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Chapter 727 New Songjiang Mansion

As soon as the port construction began, various problems arose one after another.

One of the biggest problems is the lack of manpower.

In order to build a large port that can berth thousands of ships at the same time, and also include the accompanying storage, transshipment, diversion and other supporting facilities, according to the calculations of Chen Zhi and Zuo Maodi, 200,000 workers must be employed.


Although Songjiang Prefecture is very prosperous and has a large population, it is still unable to recruit 200,000 workers at once.

The two racked their brains, posted notices everywhere, and offered generous wages, but they only recruited about 30,000 people.

This greatly affected the progress of the project.

"If I want to recruit enough workers, I have two ways..."

The problem was reported to Zuo Mengeng, and he quickly came up with an idea.

"The first is to carry out public security operations. Attack all the huidaomen and green-skinned scoundrels in Songjiang Prefecture, and take these people to the port to atone for their sins through labor. Anyway, these people will only harm the people, so it is better to take the opportunity to restore peace to the people."

The prosperity of Songjiang Prefecture will inevitably bring about some abnormal social hidden dangers.

Among them, Jianghu gangs are the most numerous in the world.

In particular, all kinds of illegal businesses are flooding the market. In name, they are for mediating disputes, but in fact they are doing evil and deceiving good people, committing random crimes, and committing numerous crimes.

What's more important is that the people who hang out among them must all be young and strong.

This is the best labor force, and there is no need to pay wages.

Zuo Mengeng proposed this method and immediately received strong support from Chen Zhi and Zuo Maodi.

After all, this is what Shandong does, and the results are indeed remarkable.

But Xu Ji, Pan Yunlong and other locals had concerns.

"The gangs and Jianghu gangs have been here for a long time, and they are all deeply rooted, and they are afraid that if they are involved, they will affect the whole body."

Zuo Mengeng's attitude was firm.

"Songjiang's development has begun to enter the fast lane, and no one can stop it. If these gangs are not cleaned up at this time, they will be more harmful in the future. If we want to build a Songjiang Prefecture where all people can live and work in peace and contentment, we must eradicate unstable factors."

It's not like Xu Ji didn't understand the reason.

"Will there be death and bloodshed?"

Zuo Mengeng's tone was murderous.

"There is nothing better than using the blood and death of evil people to completely cleanse the atmosphere of Songjiang Mansion."

It happened that the third regiment of the 1st Marine Division landed in Songjiang Prefecture, Zuo Mengeng asked him to stay in Fucheng, and cooperated with Chen Zhi and Zuo Maodi to start the cleanup operation.

Although these gangs and gangs are extremely vicious, when faced with an army armed to the teeth, they are basically wiped out at the first touch.

The entire Songjiang Mansion was shaken.

Every day, countless soldiers can be seen rushing into various courtyards, and then tying up the people inside and pulling them out.

And everyone arrested by the New Army soldiers was a villain in the eyes of the people.

Seeing these evil bastards being arrested one by one, the people really praised each other and even went to Chen Zhi and Zuo Mengeng to kowtow repeatedly and call the sky.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ji and Pan Yunlong also increased their knowledge and gained a deep understanding of the new regime.

With the deepening of the crackdown on gangs and evil, the atmosphere of Songjiang Mansion has taken on a new look.

Everyone felt visibly safer.

In the past, when I went out, I had to keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions. I should protect my money tightly and not dare to go to remote and uninhabited places.

But nowadays, even a frail woman can feel at ease when going out alone.

Whenever someone provokes someone, just shout loudly and the police in black uniforms will quickly rush to you.

The biggest change is that the curfew in Songjiang Prefecture has been lifted.

Even late at night, anyone can go out.

The consequence of this change is that Songjiang Prefecture's nightlife and economic activities have become more dynamic.

In order to meet the needs of nightlife, the sales of kerosene glass lamps produced by Fuyao Glass are rising steadily.

Chen Zhi also ordered the installation of this kind of street lamp, which has been popular in Shandong, on the main streets of Songjiang Prefecture. The day-like scene made the people of Songjiang Prefecture call themselves a fairyland.

In addition to cracking down on gangs and evil, another way to increase the labor force is to target surrounding areas.

There had just been a battle, and the power of the Shandong New Army had already silenced the surrounding areas.

Therefore, people from Songjiang Prefecture went to recruit workers, and the localities did not dare to stop them at all, and even entertained them with delicious food and drinks.

Although Jiangnan is a prosperous place, there is no doubt that under the prosperity there are many people living in poverty.

As rich as the rich are, so poor are the poor!

And any opportunity to make money and eat is a life-saving straw for these people.

I heard that Songjiang Prefecture was recruiting workers, and the wages were very generous. As long as they were selected, they would be given new clothes on the spot.

Based on these few points alone, recruitment in Songjiang Prefecture went very smoothly.

In just one month, more than 100,000 people were recruited from surrounding areas, which greatly made up for the shortage of labor.

With the arrival of the Third Marine Regiment, a new craze was set off in Songjiang Prefecture.

Because with the arrival of the Third Marine Regiment, there were many female soldiers.

Although Qin Liangyu is famous all over the world as a female general, female soldiers are still a new thing.

In particular, thousands of female soldiers lined up in neat queues, wearing heroic uniforms and walking through the streets of Songjiang Prefecture, and they immediately became a hot spot at the moment.

I have to say that women wearing uniforms are definitely an eye-catcher.

Being in the south of the Yangtze River, Songjiang Prefecture has always been a place with an open atmosphere. However, due to the previous environment, the new clothes launched by Zuo Menggen were only occasionally worn by people here, and were considered to be exotic clothes.

But now I see so many New Army soldiers with short hair, wearing new clothes, and their heroic and majestic appearance immediately aroused imitation among the people.

In particular, young people like to be unconventional and unconventional. They have cut their hair short and bought new clothes. They wear them and walk on the street, all of them are proud of themselves.

Women's clothing has also quietly changed under this influence.

In the past, women's underskirts, horse-faced skirts and other clothing had to cover the tops of their feet. The emphasis was on walking and sitting without exposing the tops of the feet, which was a subtle beauty.

But nowadays, exquisite and unique leather shoes have become the first choice of many people.

In love with beauty, many people thought carefully and secretly shortened their skirts to only reach their calves.

In this way, the exquisite leather shoes are revealed when walking.

As long as there is the first, there will be the second.

I don’t know when it started, but all the markets in Songjiang Prefecture began to wear such clothes.

Some bold women even began to imitate the new army female soldiers and wear pants.

And when these women participated in the labor force and discovered the convenience of pants, the popularity became unstoppable.

Many old people who have not kept up with the times can't help but sigh when they see this change in the market.

The Songjiang Mansion we knew will never come back!

This chapter has been completed!
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