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Chapter 665 Head-to-head confrontation

It is two hundred and twenty miles from Fuzhou Guard to Gaizhou Guard.

Dorgon was eager to rescue and marched all the way along the official road, which also took five days.

He dared not abandon heavy equipment.

After witnessing the firepower of the New Army with his own eyes, he understood that without the support of artillery, the Eight Banners would not be able to fight against the New Army.

By the time he arrived at Gaizhou Guard, the place had already fallen.

A small city could not withstand the continuous bombardment of more than 30 heavy artillery pieces of the New Army.

When the walls of Gaizhou Guard collapsed, there was no suspense for the Marine Corps to occupy this place.

Not only that, the Marines also completely destroyed the entire Gaizhou Guard city defense. It would take several years to rebuild it.

"Bring Gaizhou back."

Dorgon had no choice but to fight a head-on battle with the New Army here.

If the Gaizhou Guards cannot recapture it, it means that all the areas south of here will be lost.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Hou Jin.

The white flag was quickly unfurled, and the remaining cannons were mounted.

Zhang Keda, who was on the ship, sent someone to inquire.

"Mr. Tang, do you want to fight this battle?"

Tang Wenhuan said matter-of-factly: "Of course we have to fight, and we have to try the Tatars anyway."

Although the Marine Corps only has one brigade this time, Tang Wenhuan is full of confidence.

The Marines are supported by naval artillery behind them.

Even if you can't win...

Looking at the floating bridge between Lianyun Island and the mainland, Tang Wenhuan's last worry disappeared.

In later generations, Lianyun Island was connected to the mainland, but now it is an isolated island.

The distance between Lianyun Island and the mainland is only less than twenty meters.

The Marine Corps also landed on Lianyun Island first, and then relied on the engineering troops to set up pontoon bridges before setting foot on land and capturing Gaizhou Guard.

The pontoon is still there today.

With this escape route, Tang Wenhuan no longer has any worries.

"Today is the first time that our Marine Corps faces the Tatars. We have trained hard for so long, but we have been called little brothers by other troops. How can we get rid of this name? Today! Keep your spirits up,

Come up with the full copy and see if his Eight Banners boast is nonsense."

The morale of the 1st Marine Brigade was high and they did not take the Eight Banners Army seriously.

They were arrayed on the beach, with their backs to the sea.

Dorgon knew that this battle had to be fought.

Not only must we fight, we must also produce results.

Otherwise, Xiangbaiqi is likely to be in ruins.

After all, since this expedition, we have not won a single battle, and the losses in our troops will be serious.

They were unable to defeat the new army and lost the vast area south of Gaizhou Guard. No one can bear this responsibility.

The war started.

Jueluo Yongkai led the first staff to detour to the foot of Xinkailing Mountain and began to launch a fierce attack on Bailang Mountain, the commanding heights occupied by the new army.

Dorgon personally commanded the Second Chief of Staff, and the Third Chief of Staff had a head-on confrontation with the Marines on the vast plain south of Qinghe River.

Artillery fire roared and gunpowder smoke filled the air.

This time Dorgon used all his skills.

The cavalry, which had never appeared before, also participated in the battle.

Azig personally went into battle and led the elite cavalry to patrol the left wing, constantly looking for opportunities to break through.

More than 5,000 cavalry put great pressure on the Marines, and they had to allocate a considerable number of troops to be on alert at all times.

On the front, only two battalions of the Marines faced off against the Eight Banners infantry.

Tang Wenhuan has great ideas.

He spread the two battalions' lines horizontally.

The distance between each two soldiers was increased to two meters.

In this way, although the firepower will be sparse, the loose array will also minimize the killing effect of the rear cannon.

The Marines can play like this, but the Jurchens cannot.

Because the weapon of the Marine Corps is a flash cap gun, even if the lineup is thinner, the firepower intensity is still there.

If Wu Zhenchaoha dares to do this, he will completely lose his combat effectiveness.

This time Dorgon was smart and placed the cannon far behind, away from the coast.

Neither the navy's naval guns nor the heavy artillery on Lianyun Island have enough distance to conduct counter-artillery operations.

This is also the first time since the war began that the Jurchens' artillery can happily enter the battle.

The two sides are not at the same level in terms of firepower projection.

The New Army first used long-range heavy artillery coverage to directly break up the two Jurchen phalanxes.

Although the artillery of the New Army could not hit the Jurchen artillery, it still had no problem hitting the Jurchen infantry and cavalry.

When the Jurchens reached a distance of about a thousand meters, it was time for the infantry and artillery to show off their power again.

After the Jurchens survived the infantry and artillery, there were also mortars.

The impression given to the Jurchens was that the New Army's artillery fire was endless and endless.

They get bombed wherever they go.

This time Tang Wenhuan played hard enough.

Instead of using the range of the flash cap gun to bully others, he brought Wu Zhenchaoha closer to within fifty steps.

He wants to use Wu Zhenchaoha to temper the spiritual willpower of the Marine Corps.

There is nothing better than lining up to be shot.

Fifty steps!

Wu Zhenchaoha's fire gun can barely do damage.

At this distance, the New Army's red-cap gun ignores all protection except shields.

Inadvertently, both sides raised their guns almost simultaneously.

And it was Wu Zhenchaoha who fired first.

After a chaotic burst of gunfire, more than twenty people fell on the New Army side.

Only two unlucky guys were killed on the spot, and the rest were only injured.

The newly assembled cotton armor became the patron saint of the soldiers at this time.

Shi Tingzhu felt very depressed when he saw the shooting effect.

But there was no other way. He could only ask the soldiers to quickly rotate their lines and reload their ammunition.

It was the Marines' turn to open fire.

At a distance of fifty meters, the New Army's muskets created a fierce storm.

Wu Zhenchaoha's lineup was like the wind blowing wheat, two rows fell down.

Even Shi Tingzhu was shot in his left arm and fell to the ground.

He struggled to get up and looked at his chain mail in shock.

Several times in the past on the battlefield, he relied on his well-made chain armor to save his life.

The Ming army's muskets were completely powerless against his chainmail at a distance of fifty paces.

But today, the new army's musket easily penetrated the protection, and the huge force knocked him down.

The experienced Shi Tingzhu certainly knew the terror of this kind of musket.

Due to the fierce firepower of the Marines, Wu Zhenchaoha's formation change was sluggish and his speed couldn't help but slow down.

The Marine Corps quickly seized this opportunity. The second row almost ran up and pressed forward five meters.

The effect of the second round of mounted shooting was even more amazing.

Not only was the distance closer, but the mortars behind also provided fire support.

In this coordinated attack with guns and artillery, hundreds of people in Wu Zhenchaoha were killed.

The rest could no longer bear the loss and began to flee backwards without waiting for orders.

Wu Zhenchaoha, who had high hopes from Dorgon, was as weak as a baby in front of the firepower of the new army.

All Dorgon's hopes can only be pinned on Azig.

This chapter has been completed!
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