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Chapter 779

"The government is in turmoil and it is difficult for everyone to be consistent. It is just for the sake of peace. How ridiculous!"

In Hong Chengchou's impression, ever since he became an official, there have been constant disputes between the DPRK and China.

No matter what one party does, the other party will definitely oppose it. They oppose it just for the sake of opposition, and never ask whether it is right or wrong.

This time the sun came out from the west, whether it was the eunuchs, Qingliu, or even the eunuchs in the palace, they all agreed.

However, this unified purpose is not to be brave and vigorous, but to deceive the emperor and live for a while.

Can this Ming Dynasty be saved?

However, the situation was such that he also knew that there was really no other way but to do this.

Taking the secret letter sent by Qian Shisheng, he read it over and over several times, and finally put the paper in front of the candle and burned it completely.

"Mr. Wu, please come with me."

Although Xue Fengzuo proposed expedient measures to control floods in the Huaihe River, Zuo Menggeng was not in a hurry to implement it.

After inspecting Huai'an, he took a boat into Hongze Lake and went upstream along the Huai River to Fengyang.

Peace has returned to here.

The people of Fengyang, who had been torn by natural disasters and man-made disasters, had already developed strong nerves and began to live a normal and numb life again.

Perhaps the arrival of the new army is one of their few good fortunes.

"It's really too poor here. Droughts and floods are constant. Most of the land is occupied by the emperor's relatives, ancestral temples and monasteries. The people of Fengyang have no place to stand. Even if they want to escape from famine, the surroundings are not much better than here.


Huang Sanhu introduced the tragic situation of Fengyang to Zuo Menggeng, and the man who looked like an iron tower burst into tears when he talked about it.

Zuo Mengeng looked at the glorious and magnificent Huangjue Temple, feeling an evil fire in his heart.

"It is said that Zhu Yuanzhang is a famous emperor through the ages, but look at it, he piled countless gold and silver treasures in this useless place. If he used it to nourish the local people, why would Fengyang be so miserable?"

Huangjue Temple was the place where Zhu Yuanzhang became a monk to avoid disaster.

After he ascended to the throne in 1995, he missed his old life and personally named Huangjue Temple and designated it as a royal temple.

Since then, Huangjue Temple has soared into the sky, and has become the most powerful temple in the Ming Dynasty.

The monks in Huangjue Temple even relied on the royal family's favor to embezzle land and live a luxurious life.

Originally this temple was supposed to be burned to the ground by Li Zicheng.

But on the day Li Zicheng led his army to Fengyang, the Shandong New Army also reached the other side of the Huaihe River.

When the war was about to begin, Li Zicheng did not pay attention to this place, so the temple was preserved.

However, the splendid Huangjue Temple formed a dazzling contrast with Fengyang, where hungry flies were everywhere, just like the Ming Dynasty today. The royal family and nobles were extravagant and luxurious, but the ordinary people were displaced and their families were destroyed.

Fortunately, Zuo Menggeng still retained his sense and knew that it would be a waste of wealth to demolish the Huangjue Temple after it was built.

However, the entire New Army was very dissatisfied with this temple.

"Commander, we plan to seize all the land belonging to Huangjue Temple and distribute it to the local people."

Hearing Huang Sanhu's plan, Zuo Mengeng shook his head.

"There's no rush. Fengyang, there's still work to be done."

Zuo Mengeng didn't wait here for too long, and Hong Chengchou appeared in front of him.

Looking at this famous and controversial historical figure, Zuo Menggeng rarely became interested in exploring.

Hong Chengchou is now in his forties, in the prime of life. Because he was promoted to the high position of governor of five provinces, he has a majestic and domineering air.

It is not an exaggeration to say that I am proud of the spring breeze.

He has obvious characteristics of a Fujianese. He is not tall and has a simple face, but he is taciturn and shrewd enough.

Just seeing his face, Zuo Mengeng knew that it would not be surprising at all that this man would surrender to the Manchus in the future.

But any shrewd person will think too much; and once he thinks too much, he will inevitably be hampered by various factors.

In the end it was difficult to make a break.

If you can’t give up, how can you complete the festival?

Once the pressure and temptation are great enough, it is not surprising that such people will rebel.

However, these are all things for later, and it is still too early.

Hong Chengchou took great risks to meet Zuo Mengeng, obviously hoping to make a deal.

"Your Majesty is furious and wants to kill both jade and stone. Although the Ming Dynasty is plagued by all kinds of diseases, but he fought hard, I believe that Shandong will not be unharmed. Commander Zuo, Commander-in-Chief, please be aware of the cause and effect."

Zuo Mengeng chuckled and raised his hand to point to the well-preserved Huangjue Temple.

"I came all the way from Shandong to help the Ming Dynasty regain Fengyang and preserve the land of Longxing, Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. Your emperor didn't say thank you, but instead shouted to beat him and kill him. How should everyone in the world feel when they see this?


Hong Chengchou looked gloomy.

"Commander Zuo, people in the Ming Dynasty do not speak secretly. Everyone knows what you think. In any case, Fengyang is the central capital of our Ming Dynasty and the place where Taizu Longxing was. How can we allow others to steal it? Commander Zuo

Be aware of everything and honor the covenant friendship between us."

Hong Chengchou made it very clear.

Fengyang fell into the hands of Shandong, and the Ming court couldn't accept it at all.

He wouldn't hesitate to fight to the death for this.

The focus of the game now is how determined Shandong is to not give in.

Zuo Mengeng didn't show tit-for-tat, but asked: "What benefits can we gain?"

After hearing what he said, Hong Chengchou immediately let out a sigh of relief.

This means there is some talk.

And if there is some talk, there is hope and it will not lead to a sword fight.

"Commander Zuo, please speak clearly."

Since he was asked to impose conditions, Zuo Mengeng would not be polite.

"Except for Fengyang, all other places belong to Shandong. This is the reward for our Shandong troops to send troops to defend the Ming Dynasty. Is it okay?"

Zuo Mengeng gave in.

Fengyang can be returned to the imperial court, but the other lands in the Huaihe River and Huaihe River will be returned to Shandong.

Shandong's dispatch of troops this time was carried out with great fanfare and cost a lot of money. Of course, it must reap enough benefits.

Hong Chengchou hesitated.

"The imperial envoys are on their way here. I still need to consult with them on how to decide."

Zuo Mengeng didn't care.

"It doesn't matter. I can afford to wait. It's not me who is anxious anyway."

With Fengyang's current situation, the imperial officials are the ones who can't afford to wait.

He stated the second condition.

"From now on, when merchants from Shandong travel to various parts of the Central Plains, or even travel to the Western Regions, the imperial court must quickly let them go to protect their safety and not stop them."

With the prosperity of business, huge profits and strong backing, Shandong businessmen are becoming more and more courageous and go further and further.

This is something Zuo Menggeng likes to see, and of course he must do a good job in ensuring it.

Although merchants in Shandong could do business in various parts of the Ming Dynasty before, the numerous tax cards and the chaotic current situation still caused heavy losses to merchants in Shandong.

One of the major benefits of conquering the Huaihe River this time was establishing contact with the Northwest Rebel Army and the imperial court.

As long as these two sides are dealt with, from now on Shandong's merchants, as a neutral force, can have unimpeded access to the Central Plains and the Northwest.

Compared with the first condition, this second condition is much simpler for Hong Chengchou.

"I can make the final decision on this matter. As long as Shandong merchants pay their taxes in full, I will ensure their business safety."

This chapter has been completed!
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