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Chapter 731 Enlightenment

[Sister-in-law Aqing is illiterate and has never had any troubles in her life. She has never even left Songjiang Fucheng. When she reached the age of adulthood, she got married, had children, and had a family. She was diligent and honest, and her neighbors

Everyone in the right house praised her craftsmanship. Relying on this weaving craft, Mrs. Ah Qing could barely make a living.

Later, factories appeared, and machines appeared. The cloth woven by factories and machines was cheaper than hand-woven cloth, and the quality was not bad. No one bought the cloth woven by Mrs. A Qing.

Sister-in-law Ah Qing couldn’t understand why she couldn’t make a living by relying on her crafts as usual?

She saw other people working in factories and earning wages to live, but she didn't want to.

She only believes in her craft.

As a result, Aqing's wife never sold a piece of cloth again. Seeing that her family's savings were gradually depleted, she became desperate.

Finally, on a bitterly cold night, Mrs. Ah Qing took her only son and chose to end her life.

I'm afraid she will hate her until she dies.

Hate those factories, hate those machines...

In her simple thoughts, she may have believed that these were the things that deprived her of her life and happiness.

Coincidentally, there are many people who have the same idea as Mrs. Ah Qing.

In desperation, these people chose to seek refuge with the government of the old era. They hoped to use the landlord class that oppressed and exploited them to eliminate those factories and machines and maintain their past lives.

From the perspective of survival needs, they did nothing wrong.

Everyone in the world has the right to live.

But times are developing, and the world that used to be covered with a veil is now gradually revealing its true appearance.

Western colonists crossed mountains, crossed oceans, and traveled to every corner of the world. They were taking every inhabited and uninhabited land as their own.

And the wealth on these lands has become the source of their strength.

It is in this way that the entire world is changing.

The self-proclaimed Ming Dynasty was still trapped in its own problems and was unable to extricate itself from such changes. Moreover, the stubborn and conservative landlord class did not allow people to leave the land and enter the ocean.

They simply cannot see that the Westerners, who are becoming increasingly powerful, will one day become a more terrifying threat than the nomads in the north.

In order to eliminate this threat and keep the Chinese nation at the forefront of the world, the most important thing to do is to continuously improve its technological and industrial strength to strengthen itself.

This is a change that the Chinese nation must make if it wants to survive and develop, and it is also a trend of the times that this ancient nation must experience.

It is a pity that under the tide of the times, people like Mrs. Ah Qing have become victims.

Mrs. Ah Qing is very inconspicuous, just an ordinary woman.

Her death may have been forgotten by many people now.

A grain of sand of the times falls on everyone's head, and it becomes a heavy mountain.

If people in this era want to survive and develop better, the only thing they can do is to adapt to the new trend, take the initiative to make changes, and not become a discarded product of the times.]

Zuo Mengeng's article was first circulated in a small area.

Everyone who watched it was filled with panic.

Many people already know about Aqing’s sister-in-law.

Just like Xu Erjue, everyone was originally very angry with this woman.

He believed that such an unreasonable woman almost caused the war in Songjiang Prefecture to spread and all lives were destroyed.

However, after reading Zuo Mengeng's article and bringing it from A Qing's perspective, everyone has a deeper understanding of the current changes.

Even in every corner of Songjiang Prefecture today, there are still many people who cannot come out of the old era.

There is no doubt that these people are experiencing the impact of the new wave and are becoming victims of the new wave.

"If you want to change the destiny of more people, you need to do two things. One is to increase publicity and carry out more profound ideological enlightenment so that ordinary people can accept new things and integrate into the new era; the second point is that we must

Coercive measures must be taken to bring these people into the new environment. Many times, it is useless to say it. Only the experience of being there is the best education."

Chen Zhi has always been a fanatical supporter of Zuo Menggeng, and he regards Zuo Menggeng's articles as the most reasonable.

But he wasn't wrong either.

In fact, when any era changes, most people will not realize it, but will be passively involved in the wave of the era.

More people are involved in the changes of the times in ignorance.

Those who can understand the historical trend are always in the minority.

Under such circumstances, education as widespread as possible and coercive influence are the only solutions.

"It just so happens that Songjiang Prefecture needs a lot of labor right now. I think those people who are unwilling to accept new things can start with forced labor and make changes little by little."

Zuo Maodi was not a kind person either. He even thought of specific solutions.

Zuo Mengeng looked at Chen Hongshou and Xu Xianqing.

"Your propaganda department has a very heavy task under such circumstances. No matter what, you must do your best to enlighten the people's wisdom."

Chen Hongshou immediately said: "I am going to print this article from the commander-in-chief on a large scale, and at the same time send staff to go deep into the streets and alleys to explain it in detail."

Opening up people's wisdom must go through such actions.

Zuo Mengeng is more concerned about...

"Is your printing shop capable of such a task?"

The propaganda department in Songjiang Prefecture has just been established, and it can be said that everything is waiting for improvement. The printing factory is also under construction. Zuo Menggeng does not think that Chen Hongshou and others can produce too many printed materials at once.

Chen Hongshou did not show off to this.

"The current problem is mainly reflected in the lack of raw materials such as paper and ink. Due to the war some time ago, trade routes were cut off, and the local supply of goods is very limited. Even if you want to purchase, you don't know where to start."

When it came to purchasing these supplies, Xu Xianqing took the initiative to ask for help.

"Your Majesty, I know some friends, and their families are engaged in the paper-making and ink-making business. Why don't you contact me, maybe it can solve your urgent need."

Zuo Mengeng then remembered that Xu Xianqing was a famous talent in the south of the Yangtze River, and the people he interacted with on a daily basis must have something to do with pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"If this is accomplished, I will credit you with a great contribution."

Xu Xianqing was very happy.

Unexpectedly, just after joining a new camp, I would have the opportunity to show off my abilities.

He did not delay, and immediately wrote a letter to his close friend after returning, and then sent a servant to deliver it overnight.

Xu Xianqing's friends paid special attention to such a big business and even rushed over in person.

"I, Qianshan Fei Yinghuan, pay my respects to the Commander-in-Chief."

As soon as he heard the caller's name, Zuo Mengeng's eyes immediately became strange.

"Does Mr. Fei have a daughter? I wonder if she is married?"

This chapter has been completed!
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