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Chapter 694 Xing, the people suffer

There is no autumn in Songjiang Prefecture.

After a night of cold wind, the world immediately became desolate, and everywhere you looked there was a trace of grayness.

In such weather, walking on the road is a kind of suffering.

People who have nothing to do can't help but speed up their pace, just to get home as soon as possible.

There was only one woman walking slowly on the road.

Although her hands and feet were numb from the cold, she was only wearing a single piece of clothing, and her fluffy hair had not been washed for who knows how long.

The most important thing to her was the two pieces of cotton cloth held in her arms.

In front of me is a cloth shop with its door open, seemingly welcoming visitors from all directions.

But looking at the open door, the woman hesitated in her steps.

He moved forward step by step, with eagerness in his eyes but timidity under his feet.

The counter of the cloth shop was right at the door. When the boss saw her, he couldn't help but sigh softly and came out to greet her.

"Sister-in-law Aqing, is there something wrong?"

Obviously they knew each other and were very familiar with each other.

The woman's body became even shorter.

"Shopkeeper Tong, are we going to make cloth here? Look, it's all hand-spun by Ala. It's the finest quality cloth."

The shopkeeper seemed to have known her purpose for a long time.

"Sister-in-law Aqing, we have an old relationship, and I have always taken care of you in the past. But you also know that fabrics are now rampant in factories, and they are cheap and good. I accept fabrics like yours, but I can't sell them!"

When the woman heard this, her eyes couldn't help but dim.

"Then...then...then...I won't disturb your business."

Seeing the woman turning around to leave, the shopkeeper couldn't help but stamp his feet, and when he chased after her, he took out two taels of silver from his arms.

"Sister-in-law Aqing, I know you are having a hard time. There is some broken silver here. You can take it first and wait until you get through this period."

The woman didn't answer, and stepped back even more hastily.

"Ala has hands and feet, how can he receive favors from others? Shopkeeper Tong, Ala is not a beggar. Ala's cloth is the best in Songjiang Prefecture. How can I cut it?"

Seeing that she refused to accept it, the shopkeeper expressed his sincerity.

"Sister-in-law Aqing, why do you have to hold on? You are such a good craftsman, no matter which factory you go to, people will open the door to welcome you. No matter what, you will not have enough to eat!"

The woman just shook her head.

“Ala just can’t understand why no one wants such a good cloth like Zi Ala?”

She turned around and walked further and further away chattering, her figure becoming increasingly blurred in the cold wind.

"Allah's cloth is very good. If you don't want it, it's because you don't know the goods. But other people can't get enough of Allah's cloth if they want it..."

The shopkeeper looked at each other from afar in the back, but didn't know what to think.

Looking back again, looking at the dazzling array of cotton fabrics in my store, I can only sigh and shake my head.

The cloth from these factories is cheap and easy to sell, but why does it make people unhappy?

Aqing's cloth was not sold after all.

When it was getting dark, she finally returned home dragging her frail body.

The originally bright and spacious courtyard was now covered with dust due to neglect.

A doll with a big head and a pair of bright and beautiful eyes is waiting for her to come back.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

Mrs. Ah Qing sat down slowly, holding her child in her arms. All she could see were the yellow leaves falling in the sky.

"Be good, Mommy will prepare delicious food for you right away."

The child was indeed well-behaved and stopped crying and fussing when he heard there was food. He snuggled into his mother's arms and even helped her tidy up her messy hair.

Mrs. Ah Qing was like a stone statue, but her hand never stopped slapping the child.

Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk

Selling sugar porridge

Three pounds of walnuts and four pounds of shells

Please eat my meat

I'll give you a shell

Uncle Zhang's family

Come back tomorrow morning...

In the small courtyard in the deep alley, the woman's gentle murmur could not make any waves in the huge Songjiang Mansion.

The next day, the neighbor got up very early and went out to fetch water.

When I came back, I saw that the door of the small courtyard was still closed, and I couldn't help but wonder.

Sister-in-law Ah Qing is the most diligent person. How did she get such good sleep this morning?

The neighbor was worried, so he went home and poured water, then came back and banged on the courtyard door.

"Sister-in-law Ah Qing! Sister-in-law Ah Qing! Nong is cutting? But is he sick? Do you want to call the doctor for Nong?"

There was no response from the yard, and the neighbor became even more worried, so he hurriedly looked for his neighbors again.

Everyone worked together and finally broke the door open.

Everyone rushed in and opened the door again, and they all stopped in their tracks.

In the indoor hall, two figures, one large and one small, were seen floating back and forth in the cold wind outside the door.

Sister-in-law Aqing is dead.

He hanged himself with his young children.

This was originally an ordinary woman, but her death turned into flames.

Outside the Songjiang Mansion Yamen, countless people came from all directions, and then they all knelt on the ground. Although there was no sound, the terror of the dark clouds looming over the city made everyone feel that a storm was coming.

In the government office, Fang Yuegong walked out quickly after learning the news, only to see countless people surrounding the government office.

Many of them even wore sackcloth and mourning, with the determination to seek death.

"You...what are you doing?"

Suddenly someone among the people shouted.

"Please let your parents and elders make the decision, burn down the factory, destroy the machines, and give the people of Songjiang a way to live!"

With one word, thousands of people respond.

"Please make the decision, parents and elders, and give the people of Songjiang a way to live!"

The sound shook the sky, the wind and clouds changed color, and Fang Yue Gong was so excited that he took three steps back.

He finally understood that something big was coming.

But he quickly caught what he wanted from such a call.

"As a member of the Qingtian, I naturally have to make decisions for you. Today's public opinion is as strong as iron, and it is time to eliminate harm for the people. Please be calm and wait for a while, and let me seek justice for you."

Fang Yuegong decided to make good use of this opportunity to achieve his goal.

Seeing that the prefect was willing to make decisions for everyone, many people cheered and finally found the backbone.

They dispersed one after another, spreading the news around, waiting to see what the outcome would be.

Fang Yuegong returned to the government office and summoned local officials to discuss the matter.

"Evil things like textile factories have caused public resentment, and many people have lost their families and lives as a result. As local officials, we should consider the people and cannot allow these evil things to continue to cause harm."

As soon as this statement came out, the officials present had different expressions.

Fellow colleague Zheng Yongchun was a little worried.

"The people who set up the factory are all local squires. These people are so entangled in the government that they are afraid that a single move will affect the whole body, and the consequences will be unpredictable."

Fang Yuegong spoke out angrily, directly exposing the appearance.

"Who in the Xu family doesn't know that they are related by marriage to Zuo Ni from Shandong? Their ambitions are obvious. Now that the people are so angry with him, it is an opportunity to use the public's support to bring order to the chaos."

Fang Yuegong's meaning is already obvious.

He just planned to use the anger of the people to suppress these emerging forces.

Anyway, that's what public opinion is.

Regardless of whether it is the Xu family or Shandong, if you really refuse to give up, you are going against the people of the world.

At that time, it will no longer be morally tenable.

Promotion official Li Wanxiang is not so optimistic.

"Nowadays, in Songjiang, eight out of ten people rely on new factories to make a living. If you insist on banning them, you may push the gourd and set off the gourd!"

Fang Yuegong was stubborn.

"Since ancient times, studying and farming has been the way to run a family. Talking about profit and seeking money will only corrupt people's hearts. If we don't take this opportunity to reshape the atmosphere today, the world will be corrupted by the pursuit of profit in the future, leading to rampant wild beasts and the loss of morality.

.This is the critical moment when the hearts of the people in the world are dying!”

This chapter has been completed!
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