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Chapter 659 Victory in the first battle

"I have artillery but I don't use it. Am I a fool?"

Watching the infantry artillery being pushed out of the array, with the muzzles pointed at the Eight Banners soldiers, Yu Lichun was in a good mood.

The advance detachment going north was small after all, so he didn't dare to hold anything back during the battle.

Use whatever is easy to use.

Except for the rocket launchers that are still hidden.

He Luohui thought that the new army was going to engage in musketry with him, but unfortunately the new army believed in the power of cannons.


Eighteen infantry guns roared together, directly covering He Luohui's infantry array.

The total distance is only 300 meters, so you don’t need to aim carefully, and you will definitely miss it.

Balls of smoke from the explosion swept away everything around. Armor and shield vehicles were of no use in the face of such a strong explosion.

More than a dozen shield vehicles were blown to pieces, and the bodies of the people on them were all gone.

There was a large gap in the Eight Banners Army's array.

"This is it! This is it!"

Next to Dorgon, Tang Gudai kept howling.

The New Army's rifles reminded him of the scene at Qingshui Pass.

At that time, they were dispersed by such artillery fire.

Dorgon said nothing, his face was cold, but the hands hidden by his sides kept trembling.

How to fight this kind of battle?

He Luohui's array suffered huge losses, but he did not have any fear, but showed ecstasy.

"Akito has fired the cannon, rush forward, we will win if we rush over!"

The Eight Banners soldiers who were still in panic heard his shout and reacted.

Everyone knows what artillery looks like.

At a distance of less than three hundred meters, it is absolutely too late based on the reloading speed of the artillery.

For a time, the morale of the Eight Banners soldiers was boosted to the extreme.

Under the command of He Luohui, everyone screamed like a madman and accelerated towards the new army.

But before they could run a hundred steps, something happened that made them desperate.

The infantry artillery of the New Army that had been quiet once again emitted white smoke, and then stirred up a storm in their array.

This time, the only remaining shield vehicles were also destroyed.

More than half of He Luohui's 2,000 men and horses were gone, and the rest were all alone, with no momentum left to speak of.



Only then did the New Army soldiers raise their muskets.


Bang bang bang…………

After the firing, a large number of the already small Eight Banners soldiers fell down.

At this moment, even if He Luohui, the most valiant and skilled warrior in the world, could tell the truth, the Eight Banners soldiers collapsed.

Everyone howled and fled, not daring to stay even one step on the battlefield.

The victory was decided, and the commander of the new army blew the whistle to advance.

The sound of the boots of the New Army soldiers on the battlefield was breathtaking.

The array that was originally divided into three sections was once again connected in a line, marching forward at a steady pace with uniform steps.

Walk along the way, checking the battlefield along the way.

When they see the Eight Banners soldiers who died in battle, they gather together, and when they see the injured, no matter how serious they are, they gather together.

When the New Army soldiers passed by, the health team rushed up and carried the injured Eight Banners soldiers onto stretchers and dragged them to the back one by one.

He Luohui fled back to Dorgon in embarrassment and fell to his knees.

"Mergen Daiqing, the general failed, please punish me."

He knew that Dorgon had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

This time he could not escape death.

But what surprised him was that Dorgon didn't take the opportunity to make a big fuss. His words were full of sadness.

"This battle is not your fault. This new Shandong army is really weird."

Seeing that Dorgon didn't take the opportunity to punish him, He Luohui felt lucky and couldn't help but admire this young Belle.

"Mergen Daiqing, we can't fight hard, we are not opponents."

Dorgon nodded slightly, looking at the Eight Banners soldiers in the ditch who had also been driven out by the new army and were retreating in embarrassment.

"Give me the order to withdraw the troops."

The Jurchens' unique horn sound resounded across the battlefield, and the Eight Banners units gathered in one after another, and then slowly retreated.

Behind them, there were bursts of roaring sounds in the trenches.

Under the flying dust, all the trenches dug by the Eight Banners soldiers were filled with explosives by the New Army and restored to their original condition.

In the first battle on the first day, the new army was completely victorious.

"Although we have won, we cannot be proud or complacent. We must not underestimate our enemies. Everyone must be alert and take precautions. If we do not completely defeat the enemy, it will not be considered a victory."

After the battle, Yu Lichun walked among the various ministries, constantly instilling warnings.

Today's battle was too smooth for the new army.

He was afraid that the soldiers would become complacent.

In the military academy, Zuo Menggeng emphasized the most important sentence: A proud soldier will be defeated.

As an outstanding student of Zuo Mengeng, Yu Lichun always kept these words in mind.

Now that I am on my own, I am becoming more and more cautious.

With such a calm general like him, the advance detachment going north immediately woke up from the joy of victory. They rested and reorganized, rebuilt the defense line, and returned to the tense atmosphere.

Yongxing Temple.

Eight Banners Commandery.

Dorgon summoned all the generals.

"Let's talk about it, how should we fight this battle?"

Zhengbai Banner Jia La'er Zhensuna immediately said: "Shandong's new army has sharp weapons and is far beyond the enemy of our army. We must not fight head-on, otherwise no matter how many of our Eight Banners warriors there are not enough to kill them."

The other generals all said yes, all looking timid.

In fact, they have never seen fighting like this, and they have never seen an army with such a high penetration rate of firearms.

The most important thing is that these firearms are really terrifying.

Dorgon coughed and his expression remained unchanged.

"Although the Shandong New Army has sharp weapons, what can it do? When Lao Khan's Thirteen Armors were raised, how could the Ming army not be strong? Didn't our Jurchens win in battle? Benbeile didn't believe it. The Shandong New Army was really

No flaws?"

Ma Guangyuan felt that this was an opportunity to stand out.

"Mergen Daiqing, when it comes to the disadvantages of firearms, there are two points. One is the fear of rain; the other is the fear of night. When rain comes and the gunpowder is wet, the gunpowder cannot be fired. The eyes cannot see at night.

The cannons and artillery have lost their accuracy. It is late autumn now, and I am afraid that there will be no hope of rain. We will have to wait and see, so we might as well attack at night."

Dorgon's eyes lit up and he looked at the generals.

"What do you think?"

Niulu'e Zhendong Alai hurriedly said: "This plan is very clever. Although these smart dogs are capable of fighting, there are only a few of them. As long as our army gets close, we will definitely be able to defeat them."

Other generals were even more enthusiastic and agreed one after another.

When the enemy has powerful weapons, melee night combat is an inevitable choice.

Seeing that everyone supported the idea, Dorgon immediately made a decision.

"Everyone go back and get ready. Make food at the third watch and set out at the fourth watch. At dawn, when the enemy is sleeping and dying, let's... fight to decide the outcome!"

This chapter has been completed!
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