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652 For the future

The artillery on the side of the Wenluo facing Zuo Hua had been completely damaged and completely lost its function in the raging fire.

But the artillery on the other side was still roaring.

Two approaching lucky boats were shot separately.

Zheng's ships were of mixed quality and could not be called professional warships at all.

The two ships were also unlucky. They were only hit by one shell each, and as a result, their sides were penetrated below the waterline.

The seawater surged in, and the two ships kept tilting on the sea and began to sink slowly.

"Fire the guns and send these Dutchmen to the bottom of the sea."


When Hong Xu saw the whole process, he was furious and vowed to kill all these Dutch people.

The cannons on several other ships fired one after another, pouring shells at the Venlo.

But it has to be said that with the old artillery and the technology of pulling the span, ten shells were fired, but the Wenluo only hit one.

You must know that after the Wenluo broke a mast, the ship's speed has been very slow.

At this moment, Zheng's fleet was miserably beaten by the Wenluo's artillery fire.

Also, the mast of a lucky ship was broken, and it began to spin in circles on the sea, completely losing power.

Seeing Zuo Hua on the other side beating the Wenluo so badly with a single warship, while he was surrounded by seven warships but two were sunk and one was damaged, Hong Xu was furious.

He pulled out his scimitar and roared: "Crash it over."

Since there was no way to compare with the Dutch in terms of artillery, Hong Xu used his special skills.

That's a boarding battle.

For a moment, on both sides of the Wenluo, Zuo Hua and Hong Xu increased their power at the same time and rushed towards the Wenluo.

When the general entered within a hundred meters and a brutal hand-to-hand battle was inevitable, the Venlo responded.

The white flag raised high is the attitude of the Dutch.

If you can't fight, surrender.

Europeans do this as a matter of course and without any shame.

Seeing the white flag, Zuo Hua's enthusiasm waned.

"These Dutch people are so bloodless that they don't dare to fight to the end."

On the contrary, there is a staff member who sees things thoroughly.

"These Dutch people travel all over the world just to do business and make money. How can they work hard?"

Zuo Hua had nothing to say.

In an instant, his boat and the Wenlo were stuck together.

As expected, the Dutchmen still alive on the Venlo showed no resistance.

The injured Bapu Devi and the rest of the sailors and soldiers had gathered weapons such as guns, swords and axes together, and stood aside obediently.

Seeing Akito jumping on the boat, these Dutch people were all very nervous.

If you surrender, you will be killed, right?

Zuo Hua also jumped on the Wenluo and went straight to Bapu Dewei.

"Since you have chosen to surrender, I will ensure your safety. I hope you will be honest and not make misleading moves."

Some of the staff members knew Latin and translated on the spot.

When the Dutch people heard this, they all cheered.

It feels so good not to have my head chopped off.

But before they could finish their joy, Hong Xu also arrived.

This man's rage could literally set the entire ocean on fire.

After he jumped on the Venlo, he took the knife and slashed at the nearest Dutchman.

"You bastard, grandpa must kill you today."

The blade fell sharply and stopped halfway.

It was blocked by Zuo Hua's scabbard.

"I have accepted their surrender and guaranteed their safety. What do you want to do?"

Hong Xu was furious.

"I sank two ships and killed hundreds of people. Of course I want revenge."

Zuo Hua chuckled and said: "On the battlefield, everyone depends on their ability. Now that the battle is over, how can we be different from beasts if we continue to massacre?"

Hong Xu said fiercely: "I, Zheng, don't need other people's guidance when doing things."

Zuo Hua refused to give in.

"I am the commander in this battle, do you want to disobey the military order?"

Hong Xu tightened his grip on the knife.

"I can't explain to my men unless I kill all these barbarians."

Zuo Hua still stopped him.

"I don't know much about fighting. I only know how to kill people to vent my anger. Isn't it embarrassing?"

These words really stimulated Hong Xu's nerves.

He didn't care about anything and brandished the knife on the spot.

Zuo Hua remained motionless and walked away with the same knife.

Cold weapons passed by each other, and Hong Xu stopped abruptly, his eyes full of astonishment.

Everything happened too fast.

He didn't even see clearly what was going on, and the tip of Zuo Hua's knife was already pressed against his neck.

Although Hong Xu is young, he has been taught by Master Nan Shaolin since he was a child, and his martial arts skills are very good.

Even among the Zheng family, there are only a handful of people who can defeat him in martial arts.

Hong Xu has always been proud of this.

But he didn't expect that when facing Zuo Hua today, he would be the first to take action, but he didn't even catch a single move.

After subduing Hong Xu, Zuo Hua began to give sweet dates.

"Please collect the belongings on the ship. As for these prisoners... they belong to me."

This distribution plan surprised Hong Xu.

"You don't want these belongings?"

Zuo Hua pretended to be generous and said: "These things originally belong to the people of Fujian. It is the right way for you, Zheng, to return them to them."

Of course he knew how it was possible for these financial assets to be returned to the people if they fell into the hands of the Zheng family.

However, the way he gave up his property and only wanted the prisoners still somewhat appeased Hong Xu's anger.

"Hmph, I'll give you some face today and spare these beasts."

After solving a farce of massacre of prisoners, Zuo Hua said to Bapu Dewei: "Your Excellency, General, come with me."

Although Bapu Dewei couldn't understand what Zuo Hua and Hong Xu said, the act of copying the knife just now made him understand that only the one-eyed young man in front of him could protect his safety.

The battlefield calmed down, and Bapu Dewei and the Dutch prisoners were taken to Zuo Hua's ship.

Zuo Hua allowed Hong Xu to lead people to carry belongings from the Wenluo, and directed his own ship to stay away.

When the surrounding area was empty and there were no outsiders in sight, Zuo Hua revealed his purpose.

"General Bapu Dewei, Zheng Zhilong is not a good collaborator. He always breaks his word, and he values ​​business far less than territory. Do you think so?"

Bapu Dewei was shocked. He didn't expect Zuo Hua to criticize Zheng Zhilong.

"You are not from the Zheng family?"

Zuo Hua smiled slightly.

"of course not."

He took out the map and showed it to Bapu Devi.

"I am from Shandong, and my power is a cooperative relationship with Zheng Zhilong."

Bapu Devi could not understand.

"Since you are allies, why are you dissatisfied with Zheng Zhilong?"

Zuo Hua's eyes flashed with danger.

"Because we, like you Dutch people, like to do business, bigger business. We welcome anyone who comes to do business. I believe you Dutch people do too, right?"

Bapu Devi stretched out his hand and kept crossing himself.

"God bless, we finally found the best soulmate."

Zuo Hua asked his staff to take out the wine glasses and pour red wine into them.

Hand one of the cups to Bapu Devi.

"I believe we will have a happy cooperation in the near future."

Bapu Devi smiled broadly.

"It's always nice to work together, isn't it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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