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Chapter 709 The magic weapon descends from the sky

Zhenjiang Guard collapsed.

When the vine shield cannot withstand muskets, no one is willing to die for no reason.

Even though Li Zheng tried his best to maintain it, the soldiers under his command simply refused to obey orders.

Obviously there were thousands of Zhenjiang Guards, several times as many as the Musketeers, but seeing their companions falling down one by one around them, the rest of the soldiers were still frightened.

Looking down from the sky, thousands of people retreated faster than the tide ebbs.

The soldiers of the Musketeers did not expect that they could repel several times the enemy with just a few people.

This made them immediately change from timid to arrogant, and each of them couldn't help but speed up their pace, wanting to kill more enemies.

"Stop! Stop quickly! Don't run around!"

Wang Ruixian yelled repeatedly, finally getting the Musketeers to stop their restlessness.

He had just seen the Musketeers' formation become chaotic.

If they can't stop, these people will turn into a mob in just a few moments.

Once the official army launches a counterattack, the musketeers will definitely be wiped out.

In any case, the battle was won.

Wang Ruixian breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and shouted towards the top of the city: "Some people, come down and bring fire and oil."

Xu Erjue was on the city wall behind him and witnessed the entire battle process with his own eyes.

Seeing the muskets firing row after row, countless enemies being wiped out in ashes, this feeling was completely beyond his cognition and made his blood boil.

No matter how many epic poems and poems I have read in the past, no matter how gorgeous the words are, they can never be compared with the real scenes.

Upon hearing Wang Ruixian's call, Xu Erjue volunteered and rushed down with his men.

Following Wang Ruixian's instructions, the rams and battering rams abandoned by Zhenjiang Guards were doused with oil and then burned to ashes.

This day's battle ends here.

The officers and soldiers suffered a heavy setback and had no choice but to retreat back to the camp. There was no way to make a comeback without proper repairs.

A great victory was won in the city, and their morale was high. They respected Wang Ruixian and Li Chongtian even more like gods.

The morale of both sides contrasted, and the defensive form also became very good.

The battle was lost, and Zhu Guobi and Fang Yuegong did not sum up their experience.

With their abilities, even if they wanted to summarize, they couldn't do it!

The only thing that can be done is to pass the blame.

"Why hasn't Uncle Cheng arrived yet?"

"Delaying the military plane is an unforgivable crime. I will definitely take part in this!"

Zhu Guobi and Fang Yuegong said something to each other, completely shifting the responsibility for the defeat to Liu Kongzhao, who was not present.

It seemed that if Liu Kongzhao arrived with his army, the battle would be won.

Just saying it was not enough, Zhu Guobi decided to make the matter a reality.

"Send people to Xupu quickly and tell Lord Chengyi that if we can't arrive within three days, I will have to engage in military law."

He is the garrison of Nanjing, the largest military officer in Nanjing, and has the right to punish other generals.

Anyway, as long as he can get away with it, Zhu Guobi doesn't mind attacking others.

As soon as the war broke out in Songjiang Mansion, all eyes in Jiangnan were focused here.

In a secluded courtyard in distant Taicang, some businessmen were hiding in it to discuss secretly.

"Commander Zuo's words are true. These landowners and gentry will definitely put us and other merchants to death soon. If Songjiang Prefecture loses, I'm afraid you and I will not be able to escape the disaster."

"Who says it's not the case? We can't even do good business with this corrupt court."

One of them had a subtle look in his eyes.

"For this plan, we have to do our best, but we can't let our colleagues in Songjiang Prefecture really lose."

The others all changed their colors, obviously frightened.

"Brother Yu, don't be impulsive. You and I are just ordinary people with no power to tie a chicken. I'm afraid that if we can't help each other, we will be trapped instead."

The man chuckled.

"It won't work if we use knives to kill people. If we don't keep it together, the dog officials will chop off their heads and dye their black hats red. But our brothers are doing business all over the world and have a wide range of friends, but it is not impossible to accomplish anything."

He waved and asked everyone to come closer.

"Everyone, do you know Li Sanliang, the giant bandit of Taihu Lake?"

When Nanzhili launched troops against Songjiang and fought with tens of thousands of troops, the consumption of food and grass was like running water.

In order to support the army, Nanjing did its best.

It only took half a month to raise a batch of grain and grass, and the Ministry of Revenue immediately sent people to escort it to the army.

