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Chapter 690

"Jiang Chuang, the people in the Demon Cult behave treacherously and have no bottom line. They can be used but cannot be trusted."

Liang Yue took the initiative to find Li Zicheng and expressed his feelings.

Li Zicheng was as usual.

"I heard that the White Lotus Sect caused a big disturbance in Shandong. Please tell me carefully, what is going on?"

Seeing that Li Zicheng did not blame him, Liang Yue felt more at ease.

"Since the Hongwu period, there has been a White Lotus Sect in Shandong. These people are used to confuse people's hearts. They walk in the countryside, and the villagers are ignorant and ignorant, and many of them are deceived by them. Every few decades, the White Lotus Sect will

There will be a scene. In the second year of Tianqi, Xu Hongru of the White Lotus Sect led his people to cause rebellion, and Shandong and Northern Zhili suffered widespread harm. This Xu Yaqing was Xu Hongru's daughter, and her scheming was even more sophisticated. In the second year of Chongzhen, the Tatars

When they arrived at the capital city, all of Shandong's troops and horses were mobilized to save the dog emperor. Xu Yaqing found an opportunity and contacted the White Lotus Sect's men to launch an attack, and actually captured many cities."

Li Zicheng listened carefully and got a preliminary understanding of Xu Yaqing.

"This woman is quite powerful. If she were a man, I'm afraid she would be no worse than you and me."

Liang Yue had to agree with this evaluation.

"Xu Yaqing thought she had a plan, but she didn't know that the mantis was stalking the cicada, but the oriole was behind. She planned hard and brought chaos to Shandong. As a result, Zuo Menggen returned from the capital and won consecutive battles. The White Lotus Sect and other rabble-rousers couldn't resist it.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xu Yaqing ran to Shanxi. It happened that our rebel army was sweeping through Shanxi, so Xu Yaqing thought it was an opportunity, and she probably wanted to use our rebel army to deal with the government."

Li Zicheng rubbed his chin.

"If she just thinks this way, then she is like-minded with us. But you are right, we have to be more cautious about these crooked ways."

Liang Yue said sincerely: "With these words from General Chuang, I feel at ease."

After he left, Li Guo felt uncomfortable standing by.

"This Liang Yue is not one of our own after all. We are afraid that he will conspire with that witch to harm us."

Li Zicheng looked at the fire quietly, his voice low.

"We are all brothers, so we must not think wildly. If you destroy the brotherhood, we will not rely on you."

After hearing this, the other generals became even more angry with Liang Yue.

Liang Yue left alone, and after leaving Li Zicheng's Central Army Camp, he looked back at the bonfires all over the mountains and plains, and sighed suddenly, his figure unexpectedly became much more desolate.

"The brave general has lived up to his mission. The dog officials were really interested in seeing the money and agreed."

Gu Yan is back and brings good news.

Gu Yan is his real name.

However, after joining the rebel army, he had already changed his name to Gu Junen.

Compared with a bunch of idiots, Gu Junen was well-educated and had a shrewd and flexible mind, and he soon became Li Zicheng's adviser.

This time Liang Yue brought Xu Yaqing to help the rebels find a way to break out of the encirclement. Gu Junen was the most in favor.

He personally asked for orders and went to the government and army to negotiate terms.

A large amount of gold, silver and jewels were brought out, and the money-grubbing Liu Lingyu, Wang Pu, Lu Jiude and others immediately agreed without hesitation.

"The dog officers have already written to the court, asking us to surrender. Now all the officers and soldiers have stopped, waiting for the court's order."

The rebel leaders were very happy when they heard that the official army was no longer fighting.

Zhang Miaoshou took the initiative to stand up.

"Thanks to the general, we brothers were able to survive the desperate situation. We must not forget this kindness. I see, in order to win the trust of the dog officer, we have to add fire. Who wants to go with us to meet the dog officer?

, perform this play well?"

Immediately, several rebel leaders agreed, a total of twelve people.

Li Zicheng hurriedly said: "This matter happened because of my younger brother. It should be done by my younger brother. How can I let you elder brothers take risks?"

Zhang Miao's hand refused to rely on him.

"Hey, General Chuang has done enough for us guys. If we just sit back and enjoy the benefits, are we still human?"

The leaders were all bothering each other to prevent Li Zicheng from taking risks.

Li Zicheng was greatly moved.

"We brothers will work together and this time we will give the imperial court a taste of its power."

Looking back, Li Zicheng's face was full of disgust.

"These beasts are afraid that we will leave them alone, and they are all acting like ghosts."


Zhang Miaoshou and others took the initiative to negotiate with the army, not because they were afraid of Li Zicheng's risk, nor because they wanted to help Li Zicheng avoid worries.

They were afraid that Li Zicheng would turn around and sell them after negotiating terms with the officers and soldiers alone.

But no matter what, if someone comes forward on the rebel side, it will be easier to win the trust of the officers and soldiers.

Li Zicheng quickly sent someone to notify Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, Lao Huihui and others.

No one has any objection to the false surrender.

At this point, the rebels have reached the edge of life and death. As long as there is a chance of escape, everyone will not let it go.

With the support of all the leaders, Li Zicheng quickly drew up a list of people who wanted to surrender and handed it over to Zhang Miaoshou and others.

Zhang Miaoshou and other twelve leaders once again went to Wu'an carrying heavy gifts and formally asked the court to surrender.

Liu Lingyu, Lu Jiude and others were overjoyed when they saw that all the leaders of the rebel army came and bowed their heads and paid homage to them with great courtesy.

They like this kind of thing which is both beneficial and meritorious.

"You wait with peace of mind, the imperial decree will come soon. If you repent and repent, the imperial court will grant you tolerance. This is God's great grace, and we must not ignore it. If you dare to do it again, no wonder you will be punished and wiped out in ashes.


Faced with Liu Lingyu's threat, Zhang Miaoshou and others obeyed.

It's already good enough that these gangsters didn't reveal their secrets, but we really can't expect them to do more.

When Gu Junen saw it, he had no choice but to step forward on his own.

"It's freezing cold today, and it's getting colder every day. The common people have been without food for a long time, and they can no longer survive. Please have mercy on me, sir, and allow us to trade with others and buy some food."

Having accepted so many heavy gifts, and with the great success of recruiting people in peace just around the corner, Liu Lingyu and others naturally did not want to cause trouble.

"It's OK to buy food, but you must not disturb the people and cause trouble."

Seeing that the government had relaxed restrictions, Gu Junen quickly kowtowed and thanked him, but his heart felt cold.

As long as the imperial court does not restrict their actions, they will definitely be able to find opportunities to take advantage of them.

The exchange of letters between the imperial court will definitely take a lot of time, and the imperial court's attitude is unclear. Taking advantage of this time, the rebels can always find opportunities.

"My lords, you are tolerant and your kindness is immense. I am grateful to the common people and will not dare to make any mistakes again. I will definitely be obedient and wait for the Holy Judgment. I also ask all my lords to speak kindly to affirm the loyalty of the common people."

Gu Junen once again presented a heavy gift, and Liu Lingyu, Lu Jiude and others were delighted.

Suppressing thieves seems to be hard work, but if you can keep making money like this, it will be nothing.

A few guys who are too smart to be smart actually dreamed of fighting all the way through.

Recruiting surrender and accepting gifts at the same time can be said to be a meritorious service, and you can earn money without delay.

This chapter has been completed!
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