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Chapter 700 The wind rises in Jiangnan [Happy birthday to my wife Yuner! 】

In Songjiang Prefecture, Xu Ji, Wang Ruixian and others began to actively prepare for war, nervously waiting for the official counterattack.

However, after waiting and waiting for several days, there was no sign of the officers and soldiers.

They still don't know that chaos has already broken out all over Songjiang Prefecture.

What happened in Songjiang Prefecture spread to other places as if it had wings, causing an uproar immediately.

There are many people engaged in industrial textiles in various parts of Songjiang, and these people are naturally allies of the Xu family.

The Songjiang government wants to adopt an extermination attitude towards industrial textiles, and of course it will also destroy the jobs of these people.

There was no connection or discussion, and the resistance actions in various parts of Songjiang Prefecture all started spontaneously.

After Qu Ye of Loutang received the message from his father, he immediately held discussions with local merchants.

After everyone learned of the crisis, they quickly united together.

They took the lead before the government, expelled all the local officials, and completely controlled the situation in Loutang.

This is especially true in Fengxian.

Workers at the spinning wheel factory launched a riot and occupied Nanqiao Town, beating local officials and fleeing.

Similar things happened all over Songjiang Prefecture.

While various places spontaneously resisted, they sent people to Songjiang Fucheng to inquire about the situation.

Fang Yuegong never expected that his tough actions would arouse such a big resistance.

After being driven out of Songjiang Fucheng, the officers and soldiers could no longer stand still and hurriedly headed west.

They retreated all the way to Qingpu and finally stabilized their position.

"Hurry and send someone to report to Nanjing and ask the imperial court to mobilize a large army to suppress the rebellion."

Fang Yuegong was panting like an ox, his face full of panic.

He knew that when things got to this point, he could no longer solve them.

Regarding asking for help from Nanjing, neither Zheng Yongchun nor Li Wanxiang had any objections.

The riots in Songjiang Mansion had a great impact on their career. If it cannot be calmed down as soon as possible, they will all be held responsible.

But even so, Zheng Wanchun was still full of complaints against Fang Yuegong.

"Your Majesty has long said that we need to take a long-term approach. Your Excellency insists on going his own way, which is why today's chaos is happening. I'm afraid that the court will be powerless and it will lead to bad consequences."

Fang Yuegong was not intimidated by the temporary setback.

"Songjiang Prefecture is our territory of the Ming Dynasty. How can we allow ghosts and monsters to steal the property? These rebels are not willing to accept the king's rule. I will put them down with my strength."

Li Wanxiang was as anxious as an ant on a pot.

"Nowadays, there are rebellions everywhere, and there are more than tens of thousands of thieves. Do we really want to kill one person and make a river of blood flow?"

Fang Yuegong looked over coldly.

"Are you two just sitting back and watching our territory of the Ming Dynasty be occupied by rebels? If so, how can you and I explain to His Majesty?"

Zheng Yongchun and Li Wanxiang were unhappy.

There was a commotion here, and some local gentlemen from Qingpu came to ask for an audience.

"My Excellency, Xu Erxuan, I heard that there was chaos in the city and that all of you are here, so I came here to help."

When he saw the person coming, Fang Yuegong's eyes were cautious.

"But Queen Wanghu?"

Xu Erxuan is now forty-one years old. He is rich and elegant, but not at all elegant.

But he was born into a scholarly family.

Because his grandfather is Xu Zhi.

Xu Jie's younger brother.

Yes, Xu Erxuan came here on behalf of the Xu family in Qingpu.

Although the world calls Xu Jie Xu Huating, in fact the Xu family is from Qingpu County.

It was only later that Xu Jie moved to Songjiang, so it was called Xu Huating.

But the foundation of the Xu family has always been in Qingpu.

At its peak, the Xu family occupied half of Songjiang's cultivated land, basically in the Qingpu area.

Because Huating County, the capital city, is located and the surrounding business is booming, there is not much arable land at all.

Seo Er-hyun has a clear attitude.

