led the first and second subordinates to search westward along Saharian Ula. After walking for three consecutive days, they finally arrived near Muhewei.

Among all the savage Jurchen tribes, Muhewei is remote and weak, with almost no contact with other surrounding tribes.

In a place like this, no matter what happens, it is difficult for the outside world to detect it.

Standing on the hillside, looking at the distant smoke in Muhewei Village, Duduo showed a cruel and fierce light.

"Leave no one alive and take away all their food and horses."

The white flag was raised and lowered, and the order was taken immediately.

The two assistants led thousands of men and horses to surround them, and soon approached Muhewei.

Without giving the simple savage Jurchen any chance to react, the ferocious and brutal Eight Banners soldiers rushed into the camp.

The killing comes as expected.

How could the weak Muhewei resist the elite Eight Banners?

Destruction should happen in the blink of an eye.


An unexpected loud noise came, which surprised Duduo who was riding on the horse.

Of course he knew it was the sound of a gun being fired.

But the problem is that the first and second commanders with white flags he brought out did not have fire blunderbuss.

Muhewei is a primitive tribe, and they shouldn't have fire guns.

So where does the sound of this firecracker come from?

Before he could figure it out, the sound of firecrackers quickly became louder and louder.

But seeing the white smoke billowing in Muhewei added to the confusion.

Duduo couldn't hold himself back and immediately rode forward to take a closer look.

And when he arrived at the outskirts, he was shocked to see dozens of strange people he had never seen rush out of Muhewei's camp.

These people have blond hair, blue eyes, tall bodies, and their clothing and hair styles are completely different from those of the savage Jurchens.

What is even more striking is that the fire guns held by these people are far better than those of Wu Zhenchaoha.

Many Eight Banners soldiers were unprepared and were killed by such firecrackers, creating a moment of great confusion.

And those strange people took advantage of the chaos and fled all the way to the riverside.

There are many boats there.

After these weirdos jumped on the boat, they immediately started rowing towards the center of the river.

But after all, the Eight Banners are elites who have fought for a long time. After a little confusion, they quickly reacted.

Before these weirdos boarded the boat, the Eight Banners soldiers were covered with arrows, killing them on the spot and injuring many others.

The strange man who escaped to the boat had no time to rescue his companions, so he left the shore far away and headed further west.

Seeing the furious Eight Banners soldiers stepping forward to kill those weirdos, Duduo hurriedly shouted: "Interrogate them and ask them where they came from?"

The people below listened and stopped killing blindly.

The first sergeant, Luo Yongkai, came to an injured weirdo with a bone hammer and struck him with the hammer without saying a word.

The weirdo's knees were smashed on the spot.

When the man hugged his knees and cried and screamed in despair, he asked: "Who are you?"

The weird man was obviously scared to death and knew that the danger was close at hand, but he didn't answer his questions, obviously he didn't understand.

Jueluo Yongkai realized this problem and asked people to arrest the Muhewei people.

"Tell me, what's going on with these people?"

The people of Muhewei didn't dare to hide anything in order to survive.

"They... they came from the far west, saying they came here to make friends. We were just entertaining, and we did not conspire with them."

From the West?

Jueluo Yongkai's geographical knowledge is obviously not up to standard.

"Isn't the west the territory of Onan River Guard?"

The people from Muhewei quickly explained.

"They said they were called Cossacks and they came from the far west, thousands of miles away."

Jue Luoyong opened his eyes and stars appeared, obviously he couldn't understand how far away it was thousands of miles away.

He ran back and reported the situation to Dodo.

Duduo's knowledge is much stronger.

"These should be Francois, there are many in Ming Dynasty. It's really strange, how did they get here?"

The soldiers were asked to present these people's firecrackers. Duduo stroked them with a greedy look in his eyes, and at the same time he became more vigilant.

"Send someone back immediately and report it to Mergen Daiqing. Continue to intensify the interrogation and be sure to find out where their lair is."

Jueluo Yongkai did not dare to neglect and turned around to go back.

Not long after, the screams of the captured weirdos broke through the sky and penetrated people's hearts, as if they were in hell.

After being beaten to death several times in a row, Duduo finally got the information he wanted.

"What do these Mongolians do for food? Their territory has been invaded, and they don't even know anything about it."

Knowing that these people called Cossacks came from a place called Yakusk, thousands of miles away in the north, and groped their way southward against the current, Duduo felt chills all over his body.

He sensitively noticed that there seemed to be another kind of trouble behind Daikin.

Three days later, Dorgon personally led an army and rushed over. After understanding the situation on the spot, he also fell into a dilemma.

"Dodo, do you think Mang Gurtai got together with these Cossacks?"

Dodo shook his head.

"I asked, but they didn't know Mang Gurtai at all."

Dorgon looked at the Kesak people's firecrackers, his eyes full of solemnity.

"These people have such weapons and are obviously more terrifying than Mang Gurtai."

Duduo and he are brothers and have the same mind.

"How are you going to respond?"

Dorgon closed his eyes and meditated.

"I don't know either, but I plan to report the situation back to Shengjing and let Huang Taiji make a decision."

Hearing what he said, Duduo let out a sigh of relief.

"So good."

Huang Taiji's order to them was to find Mang Gurtai and eliminate him.

I never expected that I would encounter an unexpected enemy here.

Moreover, although these enemies are few in number, they are well-armed.

The most important thing is that these people came from thousands of miles away.

The prisoners even confessed that they had planned to build forts near Yakusk and Xiaohai (Lake Baikal), and they obviously planned to occupy them for a long time.

However, these places have always been the territory of the Mongols.

Although the Mongols in the north were not as close to Hou Jin as the steppe Mongols. But since the two sides were allies, how could Hou Jin sit back and watch their territory be invaded?

Dorgon believed that this matter would definitely be shocked when it was reported back to Shengjing.

It's really weird.

Why is the north, which was once safe and sound, peaceful and safe, now experiencing so many unexpected changes?

Houjin always regarded the north as a solid back.

Their vigilant eyes are always fixed on the south.

As a result, there is now a crisis behind the scenes. How should Houjin respond?

Dorgon did not dare to act rashly and could only wait for Huang Taiji's decision.

This chapter has been completed!
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