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Chapter 724

"We have always been keen on trade. Since your financial resources and transportation capacity are limited, we can send a fleet to Batavia to benefit more people."

Zuo Menggeng stated his purpose.

Anthony van Diemen looked suspicious.

"Dear Mr. Commander, you may still lack the necessary understanding of ocean trade. It is thousands of miles away from here to Batavia. Regardless of the weather or sea conditions along the way, it can cause immeasurable losses. And the extremely vicious pirates can even cause immeasurable losses.

It is a nightmare for sailors. You have never set foot in it, so you should be cautious."

The over and over again has the same meaning: I don’t want Shandong’s fleet to go to Batavia.

In the past, when trading with others, Anthony Van Diemen often used this rhetoric, which was very effective in making the other party back down.

It's a pity that this time he faced Zuo Mengeng.

A man who understood the importance of the sea and its routes better than he did.

"Since the Dutch are not afraid of these risks and come thousands of miles away, we Chinese do not lack the same courage. Besides, there are experienced guides like you along the way."

Zuo Mengeng's eyes narrowed.

"In other words, you don't plan to strengthen our friendship?"

Anthony van Diemen was startled.

"No, no, no, dear Mr. Commander-in-Chief, the olive branch you extended is the honor we dream of. Please never doubt our friendship."

Zuo Menggeng listened and let it go.

"The so-called trade must come and go, don't you think? Dear Mr. Congressman."

Seeing Zuo Menggeng's resolute attitude, Anthony Van Diemen knew that he couldn't refuse this matter.

Otherwise, Zuo Mengeng will definitely close the door to trade and let them return to their previous state.

"I have to say that you are a wise politician. I believe that under your leadership, China will be stronger in the future."

"I also think so."

It was finalized to go to Batavia for trade, but looking back at the performance of the local merchants, Zuo Mengeng was furious.

"Zhongheng, the Dutch are willing to take risks to trade, but I can just sit at home and make money, so why go to the sea?"

Even Xu Ji, Zuo Mengeng's father-in-law, had this attitude.

Pan Yunlong also said: "Although selling goods across the ocean is very profitable, the risks involved are really scary. Since we can make profits without taking risks, why should we sacrifice the near and seek the far away?"

Seeing that the merchants in Songjiang Prefecture were talking a lot about how they were unwilling to go out on a boat trip, Zuo Menggeng simply asked someone to put up a world map.

"Everyone, please open your eyes and take a closer look at this world."

Zuo Mengeng gestured with his hands to describe the coastal areas of the Ming Dynasty and Nanyang.

"If we don't go out, such a large area of ​​​​the sea will be handed over to others. The Westerners can come and leave when they want. Now they are coming with merchant ships, but what if they are coming with gunboats? By then, thousands of miles of sea will be everywhere

Smooth road, how to defend?"

The businessmen were all stunned.

Obviously, there is no consideration of national security and military security in their thinking.

Since they only focus on business, Zuo Menggeng starts from the business perspective.

"All maritime trade routes are in the hands of Westerners. Whether our goods can be sold or not depends on others. And the price of the goods also depends on others. By then the bulk of all trade will fall.

In the hands of Westerners, and we can only eat scraps, are you willing to do so?"

After everyone heard this, their thoughts finally started to change.

But they still had doubts.

"The risks at sea are huge, and one careless move can lead to unpredictable losses. Does the commander have a good strategy to avoid the harm?"

Zuo Mengeng laughed angrily.

"Returns and risks have always been directly proportional. The more risks you take, the more benefits you will get. How can you look forward and backward, how can you do anything great?"

After being scolded by him, everyone lowered their heads in shame.

But one person was so excited by what he said that he stood up on the spot.

"We're going to Batavia, and I'm willing to take the lead."

When everyone saw it, it turned out to be Xu Erjue.

Xu Ji also did not expect that his son would actually sail out to sea.

"What are you talking about? If something happens to you, what will happen at home?"

Xu Erjue didn't listen.

"Zhongheng is right. Others can go, and so can I. Thousands of miles across the sea, there is endless wealth. If we don't take it, there will be endless troubles. This trip is not just for the benefit of money, but also for the future of China. My father has always asked me to educate my children.

If you can cultivate yourself, manage your family, and bring peace to the world, you can make some contributions to our Chinese nation, so why should I cherish this life?"

Xu Ji was speechless after what he said.

If you think about it carefully, he, as a father, is far less brave and responsible than his son.

Someone stepped forward and it worked immediately. At that moment, many businessmen expressed their willingness to go with Xu Erjue.

Seeing these businessmen finally stepping out of their comfort zones, Zuo Mengeng was the happiest.

"You don't need to worry too much. The Dutch are familiar with this Nanyang route. They have traveled safely for so many years, and they have obviously minimized the risk. When you go, you only need to follow the Dutch closely.

There is actually no risk.”

Everyone thought it made sense when they heard it.

Can't these Westerners really be fearless about life and death, let alone the comparison of benefits and costs, just to set sail on the sea?

Once the matter of going to sea was settled, each family immediately began to raise supplies and loaded the ships day and night.

Zuo Mengeng asked Zuo Hua to mobilize a group of elite forces from the navy to serve as sailors from various families and go together.

These people would draw nautical charts, gather information, and record the customs, politics, economy, humanities and other situations of various places during their travels.

To put it bluntly, it is to prepare for conquering Nanyang in the future.

Five days later, the mighty fleet sailed out of the Wusong River estuary and entered the sea.

It also carries the dream of pioneering and enterprising businessmen of the Ming Dynasty.

Although the return date of this fleet is far away, countless people are already looking forward to it.

The results of this ocean voyage will be directly related to future foreign trade and the intensity of external expansion.

But just the wealth earned from this trade has already made many people see the power of the ocean.

The Dutch brought six shipments of goods, and although they were all sold at good prices, the cost of purchasing them here was even more astonishing.

In addition to trading with the Dutch, merchants from various places also started trading with each other through the opportunity of the commodity exchange meeting.

According to final statistics, this commodity exchange meeting alone created more than four million taels of silver wealth.

Songjiang local government received more than 400,000 taels of silver from taxation alone.

With this money, Chen Zhi and Zuo Maodi breathed a sigh of relief and could finally start operating various infrastructure constructions.

I believe that as foreign trade continues to develop and expand, Songjiang Prefecture in the future will definitely gather the wealth of the world and regain its glory in future generations.

This chapter has been completed!
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