"My Xu family has been favored by the emperor, and my ancestors have dedicated their lives to the Ming Dynasty. Although Xu is a commoner today, he has a peaceful heart, which can be learned from heaven and earth. If you have some encouragement, please make it clear that our Xu family will not be left behind.


Zheng Yongchun's eyes were full of doubt.

"I wonder what the relationship is between the Xu family in Qingpu and the Xu family in Songjiang?"

There is no reason for the suspicion of several officials.

This Xu Erxuan only looked at his name, and he seemed to be related to Xu Erjue, Xu Erjue and others.

Xu Erxuan snorted coldly.

"I, the Xu family in Qingpu, have been farming and studying for generations. We have a clean family and have nothing to do with those people who look up to the Western barbarians and pursue money and bad reputation."

Hearing this, Fang Yuegong and others couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"I didn't expect that there are loyal people in Songjiang Mansion where merchants are rampant. With Xu Gong helping me, why worry about the thieves not being wiped out?"

Xu Erxuan was filled with emotion.

"Songjiang has been prosperous since ancient times because the local people live and work in peace and contentment. However, since the rise of merchants, people's hearts have become impetuous, leading to a smoky atmosphere. Now they are rebelling against the imperial court and corrupting Gangchang. I hope you will use your thunderbolts to punish Xiaoxiao and return Songjiang Mansion to a clean and bright future.


He also added weights.

"Xu has contacted loyal people, asking for money and people. I just ask you, sir, not to hesitate, to put down the rebellion quickly, so that the people of Songjiang can enjoy peace."

Sure enough, in the next few days, many gentlemen from all over Songjiang came to join us.

These people not only brought money, but also servants, and soon a team of tens of thousands of people gathered around Fang Yuegong and others.

During this period, officers and soldiers from various places in Songjiang Prefecture also began to send troops after receiving the transfer order.

There were two main garrison troops in Songjiang Prefecture during the Ming Dynasty.

One is the deputy general of Jiangnan who is stationed in Wusong, and the other is the general of Jinshan who is stationed in Jinshan.

Among them, the Ming army stationed in Wusong was closer to Songjiang Fucheng. After receiving the military information, Jiangnan Deputy Chief Ma Daxuan immediately led his army southward and invaded Fucheng.

However, because he was alone, Ma Daxuan did not dare to attack alone. He could only station himself thirty miles away from Fucheng, waiting for Fang Yuegong and others to lead their troops to join them.

Jinshan Ginseng on the other side was far away, so he received the order to gather his troops and set off again. It was already ten days later.

For a journey of more than two hundred miles, the Jinshan Ming Army walked for eight days before finally crossing the Huangpu River from Yangjiatang and stationed in the Maqiao Town area.

With such a delay, half of the month predicted by Wang Ruixian has passed, and the defensive pressure on Songjiang Fucheng has been greatly reduced.

However, after what happened in Songjiang Prefecture spread to Nanjing, the effect was devastating.

"Are you really not forcing the people to rebel?"

After receiving the report from Fang Yuegong, all the officials in Nanjing couldn't believe it.

Jiangnan has always been prosperous and the people's livelihood is stable. Now it is actually said that Songjiang Prefecture has rebelled. It is really unexpected.

"The prefect has always been honest and honest. He is most sympathetic to the people's livelihood. He should not force the people to go too far."

Tang Shiji, the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, was responsible for evaluating Jiangnan officials and knew Fang Yuegong very well.

"I tell you guys, how can we postpone such a big thing? We should mobilize all our troops to quell the rebellion."

The most active person among the Nanjing officials present was naturally the Nanjing garrison eunuch Liu Ning.

Eunuchs represent imperial power. If someone rebels, eunuchs will react the most violently.

But when it came to sending troops to Songjiang Prefecture, all the officials in Nanjing showed embarrassment.

"Could it be that Shandong Zuo Mengeng has some plot against Songjiang Mansion?"

A single sentence from Tang Dazhang, the Minister of Rites, made all the civil and military officials in Jiangnan nervous.

This chapter has been completed!
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