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Chapter 705

Qingpu Town.

What used to be a famous city in the southeast has now become a hell on earth.

Countless corpses were hung high and exposed to the sun, making God unable to bear to look directly at them and hiding behind the clouds.

Xu Erxuan stood on the high platform excitedly and crazily, shouting like a demon coming to the world.

"Open your eyes and take a good look. You don't know your superiors and inferiors. You don't want to keep your business in peace. You seek ill-gotten gains. You join in trouble with thieves. This is how you end up. These unruly people have no king or father, and they don't care about ethics. They are not harsh punishments."

If it is not enough to punish their evil deeds, if there are still people who persist in their stubbornness, these traitors will suffer the end."

All around the square, soldiers were surrounded, with swords and guns like a forest, watching eagerly.

In the square, all the local people in Qingpu gathered together to watch the execution.

All the local businessmen and people engaged in industrial textiles in Qingpu were arrested by Fang Yuegong's heavy troops, and all their property was confiscated.

All the captured innocent merchants and common people were escorted here, beheaded or hanged, no matter men, women, old or young, none of them were spared.

For a time, Qingpu Town was filled with blood and a fishy smell.

The gentry, landlords, and court officials sitting on the high platform were all very proud, as if they had achieved a huge victory.

The people of Qingpu who witnessed the whole massacre cried loudly, and their eyes of hatred were always fixed on these demons.

Although they dare not speak out in anger, the seeds of hatred have already been planted.

But the landowners and gentry who fought back did not care about this.

They only thought that after extinguishing the emerging flames, they would be able to dominate the world again.

Fang Yuegong, an upright official who was originally praised by all the people, has now transformed into the cruelest executioner.

" Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce have been discussed since ancient times; people are divided into high and low, and each should be safe. Although you do not understand the ways of saints and sages, you should not have any improper thoughts. From now on, you can farm and weave and guard your family business together, and you will not be confused.

My own heart has lost my duty. The laws of the country are glorious and the power of God is terrifying. I remember you and do not offend you."

The merchants and people in Qingpu Town did not receive information in time because they were too far away from Songjiang Prefecture. As a result, Fang Yuegong, Xu Erxuan and others suddenly launched an attack, and were poisoned.

After completing the massacre, Fang Yuegong, Xu Erxuan and others did not give up. They sent another message to Zhu Guobi who was on the way, urging him to march quickly.

In order to wipe out the emerging industrial and commercial forces, these feudal classes could not wait for a moment.

Just when Songjiang Mansion was in turmoil, the news finally reached Shandong.

"Everything is carried out in accordance with the established plan, and the Navy and Marine Corps are ordered to set off immediately."

Preparations had been made long ago, so Zuo Mengeng immediately gave the order after receiving the news.

"Is everything going to be okay with father and the family?"

Xu Ruolin was worried after learning about the situation in Songjiang Mansion.

She had just lost her grandfather, and what she feared most was that something would happen to her family.

Zuo Mengeng hurriedly reassured: "Songjiang Mansion has already made arrangements. Now it has occupied the city and planned the Jinshan Guard. Anyway, nothing will happen for a while. The imperial army in the south of the Yangtze River is in a state of decay. I am afraid that Songjiang Mansion has not been conquered.

Ability. If we work hard here, we will definitely be able to do it in time."

Xu Ruolin helped Zuo Mengeng organize the items for the expedition.

"If the war breaks out, will the imperial court go into full-scale war?"

Zuo Mengeng was full of confidence.

"Even if Chongzhen wants to start a war, he must have the ability."

This time heading south to Songjiang, Zuo Menggeng decided to lead the army himself.

This is not because his hands are itchy, but because Songjiang Mansion is very important.

It is actually not difficult to protect the safety of Songjiang Prefecture.

What is difficult is the follow-up planning and the game with the court.

Generals in the army cannot make the final decision on many major events.

Only when he, the commander-in-chief, comes in person can he make a decision faster.

Not only him, but also Chen Zhi and Zuo Maodi were accompanying him.

These two people went to take over Songjiang Mansion.

This time Shandong has decided to incorporate Songjiang Prefecture into its territory.

Songjiang Mansion was isolated and very important, so important officials had to be dispatched to take charge.

After discussion, Chen Zhi and Zuo Maodi became suitable candidates.

The Anshan Lake Industrial Zone that Zuo Maodi was originally responsible for was replaced by Qi Biaojia.

Zuo Menggeng and the others set off from Jinan and rushed all the way to Qingdao. The army had already completed preparations.

The cargo ships were filled with various supplies, enough to carry out a large-scale battle.

With the arrival of Zuo Menggeng, the Marine Corps began to board the ship.

The first wave to follow the navy was the 1st Regiment of the 1st Marine Division.

There is no way, the First Marine Division has too many troops.

There are more than 40,000 people, and it is impossible to invest them in Songjiang Mansion at one time just relying on the current navy's transportation capacity.

The more than 5,000 people and equipment of the first regiment alone have already occupied all the cargo ships.

Although there is only one regiment, everyone in the new army is full of confidence.

In recent years, the Ming Dynasty's military preparedness in Jiangnan has been thoroughly investigated by Shandong.

In Zuo Yong's words, this regiment alone is enough to capture the entire Jiangnan.

Of course.

This is only from a military perspective. Being able to defeat it does not mean that it can be completely occupied.

After all, the territory of Jiangnan is vast and there are many cities. Although one regiment can capture the cities, it cannot complete the occupation of them all.

With this group here, Songjiang Prefecture will be safe from worries.

As for the follow-up plans, they can be launched slowly.

Looking at the overwhelming number of sailboats in the harbor, Zuo Menggeng was filled with pride.

"Let's go."

The messenger waved the flag, and the bells on the shore immediately rang continuously.

Countless people stopped what they were doing and rushed to the shore, waving to the slowly sailing fleet.

Everyone's face was filled with excited smiles.

Just because everyone knows that every expedition of the New Army results in victory.

With one victory after another, who would worry?

On the shore, Hou Xun, Huang Zongxi and others saw off the fleet.

"Zhongheng must remember that the purpose of this war is only for Songjiang Mansion and must not be expanded. Otherwise, the imperial court will lose face and lose its reason. This is not in our interests."

Zuo Menggen returned the gift.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu. After this battle, Songjiang Mansion will belong to me in Shandong."

Seeing hundreds of warships meandering out of the harbor and covering the entire sea, everyone in Shandong was filled with emotion.

At that time, which country in the world could withstand such a huge fleet?

This expedition was the farthest place Zuo Menggeng led his army to, and it was also by sea.

Visiting the sea of ​​this era in person made Zuo Mengeng even more excited.

He stood on the command podium and looked around with a telescope, enjoying everything he saw.

He didn't care even if it was cold and windy.

And such a cold wind made the navy even more happy.

"The wind is blowing from the north now. The boat can take advantage of the wind and travel faster than before. It only takes about ten days for us to reach Songjiang."

As the fleet commander, Zuo Hua made accurate calculations.

He felt more and more that Shandong was really in the right place.

Otherwise, why would every expedition have the right time, location, and people?

This chapter has been completed!
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