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Chapter 782 Dilemma

The entire Lianghuai area went through some ups and downs, and in the end Shandong took the biggest advantage.

The Northwest Rebels once again demonstrated their presence by capturing Fengyang and destroying the royal ancestral tombs.

This incident not only dealt a heavy blow to the rule of the Zhu Ming Dynasty, but also gave great hope to more people who wanted to resist the tyranny of the Zhu Ming Dynasty.

Previously, the peasant uprising in the northwest had reached a trough, and it seemed that it could be strangled at any time.

Some people who were inspired and influenced could not help but be disappointed and gave up their plans to resist.

But this time, through even more shocking actions, the Northwest Rebels proved to everyone in the world that the rule of the Zhu Ming Dynasty was indeed fragile, and the opportunity to stand up and take charge was right in front of them.

It is conceivable that in the near future, there will be wars everywhere in the Ming Dynasty, weakening the vitality of the Ming Dynasty time and time again.

In the changes in the Huaihe River, the Ming Dynasty suffered the greatest losses.

Not only was Fengyang defeated and the ancestral mausoleum destroyed, but two-thirds of the land between the Huaihe River and the Huaihe River fell into the hands of Shandong.

From then on, Shandong pushed the capital from the north to the south, and threatened Jiangnan from the south. The knife in the middle was also set up next to Fengyang.

It can be said that the three most important places in the Ming Dynasty were all under the military front of Shandong.

The Ming Dynasty has become the fat meat on the chopping board of Shandong, and you can eat it whenever you want.

The imperial court had no power left to resist.

Zuo Mengeng once again used the operation of hanging antelope horns, which consolidated the confidence of everyone in the camp.

There is such a leader who can obtain the greatest benefits at the smallest cost every time. This is undoubtedly a symbol of destiny in the minds of many people.

Through this series of operations, even those who were still wavering in their thinking had to change their minds and stand firmly on the side of Shandong.

Although it cost a lot to conquer Lianghuai and Shandong, in the final analysis, the benefits gained were even greater.

The wealth collected from Fengyang and other places alone offset the cost of sending troops.

What's left is pure profit.

However, there are blessings and misfortunes. Under the great victory, a crisis suddenly struck.

Yangzhou is a famous capital in the world and has been prosperous since ancient times.

Especially in the Ming Dynasty, it has a reputation of rivaling Jiangnan.

As the saying goes, if you have a hundred thousand guan in your pocket, you can ride a crane down to Yangzhou. This is the place where the wealth and economy of the Ming Dynasty are displayed to the fullest.

Therefore, after taking this place, Li Banghua never dared to neglect and devoted all his energy. He hoped to stabilize the situation in Yangzhou and avoid turmoil.

Although the new army encountered some resistance when they entered the city, they also killed Guo Qi, the prefect of Yangzhou.

But the whole process went smoothly, which made Li Banghua somewhat relieved.

What he fears most is that Yangzhou City resists desperately, and the new army has to use all its firepower. In the end, the place is reduced to a mess and its vitality is severely damaged.

Since it was received successfully, the follow-up process will be easier.

It's a pity that Li Banghua was happy too early.

On the first day, the city of Yangzhou was quiet, and there were no people on the streets.

This was not taken seriously.

After all, the city changed hands, and the people in the city didn't know the character of the new ruler. It was only right to be careful and hide at home to observe the situation.

The New Army adhered to the consistent tradition of never disturbing the people. Therefore, after entering the city, except for occupying key points and punishing some local ruffians, there were no major actions.

It stands to reason that after a day of adaptation, Yangzhou should return to its previous situation.

But on the second day, the whole city was still too quiet.

Many shops along the street were not open, and pedestrians on the road were also in a hurry.

There is a tense and strange atmosphere permeating the entire city.

Li Banghua observed carefully, thinking that it was because Yangzhou people were suspicious, and maybe it would get better if given some more time.

But on the third day, the situation worsened.

Not only were the shops closed, but traffic in the canal was also cut off.

In the past, countless people who relied on coolies to earn a living on both sides of the canal have disappeared.

Boats traveling from north to south are better off, as they can travel along the river without any obstruction.

But the boats entering the canal from the Yangtze River had to stop.

Because the trackers pulling the boats are gone.

Hundreds of ships crowded in front of Yangzhou Chaoguan, making it difficult to move forward, adding to the tense atmosphere.

In the afternoon, a most serious situation emerged.

Salt is no longer available in Yangzhou market.

Where is Yangzhou?

All the salt merchants from all over the world gather here, and next to it are the Lianghuai Salt Fields that supply the world.

Other places in the world can be short of salt, but Yangzhou should not be so.

But that's the truth.

Many citizens hid at home for three days and had to maintain their daily lives and could only go out to buy goods.

But what frightened them was that all the shops on the street were closed, leaving them unable to buy anything.

If you can't buy salt, the impact will be too great.

At the entrances of some of the largest salt shops in the city, people gathered and kept knocking, but there was no response from inside.

Worried people went outside the city to observe along the road, but found that not a single salt truck entered Yangzhou City for two whole days.

For a time, the panic in the city reached its peak, and countless people were running around, hoping to buy salt.

"Haven't notices been posted asking all businesses to open for business? Why is the market so depressed?"

Li Banghua was so anxious that he was a little confused about the situation.

Wang Yun was also worried at the side.

"Meng Angong, we must find a way. If this continues, the people in the city will definitely rebel. Yangzhou cannot be destroyed in your hands and mine!"

Qu Shi? He squinted his eyes and was vaguely aware of it.

"It seems that there are people in this city who don't welcome us."

Li Banghua and Wang Yun suddenly woke up.

"You mean..."

Qu Shi? But he shook his head and did not make a judgment immediately.

"We still have to test it out. In my opinion, it is better to send invitations to the major wealthy businessmen in the city and invite them to come over and have a good chat. Maybe these people have misunderstood us."

In order to stabilize the situation of a city and ensure the supply of materials, the help of businessmen is indispensable.

Especially the salt merchants in Yangzhou are all extremely wealthy and powerful. Unless they are dealt with, there will be no peace in Yangzhou.

Li Banghua pondered for a while and felt that this could only be the case.

"Come here, send invitations to each family on behalf of me. Just say that I am new here and want to make friends with each family."

Act quickly here.

Who is influential in Yangzhou City has been investigated long ago.

Therefore, one invitation after another was delivered accurately.

The game about Yangzhou City has officially begun.

Secretly, countless pairs of eyes were watching.

Let’s see whether the newly arrived Shandong regime can gain a foothold in this wealthy land.

Or will he retreat in embarrassment?

This chapter has been completed!
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