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Chapter 695 Inferiority [hala madrid

None of the other officials in Songjiang Prefecture were optimistic about Fang Yuegong's plan.

In fact, everyone knows what the current situation of Songjiang Prefecture is.

Although there are many people complaining about grievances in government offices today, compared with the real situation, these people are just a drop in the ocean.

If we really break out, the consequences will be unpredictable.

But Fang Yuegong has always been a tough and stubborn person, and he knew that this was a golden opportunity.

"Shandong is thousands of miles away, beyond the reach of a whip. If we don't take this opportunity to cut off the source of trouble in Songjiang Mansion and connect the two sides together in the future, we will die without a place to bury ourselves."

Fang Yuegong stood up and bowed to all the officials.

"Everyone, how can we, who have read poems and books and followed the holy way, just watch the Zhengshuo of the Ming Dynasty being invaded by the young people? The troubles in the north are endless and will continue to spread. If the south of the Yangtze River can no longer be stabilized, the Ming Dynasty will be in danger."

After hearing this, everyone lamented.

In essence, they actually stand with Fang Yuegong.

After all, we are all scholars, disciples of Confucius and Mencius, and we all have vested interests. Of course we do not want to lose our inherent benefits.

But they are also local officials of Songjiang Prefecture, and they know the local situation very well, and many of their families are even involved in new industries.

This dilemma makes many people choose to turn a blind eye.

And this is what Fang Yuegong wants.

After all, he is the prefect of Songjiang and holds great power. As long as other officials do not insist on opposing it, he can do everything he can.

"Come on, let's invite all the squires to come."

Fang Yuegong decided to pay homage first and then fight.

If the Xu family, Pan family, Qu family, etc. choose to surrender, then he does not have to choose violent means.

If these squire and businessmen did not give in, Fang Yuegong could not help but clenched his fists.

There was a turmoil in the outside world, and naturally Xu Ji and others had already learned about it.

Just as Fang Yuegong was planning to deal with them, all the families in the Xu Mansion also gathered together and began to discuss countermeasures.

"It seems that this prefect has come with bad intentions. We must deal with him carefully."

After all, Pan Yunlong had been an official and knew the situation best in the officialdom, so he frowned.

One shareholder was afraid.

"In the final analysis, we have gone too far and forced people to death. I think it is better for us to use some money. As long as we can eliminate the trouble and do business well, then everything will be fine."

Xu Erjue was very angry after hearing this.

"Is this a matter of money? Now it is a matter of life and death for us, so we must pay attention to it."

Qu Yin is still a little naive.

"Now that Songjiang is completely supported by us, does that prefect really dare to risk the disapproval of the world and take such desperate measures?"

All the shareholders were talking about it for a while, and they all felt that the government did not dare to go too far.

This scene made Xu Erjue worried.

"Father, uncles, how can you put your life and death in other people's hands at this point? If that magistrate's butcher's knife was raised high, and we were unprepared, would we really be killed by him and the blood would flow like a river, and our great foundation would be destroyed?


Some people don't believe it.

"He dares to kill people without fear of impeachment?"

This time it was Pan Xiaona who came forward.

"Uncle Zhang, you have also read the commander-in-chief's article. Isn't it clear now? We and this imperial court have long been enemies rather than friends, and it is difficult to coexist. Are they, the landlord class, willing to have us businessmen usurp their interests? As long as we are enemies.

If given the chance, their counterattack will definitely be the most cruel. Judging from my nephew's opinion, this prefect might have set up a Hongmen Banquet."

The firm attitude of the two young people finally made everyone nervous.

"What should we do?"

"The government has soldiers and swords in its hands. If we really want to take action, how can we resist?"

Xu Erjue became the protagonist of the meeting today.

"No matter what, we can't just fight for it. We have great righteousness, so we can only fight to the death."

He doesn't just talk empty words.

"Today, more than seven out of ten people in Songjiang rely on our new textiles to make a living. Everyone is living a prosperous life relying on the new textile technology. If the government does this, it is tantamount to destroying everyone's jobs. In my humble opinion, my nephew,

We must unite everyone, show our strength, and rely on the strength of the big guys to fight against the government. Even if the government wants to take action, we have more people and strength, so we will not be afraid of him."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

They are all practitioners, and they obviously know the situation in Songjiang Mansion better than the government.

Nowadays, new textile factories have bloomed all over Songjiang Prefecture, and together with various supporting industries, they have indeed absorbed more than four-fifths of the population.

The vigorous development of new industries not only brings stronger market competitiveness to Songjiang cloth, but also allows many Songjiang people to gain benefits from new industries.

The government's actions are undoubtedly harming the interests of the vast majority of people.

In this case, once there is a confrontation, these people are not the ones who are unjust and have little help, but the ones who have the right are many.

With this foundation in place, it’s not like we can’t fight for it.

But Xu Ji was still worried.

"No matter how many people support us, they are all defenseless people. If the governor really kills us, what will we do?"

Xu Erjue recalled Zuo Mengeng's teachings and the idea he just got in his mind, and his attitude became more determined.

"Since the government doesn't give us a way to survive, let's find a way to survive. The people in the northwest are revolting because they can't survive. What are we missing?"

Hearing that armed rebellion was planned, everyone present could not help but feel uneasy.

Pan Yunlong asked: "If it really comes to this point and the imperial court mobilizes a large army to attack, what will we do?"

The person next to Xu Erjue stood up.

"I have sent urgent military information to Shandong. Within five days, Shandong will definitely learn about it. In order to protect our Songjiang Prefecture, Shandong has already made preparations. In other words, in less than a month at the latest, Shandong's army will be able to rush to rescue by sea.

.As long as we can persist for more than a month, everything will be settled."

Everyone here knows that this person was sent from Shandong.

"Mr. Wang, the imperial army is very close at hand. I'm afraid that mine won't be able to support me for more than a month!"

This person's name is Wang Ruixian, the head of the Intelligence Department in Songjiang Prefecture.

At this time, he needs to stand up and boost everyone's morale.

"The commander-in-chief of my family once said: How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? In the same way, if you want to achieve great things, how can it be smooth sailing? The road ahead for us must be built with flesh and blood. Everyone, at this critical moment of life and death, you still have to be afraid of something.


These words made everyone in Songjiang Mansion feel ashamed.

After all, they are just businessmen.

After getting used to making money and talking about it, they are accustomed to finding proper and stable solutions to whatever problems they face.

This is also the bad nature of the bourgeoisie.

It is almost their instinct to compromise when encountering difficulties.

But now Wang Ruixian has exposed the crisis nakedly in front of them.

Compromise is obviously no longer useful.

Or give birth!

Or die!

How should everyone in Songjiang Mansion choose?

This chapter has been completed!
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