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Chapter 747 Huang Taiji's Mind

The thirty-fifth Great Khan of the Mongolian Empire and a direct descendant of the Golden Family, Boljijin Lindan Batur finally came to the end of his life.

This descendant of Genghis Khan did not inherit even one ten thousandth of the intelligence from his ancestors, and he stands out as a person with great ambition and talent.

Finally, under the attack of Hou Jin and the rebellion of various Mongolian tribes, the huge Chahar tribe was brought to the brink of destruction.

Ever since he abandoned his hometown and fled to Qinghai, Lin Danhan started making various stupid moves.

He continued to raid the borders of the Ming Dynasty and fought with Hong Chengchou several times, but he did not gain any advantage. Instead, he defeated the last vitality of the Chahar tribe.

At this time, he was infected with smallpox. His health was getting worse day by day, and he was expected to die soon.

Today, inside Chahar, people are already panicked and in a state of turmoil.

Everyone started looking for a way out.

And everyone understands that Qinghai is definitely not a place to stay for a long time.

Once there is no Lin Dan Khan to unite everyone, the Chahar tribe will definitely be devoured by hungry wolves all around.

The Chahar tribe can continue only by returning to its hometown.

But if you want to return to your hometown, you will inevitably face the pressure of financial support.

Under such circumstances, some people in the Chahar tribe had the idea of ​​surrender.

Before Lin Danhan died, someone had already informed Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji was overjoyed when he learned that his old rival was about to die.

Starting from the time of Nurhachi, Hou Jin formulated a strategy of uniting with Mongolia to resist the Ming Dynasty.

However, although the Ming Dynasty at that time suffered repeated defeats on the battlefield, its huge size was still intimidating, so the Mongolian tribes did not dare to make decisions easily.

Only Horqin and other Mongolian tribes with no way to retreat chose to seek refuge in Houjin.

It was not until Huang Taiji succeeded to the throne and completely trampled the authority of the Ming Dynasty through the Jisi Incident that the various Mongolian ministries finally expressed their attitude.

But even so, the Mongolian grassland is really too big.

Some Mongolian tribes a little further away from Liaodong still turned a deaf ear to Hou Jin's call.

Huang Taiji knows very well that all this is because of the existence of Lin Dan Khan.

Although this opponent is very frustrating, who calls him a descendant of the Golden Family and the legitimate Khan of the Mongol Empire?

With this identity, you can gather people's hearts and make Mongolians half-hearted.

If we want to completely conquer the Mongolian grassland and make the Mongolians our own help, we must replace him with Lin Dan Khan.

After Lin Danhan ran to Qinghai, Huang Taiji was quite embarrassed.

Qinghai is really too far away.

Once Hou Jin went on an expedition, he could not guarantee the safety of his home base at all.

Even at the speed of the Eight Banners cavalry, they could not make it back even though they were thousands of miles away.

Under such circumstances, Huang Taiji could only use the power of religion to continuously weaken Lin Dan Khan's strength.

Lin Danhan was a supporter of the Red Sect and very hostile to the Yellow Sect.

After he ran to Qinghai, he formed an anti-Huang alliance with Khalkha Chao Ketu Taiji from Mobei, Zangba Khan from Snowy Area, and Baili Chieftain from Kham Area.

We support whatever the enemy opposes.

Adhering to this principle, Huang Taiji strongly supported the Yellow Sect, which enabled the Yellow Sect to flourish rapidly and occupy a dominant position in various Mongolian tribes and Jurchen territories.

But doing this alone is not enough. As long as Lin Dan Khan is still alive, Huang Taiji will not be able to make great achievements.

"Now over at Lushun, the Shandong New Army is watching with eager eyes. Once our army goes on an expedition, we are afraid that these southern barbarians will take advantage of the situation. If Liao Shen is lost, our foundation will be destroyed."

When it comes to the expedition to Chahar, there are a lot of internal objections in Houjin.

At this time, even Daishan couldn't care less about pretending to be a good guy and clearly expressed his different opinions.

Dorgon sat aside and said nothing.

He knew very well that what happened this time had nothing to do with the two white flags.

It is true that the losses suffered by the Two White Banners in the previous Battle of Lushun were too great, and they have not recovered to this day. If there is another war expedition, the Two White Banners will collapse.

Although Huang Taiji always wanted to weaken the power of others and realize his desire to monopolize power, he also understood that the Eight Banners was the foundation of the Later Jin Dynasty.

If the loss is too great, it will also be detrimental to his rule.

So at this time, Dorgon can be said to be sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, just sitting and watching other people's performances.

Facing the constant opposition, Huang Taiji only felt tired.

These people simply do not understand what it means to eliminate the Chahar tribe.

"The situation in Lushun is difficult to solve for a while. Even if we use all the soldiers we can fight in Daijin, we may not be able to succeed. After all, we in Daijin have few people. We only rely on ourselves to raise children. I don't know how many years it will take to have enough soldiers."

.Only by absorbing the Mongols as much as possible and helping us conquer cities and territories can we compete with the Ming people and Shandong."

Huang Taiji laid out a reality that no one can avoid.

The reasons he stated made it impossible for anyone to continue to oppose.

Port Arthur is so close that it is like a choke point for the Jurchens. However, it is impossible for the Jurchens to defeat or occupy it by their own strength.

Looking around the world, the only place that can replenish strength is the Mongolian grassland.

Nowadays, the Duoyan Sanwei and various tribes in Eastern Mongolia have become Houjin's helpers, but these tribes are only a small part of the power of the Mongolian grassland.

There are also more powerful Tatars and Walas.

If the entire Mongolian grassland is absorbed, Huang Taiji is confident that he can achieve greater achievements than Genghis Khan.

"Great Khan, if you want to expedition to Chahar, you must stabilize Shandong. Otherwise, I will not dare to act rashly."

Saharian unconditionally supported Huang Taiji's idea, but he also raised the issue.

Huang Taiji has always attached great importance to his suggestions.

"Shandong, like us, is the enemy of Ming Dynasty. We can start from this point to eliminate Shandong's hostility towards us."

Huang Taiji is a man who can afford to take things and let them go. He decided to compromise with Shandong.

"Saharian, are you willing to go to Shandong as an envoy to convey my sincerity of Daikin?"

It is impossible for Huang Taiji to leave this kind of matter to someone he cannot trust.

In his mind, when it comes to ability and loyalty, Sahalian is definitely ranked first.

Sure enough, Saharian lived up to his expectations.

"I am willing to go."

Without any hesitation or timidity, Saharian just asked Ben Huang Taiji about his strategy.

"Khan, this time I, Daikin, take the initiative to show my goodwill, Shandong will definitely ask for a sky-high price. I don't know where the bottom line is?"

Huang Taiji closed his eyes and meditated, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

After a long time, he slowly spoke.

"You go and tell Zuo Mengeng that I am willing to form a brotherly alliance with him. If he wishes, I, the Princess of Dajin, can also marry him."

In the process of the rise of Hou Jin, one of the things that Hou Jin was best at was marriage.

By seeking to marry aristocratic women from other factions, marrying women from one's own side, and forming alliances with others, the power continues to grow.

Now faced with difficulties, Huang Taiji resorted to this trick again.

This chapter has been completed!
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