This batch of grain and grass was for Zhu Guobi, so it could not go through the Yangtze River, but through other waterways.

The ships escorting grain and grass sailed in Taihu Lake for several miles, which was a spectacular sight.

But the escorting officials were quite leisurely. They were sitting on the bow of the boat, with the tea table on the table and delicious wine and food in their stomachs. It was better than going on a wild trip.

In this land south of the Yangtze River, what is there to worry about?

But the reality soon told him that everything he thought was too wonderful.

"No, the boat is leaking, please come quickly!"

Screams from a ship woke the officials from their intoxication.

He looked in shock and saw many people running back and forth on a boat behind him.

And the ship was already tilting to one side, and it was obviously not far from sinking.

Before the officials could figure out what was going on, screams broke out one after another in the fleet.

"This ship is leaking too!"

"My boat is gone too!"

The officials looked around in horror and saw that all the ships in sight were in chaos, and nearly half of the ships were submerged in the water.

"What happened?"

No one could answer him, everyone knew that the matter was serious.

"Hurry and save people!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the official changed his words again.

"Save food quickly!"

It doesn't matter how many people die, if the military rations are gone, his head will definitely not be saved.

But before the rescue started, someone noticed something was wrong.

"There is movement under the water, someone is up to something!"

The official quickly lay down on the bow of the boat and looked into the water. However, the cold water was like fog, covering everything, and nothing could be seen at all.

The remaining ships were still taking on water one after another.

More than an hour later, there were only broken sails and broken wood floating on the entire Taihu Lake, and there was not a single intact ship left.

Three days later, Zhu Guobi and Fang Yuegong, who were in Songjiang Prefecture, learned that all the grain and grass had sunk in Taihu Lake.

"Marquis Funing, the army only has enough food and grass for two days. If we can't break the city and the people below find out about the situation, we will definitely be defeated."

Fang Yuegong was in charge of food and grass and revealed the details.

The real situation made Zhu Guobi's scalp numb.

"Come on, pass on the order. All soldiers and horses will go into battle today. No one is allowed to hold back. The city must be destroyed within today."

Zhu Guobi certainly knew the consequences of failure.

He is crazy.

He no longer cares about arrangements and common sense.

He only wants Songjiang Mansion.

Although the generals and soldiers below did not know what happened, under his strict orders, they could only bite the bullet and launch a desperate attack on Songjiang Mansion.

Although the officers and soldiers in Jiangnan were very relaxed, when they really tried their best, the Songjiang Mansion felt a suffocating pressure.

This time Zhu Guobi even went into battle himself.

"Uncle Chengyi's navy has set out from Xupu and will arrive within today. How can we leave the power of destroying the city to others? Give it to me, give it all to me! Whoever dares to retreat from the battle will be killed by this lord without mercy.


Zhu Guobi's crazy howling had just spurred the champion's morale to attack, when a continuous muffled thunder suddenly came from the northern horizon.

The whole earth seemed to be shaking.

Both the attacker and the defender stopped their movements in unison and looked to the north in confusion.

Zhu Guobi looked at the sunny sky and had no idea what was happening.

It doesn’t look like it’s going to rain!

What's more, it's winter now. Even if it rains, how can it thunder?

Fang Yuegong frowned.

"Could it be that the earth dragon turned over?"

They were ignorant here, but on the top of the city, Wang Ruixian, who was covered in blood, screamed excitedly.

"Reinforcements have arrived, we are finally saved!"

In the city where there were heavy casualties, other people looked at each other in confusion, not knowing where the reinforcements he mentioned were.

Before anyone could ask questions, an explosion of smoke suddenly rose from the array of officers and soldiers below the city.

The power of the explosion this time was very violent, which could not be achieved by the infantry artillery at the top of the city.

Seeing dozens of officers and soldiers being swept away by the explosion, before everyone could recover, the vast open space was filled with fire dragons, as bright as fireworks.

The people in the city suddenly turned around and looked toward the river behind them.

But seeing the Huangpu River flowing leisurely, countless white sails on the river from the north were already approaching.

At the highest point of every ship, a bright red flag flutters in the wind.

The sun and moon shining flag above is so breathtaking

Seeing that all the officers and soldiers were buried under the overwhelming artillery fire, the people in the city finally understood.

The reinforcements have indeed arrived!

This chapter has been completed!
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