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Chapter 717 Dao is one foot high, the devil is one foot high

The new army's military operations became thunderous as soon as they started.

Although there were only two regiments, they still swept Jiangnan with ease.

The main force of the 1st Marine Regiment was personally led by Gu No. 2 Middle School. They crossed the Huangpu River all the way south and recaptured Nanhui, Fengxian, Jinshan and other places one after another.

Of course.

To say that it has been recovered is not entirely correct.

The correct term should be to receive.

Because these places have never been ravaged by war and have always been peaceful.

When the war in Songjiang Prefecture began, the merchants and gentry in these places took action spontaneously, drove away all the officials sent by the imperial court, and governed the place on their own.

With the arrival of the new army, people from all over the country opened their city gates to welcome them. The whole process was smoother than an armed parade.

"Political Commissar Gu, Jinshan County is ahead of us. I don't know what happened to me, Jinshan elders, because of the dog officials."

Because he wanted to regain Jinshan, Hou Chengzu went with the army.

When they were in Songjiang Prefecture, they, the generals who were ready to fight anyway, had already met Zuo Mengeng.

Zuo Mengeng greatly appreciated their heroic feat of sacrificing their lives for righteousness.

After seeing the strength and might of the new army, Hou Chengzu wanted to join the army.

He has obtained Zuo Mengeng's consent. After regaining Jinshan and stabilizing the situation, he will go to the military academy to study.

At a young age, Hou Chengzu was full of enthusiasm and dreamed of being able to lead thousands of troops and conquer the world like Zuo Yong, Tang Wenhuan, and Gu Erzhong in the future.

The only thing you worry about is the safety of your hometown?

Obviously his worries were unnecessary.

Jinshanwei is no different from ordinary people. Even the people in the city do what they should do, as if this place is like a paradise.

Hou Chengzu searched for people and found out that when the news of the defeat of Zhu Guobi, Fang Yuegong and others came, the local court officials immediately fled.

"Alas! If we don't fight this battle, just walking is boring."

Gu Erzhong looked depressed after receiving Jinshan intact.

As a general, how can you show off your abilities and earn military honors without fighting?

Hou Chengzu didn't know how to comfort him.

"Political Commissar, although there has been no resistance from the court so far, we cannot ignore it. Just past Jinshan is Zhejiang. I don't know if the court officials in Zhejiang will be up to no good. Please be careful."

Gu No. 2 Middle School listened to all Hou Chengzu's reminders.

"Send two troops to go out immediately, and at the same time send people to investigate the movements in Zhejiang."

The combat mission Zuo Menggen gave him was to recover the southern area of ​​Songjiang Prefecture, but he was not allowed to cross the border into Zhejiang.

Therefore, the operations of the 1st Marine Regiment were temporarily suspended.

But this stop made the Zhejiang court officials breathe a sigh of relief.

As early as a month ago, when the new army landed in Songjiang Prefecture, Yu Sixun, the governor of Zhejiang, had a premonition that the situation was serious and quickly mobilized troops to deploy defenses in the Jiaxing area.

Later, when I heard that Nanjing's tens of thousands of troops had collapsed in one battle, all the civil and military forces in Zhejiang were frightened.

They don't think that Zhejiang's army is stronger than that of Nanzhili.

Tens of thousands of troops have been defeated. If the new army really attacks, these few people in Zhejiang will probably be just giving food.

At this time, seeing that the new army had stopped at Jinshanwei, Zhejiang felt somewhat relieved.

Subsequently, the New Army conducted reconnaissance in all directions and soon connected with Zhejiang.

Both sides tentatively sent representatives and held some discussions.

Upon learning that the New Army had no intention of marching into Zhejiang, Zhejiang Civil and Military Forces immediately felt heartbroken and quickly made a guarantee to the New Army.

Zhejiang's soldiers and horses will never cross the line.

As a result, the imperial court's attitude towards the Shandong operation has not yet been announced, but Zhejiang has reached an agreement privately with the New Army.

There was no fighting on the southern front.

Compared with the southern route, the western route is not much better.

"I said, can't you just walk properly? What the hell is this place?"

Seeing another river appear in front of him, Tang Wenhuan finally broke out.

Why say again?

Because he couldn't remember how many rivers he had crossed along the way after starting from Songjiang Mansion.

It gave him the feeling that every few steps he took, there was a river blocking his eyes.

It would be easier if there was a bridge over the river, just cross it.

But often there are no bridges over the river in many places, so they can only be built temporarily.

Or transport it by ship.

Obviously there was no fighting at all along the way, but the daily marching distance was only twenty or thirty miles.

It took more than two days to walk from Songjiang Prefecture to Qingpu.

The situation in Jiangnan really drove Tang Wenhuan crazy.

"Haha, the general doesn't know something. The water network in the south of the Yangtze River is densely crisscrossed. The people here live and do business entirely on waterways. When Ming Taizu, Chen Youliang, and Zhang Shicheng fought for the world, they had to decide the winner on the water."

The person accompanying Tang Wenhuan was Taicang businessman Chen Mo.

After the Songjiang Prefecture uprising, the merchants and people of Taicang were inspired to burn the military rations and then occupied the county seat.

In order to prevent the imperial court from counterattack, Taicang merchants discussed and sent people to Songjiang to request reinforcements.

Chen Mo is the representative.

This time the New Army headed west, and Chen Mo acted as their guide.

Tang Wenhuan was already numb.

"No wonder Jiangnan has always been able to settle in a corner throughout the ages. This kind of geography is really difficult to conquer."

No matter how slowly the new army moves, because they encounter no resistance, they will eventually reach their destination one day.

Four days later, the new army crossed Qingpu and officially entered Suzhou Prefecture.

Tang Wenhuan's troops were divided into two groups.

All the way to Kunshan, all the way to Taicang.

As long as these two places are captured, the western barrier of Songjiang Prefecture will be established.

Seeing Taicang getting closer and closer, Tang Wenhuan summoned all the generals and warned them again and again.

"The appearance and attire of our army are very different from those of the people in Jiangnan. Remember not to make any noise or act so as not to panic the people. Let me tell you, if anyone disturbs the people, I will not spare you."

Military appearance and discipline have always been the motto of the New Army. Generals at all levels took it to heart and sternly conveyed it to all soldiers after returning home.

Taicang was finally in sight, Tang Wenhuan cheered up and walked ahead.

Seeing an old man on the roadside looking over dumbfounded, he hurriedly stepped forward.

"Old man, we are the new Shandong army, here specifically to rescue the local people. Don't be panic. Although we pretend to be different, we don't mean any harm."


After hearing his consolation, the old man felt a little confused.

"What kind of disguise does your army have?"

This time it was Tang Wenhuan's turn to be confused.

Isn’t the completely different military appearance of the New Army not abnormal?

Before he could figure it out, there was suddenly loud drumming, suona, and horns blaring directly in front of him.

Tang Wenhuan looked up and saw a group of people suddenly flashing out of the street corner in front of him.

I saw these people with red hairpins and fluttering gauze skirts, but they also wore bellybands outside the skirts.

How could the most dissolute kiln girl dare to be so immoral in broad daylight?

But it turns out that these monsters and monsters are all...


Tang Wenhuan saw one of them with his own eyes. He was clearly broad-shouldered and round-shouldered.

There was a circle of delicate flowers on her head, and I don't know how much makeup was applied to her cheeks.

The most outrageous thing is that this guy is actually wearing a horse-faced skirt that only women wear, with no pants under the skirt, and his two hairy thighs are stimulating eyeballs.


Tang Wenhuan vomited on the spot.

The cross-dressing boss is so scary!

This chapter has been completed!
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