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Chapter 773 Daming still has loyal ministers

"Back to the city."

When something happened in the city, Liu Dagong had no choice but to return for help.

There is nothing in the Guanshan defense line. Food and equipment all need support from the city. Once Chuzhou City is lost, this line of defense will lose its effectiveness.

Liu Dagong was so flustered that he had no time to think carefully, so he mobilized all his troops and went down the mountain in a hurry.

Because the road was difficult to travel at night, the army had to light torches. This undoubtedly became a guiding light in the dark night.

In the New Army headquarters at the foot of the mountain, when he saw the firelight on the top of the mountain shining continuously, the experienced Lou Fu knew that something must have happened.

"Tell all the troops to search the mountains and be careful to avoid the enemy's plot."

The New Army began to move out, but because they could not confirm whether the Ming army on the mountain really retreated or were deceitful, the speed was not fast.

This gave Liu Dagong enough time to finally run back to Chuzhou City.

The special forces entered through the south gate, while Liu Dagong returned to the west gate.

At this time, there was still a general leading a hundred or so soldiers who were defending the city.

There were two artillery pieces on the city, and the defenders still had bows and arrows. The special forces had no heavy weapons, and they fought twice without success.

Seeing that Liu Dagong had returned to help, he quickly ordered people to open the city gate.

Outside the city, Liu Dagong had already heard the shouts of killing inside. When the city gate opened, he quickly commanded his troops to rush in and kill.

The Ming army on top of the city also used artillery support.

"Stand back, avoid the sharp edge of the artillery, and slowly deal with these people."

Zhao Sanyang took his time and retreated all the way with his troops.

Liu Dagong didn't know, he thought the new army was afraid, so he immediately cheered up and even rushed ahead.

Seeing him as a civil servant wielding a sword without fear, the rest of the Ming army soldiers were also inspired and ran faster and faster.

The general ran across two street corners and reached a place on the top of the city where the artillery could not be seen, but the Ming army had not noticed anything unusual.

"Do it."

Zhao Sanyang lazily ordered.

The men beside him quickly pulled the rope.

Cluster grenades that had been hidden on the roadside were fired one after another.

The explosion roared along the street, and the entire street was shrouded in falling bricks, dirt, and dust.

None of the Ming troops who ran to this area were spared, either dead or injured.

Although the ones behind were not hit by the explosion, they were shaken to pieces by the roaring explosion and became a mess.

Special forces hidden in every corner took the opportunity to open fire.

The Ming army was on the streets without cover, while the special forces were hiding in various corners.

All of them are sharpshooters. Even in the dark, they will never fail as long as they capture a shadow.

Amidst the sparse gunfire, the Ming army suffered very few casualties.

One after another fell down inexplicably, but you couldn't see where the enemy was. This feeling was really scary.

I don’t know which one was frightened away first. He growled, turned around and ran away.

But when he ran, he moved violently and was immediately discovered by the special forces.

A cloud of white smoke and fleeting sparks rose up from the black screen, and the man flew out like a broken sack, fell heavily to the street, and could no longer move.

The rest of the Ming soldiers were stunned, lying on the ground one after another, looking around in horror.

But if they didn't move, the special forces, even with their sharp eyes, couldn't tell who was dead and who was alive, and it was impossible for them to show up and rush towards them.

The scene was at a stalemate for a while.

The person who broke this situation was Liu Dagong.

He rushed to the front, and was also affected when the grenade exploded. However, there were many people around him, and they all made human shields for him. Therefore, he was only fainted by the explosion, and he was neither dead nor injured.

After a while, he woke up slowly, but his mind was still spinning, and his pupils were filled with blood.

He staggered up and became the only person standing on the battlefield.

He didn't know what happened, so he just waved the sword in his hand naturally and kept shouting.

"Come on...kill the thieves! Kill all the Shandong rebels! Serve the king, protect Sangzi, and fight against these deviant thieves!"

The special forces sniper locked onto him and gently pulled the trigger.


The bullet came out of the barrel as fast as lightning, giving no one any time to react.

A bloody flower burst out from Liu Dagong's forehead, and he fell on his back, immediately becoming silent.

Under the powerful kinetic energy of the rifle, as long as it hits a vital point, you will die on the spot, without any room for relief.

The soldiers behind Liu Dagong lost their will when they saw that the chief officer was dead.

"The prefect is dead!"

"Master Liu was beaten to death!"

"Run quickly!"

The Ming army was in chaos. Some people stood up and ran back, while others simply knelt on the ground and surrendered on the spot.

The shouts were faintly heard, and only then did the special forces realize that the shot just now had killed Liu Dagong.

Zhao Sanyang took out a loudspeaker and shouted loudly: "Kneel down on the spot and surrender without killing."

But the chaotic Ming army didn't listen at all, and some even started killing each other.

Zhao Sanyang was really angry. He waved his hand and heard another burst of gunfire.

A full three to forty people were beaten to death, and the situation was finally brought under control.

Seeing that no one dared to move, Zhao Sanyang shouted again: "Put down your weapons and raise your hands to surrender. If you dare to resist, you will be shot without mercy."

This time he was the only voice in the scene, and all the Ming army could hear him clearly.

No one dared to resist anymore. There was only a crashing sound. All the Ming soldiers felt that the weapons in their hands were hot and threw them on the ground. Then they raised their hands high and knelt down obediently.

The special forces came out of the darkness, weapons in hand, and approached cautiously.

First, he kicked the weapon away from the person in front of him, and then said to the person in front of him: "Put your hands behind your head, go over there and squat down."

These surrendering Ming troops were very obedient, and soon they were all disarmed and became prisoners of the special forces.

In this battle, the special forces created a miracle.

With 300 men, 3,500 Ming troops were wiped out, and no one was captured.

Zhao Sanyang walked to Liu Dagong's body and looked at the Chuzhou magistrate.

Liu Dagong was in his forties. He had a handsome appearance and wore an official uniform of the Ming Dynasty. Even after he died, his eyes were still wide open and he looked majestic.

Dying like this might be a relief for him.

Although he is an opponent, Zhao Sanyang also has full respect for him.

"Carefully collect his body and hand it over to his family without any shame."

The soldiers of the Ming army who surrendered could not help but heave a sigh of relief when they saw that this group of terrible people did not mutilate Liu Dagong's body.

Even Liu Dagong, the culprit, didn't suffer, so these little pawns shouldn't be punished either.

This chapter has been completed!
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