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Chapter 669

"They fought well this time! Within a few years, there will be no more wars in Liaodong."

When news of the battle situation in Liaodong came back, Zuo Mengeng made an immediate judgment.

Others also quite recognized his judgment.

"This time we have all kinds of new weapons, and the two white flags have suffered heavy losses, which is enough for the Jurchens to slow down for a while."

Liu Yiyuan smiled and said: "If we don't understand our weapons, I'm afraid Huang Taiji won't fight again."

He looked at Zuo Fu.

"Minister Zuo, I'll leave it to you to prevent prying eyes."

Zuo Fu always had a frozen face, making it difficult to see his emotions.

"If something goes wrong, just come to me."

Speaking of the war in Liaodong, Zuo Yong made an evaluation.

"Tang Wenhuan made a lot of mistakes in this battle, otherwise the 1st Marine Brigade would not have suffered such heavy losses."

Zuo Rong also echoed: "He is too greedy. As long as he maintains a good array and is not arrogant or impetuous, there is nothing the Jurchens can do."

Seeing that everyone was criticizing Tang Wenhuan, Zuo Mengeng couldn't stand it anymore.

"Everyone, Tang Wenhuan is just a young man like you. He has just become the commander of the army. Isn't it inevitable that he lacks experience? And don't forget, he is facing Dorgon, Duduo, Ah

A world-famous general like Jige. Why do you think that you can get benefits from these famous generals?"

After these words, all the generals bowed their heads in shame.

Because as they grow, they keep making mistakes, making corrections, and growing.

Zuo Mengeng's words set off alarm bells.

"Don't ever think that our weapons are better and that victory is natural. Don't look down on your current opponents. No one is a fool, and everyone has their own unique skills. Once you have such an idea, you will sooner or later be in trouble on the battlefield.


He integrated the thoughts of later generations, and of course knew that advanced weapons did not guarantee victory.

Isn’t that rampant world’s largest country being beaten into a state of disarray on the Korean Peninsula?

Therefore, Zuo Mengeng would not miss any opportunity to alert the generals.

"Tang Wenhuan's command only had some omissions, but it is not a mistake. After learning this lesson, I believe he will be able to remember it firmly."

Everyone regained their normalcy, and after careful consideration, they couldn't help but admire Zuo Mengeng's evaluation.

Frankly speaking, although the First Marine Brigade suffered heavy losses in this battle, Tang Wenhuan managed to defeat the entire Xiangbai Banner with just one brigade, and caused more than 5,000 casualties in the Xiangbai Banner. This was definitely a great battle.


Zuo Mengeng took out a document and asked Fu Yijian to distribute it to everyone.

"This is the summary made by Tang Wenhuan. You all should take a look at it. Today we will discuss the gains and losses of this battle and our army's future plans."

Everyone fell silent and started reading the report.

"Tang Wenhuan is right. There are indeed problems with the current establishment of our army."

In his report, Tang Wenhuan put forward a shortcoming of the New Army based on actual combat.

That is, the existing organization of the New Army does not meet the needs of the battlefield.

The specific manifestation is that the number of combat units at all levels is too small, and in many cases they cannot form sufficient combat effectiveness.

For example, in the Battle of Gaizhou Guard, the 1st Marine Brigade arranged a battalion on the flank for protection.

This is the largest amount of troops that the 1st Marine Brigade can allocate.

However, the troops of this battalion were unable to withstand the attack by the cavalry with white flags.

If Tang Wenhuan and Zhang Ke hadn't been alert and mobilized rocket launchers to attack the Eight Banners cavalry, the consequences of the entire battle would have been unpredictable.

Why couldn't Tang Wenhuan arrange two battalions or even more troops on the flanks?

This involves the issue of troop organization.

In the organization of the New Army, a brigade is under the jurisdiction of two regiments, and each regiment is under the jurisdiction of three battalions.

If two battalions are mobilized, then one of the two regiments will be completely abandoned.

If more than three battalions are mobilized, there will be command problems due to different affiliations.

If you do that, it will also affect the frontal deployment of troops.

Zuo Menggeng was also flipping through the report, and he did not dare to neglect the questions raised by Tang Wenhua.

He does not feel that he is stronger than the soldiers of the current generation in this regard because of his experience in later generations.

After all, the army is organized to serve war.

Whether it is suitable for war or not can only be verified in actual combat.

Previously, the New Army had no problem fighting with its current organization. One of the main reasons was that their opponents were too weak.

Except for Amin at Qingshui Pass, the remaining White Lotus Sect and Dongjiang Town can hardly be called rivals.

When fighting against such an opponent, it actually doesn't matter what the organization is.

But this time they encountered the Eight Banners Army, the most powerful force at the time, and the problem of insufficient establishment of the new army was exposed.

From Tang Wenhuan's report, it is completely conceivable that once the scale of the future battlefield expands to tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, it is likely that omissions in troop formation will occur due to staffing issues, and the war will be lost.

"I think we can conduct an experiment in military reform through the First Marine Division."

Although the problems discovered by Tang Wenhuan were real, Zuo Mengeng did not take any chances.

After all, military reform is no joke.

This is a matter of life and death for all officers and soldiers, so it is impossible not to be cautious.

The only way is to find a pilot to test whether military reform is suitable.

The 1st Marine Division is a ready-made testing ground.

Because the First Marine Division belongs to the Navy and is not within the framework of the Army.

As an independent branch of the military, no matter how internal reforms are carried out, it will not affect the entire military at once.

At the same time, this attempt can also be used to verify whether the new military reforms are suitable for the needs of war.

Hearing that he planned to use the 1st Marine Division as a pilot, everyone unanimously agreed.

The New Army is still a new group and has not yet solidified.

Any change, as long as it is beneficial, will receive everyone's support.

“What changes are you going to make?”

Huang Zongxi asked.

As the political commissar of the New Army, he is the most sensitive to reforms.

Because every reform brings corresponding changes in positions.

Huang Zongxi firmly believed that only by firmly controlling the people can we build a good army.

Zuo Mengeng thought about it and clarified the direction.

"I plan to cancel the brigade-level establishment in the 1st Marine Division, put the division under the direct control of regiments, and at the same time expand the number of troops in regiment-level units. If each regiment has 5,000 men, it will be enough to meet the needs of a larger battlefield."

Liu Yiyuan immediately understood his intention.

"You are planning to merge the civilian departments of the combat units at the brigade and regiment levels to save troops, right?"

Zuo Mengeng couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"The chief of staff knows everything."

Among divisions and regiments, canceling the brigade-level organization will save a lot of space for soldiers.

Removing these civilian personnel who are useless on the battlefield and replacing them with combat soldiers will immediately expand the scale of combat units at all levels, and there will no longer be the problem of insufficient troops.

This chapter has been completed!
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