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Chapter 763

The general trend of the world can affect the whole body.

As the northwest rebels returned to the Central Plains, all parties became tense.

Xuanmo, the governor of Henan, was frightened by the resurgence of the northwest rebels and sent several memorials to the court asking for help.

Shandong has also entered a state of war readiness, which has also put tremendous pressure on the court.

Officials from the imperial court near Shandong wrote letters one after another to report the changes in Shandong.

In short, the whole world is in chaos.

The earth is barren, all life is cut off, the heaven and earth are desolate, and the birds are mourning.

An isolated city lies in ruins by the river in front of the mountain, seemingly crumbling in the cold winter wind.

The people on the top of the city were wrapped in ragged coats and kept their heads between their shoulders as much as possible. They folded their hands in front of their chests and put them in their sleeves, unwilling to be ravaged by the biting cold wind.

The iron gun in his arms was already rusty and could not be used not only to kill people, but also to dig in the soil.

The dust was flying in the far distance, and something seemed to be running towards me quickly.

The sentry was stunned, but he didn't want to move. He just squinted his eyes as if it didn't matter to him.

After a while, the visitors came closer, and there were thousands of them.

Moreover, these people are all riding on tall horses, they are strong and majestic, looking forward to their glory.

The sentry was so frightened that he didn't even have the courage to escape.

Before he could recover, these thousands of cavalrymen were already standing in the wheat fields to the west of the city, pointing at the city.

Because the sentry stands high, he can see far.

Suddenly, I discovered that behind these thousands of cavalry, I don’t know when colorful flags had rolled up, overwhelming the sky. Countless people and horses turned around the cliff, their armor shining brightly in the sun, and the clouds surged, like black and gold waves rolling in layer by layer.

Not long after, the outside of the small isolated city was filled with a sea of ​​people.

Starting from Nanshan Mountain in the south and reaching Hewan in the north, the camp stretched for dozens of miles from morning to night. The might of the army was so great that the world was in panic.

The Northwest Rebel Army returned to Henan with stronger troops than last time.

This time the Northwest Rebels entered Henan and were divided into three groups.

Cross the river all the way from Shaanzhou and go north to Pingyang, Shanxi;

All the way passed through Wuguan and Nanyang areas, and marched into Huguang and Xiangyang;

The third road passed through Lushi County and swept through Henan Province.

The northwest rebel army that entered Shanxi crossed the river from Huaiqing and entered Guide Mansion.

The Northwest Rebel Army from Huguang also entered Nanyang.

This time the scope of activities of the Northwest Rebels has expanded to eastern Henan.

When the Northwest Rebel Army entered Guide Mansion, the Shandong New Army all tensed up.

This is the closest they have ever been to the Northwest Rebels.

No one can guarantee whether the Northwest Rebel Army will march eastward into Shandong.

And if the northwest rebels dare to come, the Shandong New Army will definitely attack them head-on.

However, it is obvious that the Northwest Rebel Army has no intention of marching into Shandong.

By the first month of the eighth year of Chongzhen, the northwest rebel armies had moved to Runing Prefecture and Yingzhou.

Ming history records that it was here that various rebel armies held the famous Xingyang Congress.

At this conference, the Northwest Rebel Army formulated a detailed strategic policy, which is the so-called "division of forces, orientation, and coordination."

But in fact there is no such thing as the Xingyang Conference.

The relationship between the various departments of the Northwest Rebel Army is very loose and they operate independently without much cohesion.

Furthermore, each department is in a different position, making it impossible to gather together to hold a strategic meeting.

Shandong's own intelligence also showed that Xingyang was captured by the Northwest Rebel Army on the sixth day of the first lunar month.

So the so-called Xingyang Conference at the end of the seventh year of Chongzhen must be a fiction.

But no matter what, the Northwest Rebel Army's advance into eastern Henan and northern Anhui had an extremely huge impact.

Talk about Fengyang, talk about Fengyang

Fengyang is such a good place

Ever since Emperor Zhu came out

There are nine years of drought out of ten years

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the weather is so cold that even the most diligent people cannot stand outdoors.

But the imperial mausoleum, fourteen miles east of Fengyang City, was still bustling at this time.

Many people in ragged clothes are being driven to work.

They were tired and hungry, and many of them were shivering from the cold, but even if they wanted to sit down and rest, it was impossible.

The vicious eunuchs and soldiers around them would whip the person to pieces whenever they found someone slacking off.

Forced by despotic power, the people could only grit their teeth and persevere.

But the anger in my heart could no longer be suppressed.

Especially looking at the dog official sitting between the curtains, I wanted to eat his meat alive.

This person is Yan Rongxuan, the magistrate of Fengyang.

A bastard who only knows how to get promoted and make a fortune, and suck up to eunuchs, but does everything he can to prey on the common people.

In the first month, families should be reunited and enjoy peace and quiet, but in order to please the eunuch, this dog official forced the people to brave the severe cold to repair the imperial tomb.

Not only that, but the people were also required to bring their own tools and food. Even if they were tired or sick, he would not care and still force them to work.

It can be said that the local people already hated him and the court.

"Brother Wang, what should we do? If we keep doing this, we will either starve to death from exhaustion or freeze to death."

A few common people gathered together secretly and kept their voices as low as possible for fear of attracting the attention of the dog officials.

The person in question is obviously very prestigious among these people.

Brother Wang's eyes flashed with anger and he decided he couldn't bear it anymore.

"If you want to survive these days, you have to do the opposite."

When he said this, everyone was frightened.

"How to resist? We don't even have any weapons in our hands. There are just so many people, and they are not enough for a dog officer to kill."

Brother Wang obviously didn't just make an impromptu decision, but had a specific plan.

"We definitely can't do it on our own, but I heard that the northwest kings who made trouble in the Central Plains are in Yingzhou. If we can attract these northwest kings, we can definitely kill this dog official."

Others were hesitant.

"Will the king from the northwest come to our place? People from remote areas will look down upon him."

Brother Wang chuckled.

"Don't think we are poor, but where are we? This is Fengyang, the place where old Zhu's family flourished. Just because of this, if the king from the northwest comes and burns the tomb of old Zhu's family, what do you think?

Can the dog emperor in the Jinluan Palace still sit still?"

"Hey, that's the truth."

"Why didn't we think of that?"

Everyone was excited and finally gained confidence.

At that moment, several people reached a consensus and made their minds clear.

At night, when the guards were relaxed, Brother Wang sneaked out with his two nimble legs and went straight to Yingzhou.

After traveling hundreds of miles, the three of them arrived in just two days and one night.

At this time, it was Zhang Xianzhong who was in Yingzhou.

Zhang Xianzhong was overjoyed when he learned that the three men reported that the ancestral mausoleum of the Ming Emperor was hundreds of miles away.

These people were forced by the imperial court to rebel after their families were ruined and they had no food to eat, so they had long hated the emperor.

Excavation of the emperor's ancestral graves did not require mobilization at all. All Zhang Xianzhong's subordinates were howling and eager to set out immediately.

Zhang Xianzhong was more prudent and immediately sent someone to notify Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Lao Huihui and others, and then led his troops to march eastward.

This chapter has been completed!
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